Analyzing Human Action – Paris Events

By: Zy Marquiez

As a preamble, let me just say that the power of conscious thought, be it prayer, intention, meditation, et al., is a beautiful thing. It can accomplish far-reaching and wondrous manifestations. If you haven’t researched it, do so. Books such as The Intention Experiment, The Field & The Bond by Lynne McTaggart, and The Honeymoon Effect & The Biology Of Belief, by Dr. Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D, outline what is possible in this limitless reality of ours. There are countless other books, and experiments as well.  Look it up.

Now let us segue into the core of this musing.

Recently, disastrous events took place in Paris. Many people unfortunately lost their lives. It truly is a despicably heinous act when a life is lost, yet many such unfortunate ways, even more so in such circumstances.  However, what has transgressed thereafter by folks empathizing with the situation has left me pondering much about human nature.

In various videos, social media threads and countless articles all over the internet, many people are instantly sharing the “Pray For Paris” catch phrase. The sharing of that catch phrase is not what has left me ruminating considerably. It is why people have chosen to do so that has left me in deep thought.

What makes people act? What is meant by that query is, what made people chose – if it was their choice, and not a preprogrammed response, mind you – to share the emotions the media propounds. Is it a heartfelt feeling for others? Is it concern for our fellow man? Is it out of love? Or is it something else?

At breakneck speed, hundreds of folks online are mirroring what has been shared by others, without putting too much thought to it. Why does the “Pray For Paris” catch phrase abound?

When the populace runs with something, especially when the media is involved, [and they oft are] something usually lurks behind. In this particular case, it stands to reason that the idea behind this phrase has ‘started’ so to speak, with the media.

Why is this important? Because the same media that tells us that 100+ people unfortunately died today, is the same media that does not cover the fact that over 225,000 people lose their lives in a medical system that puts profits over health. And those are extremely conservative numbers. The US health care system leaves much to be desired.  But you hear not of that anywhere in the media.

The above data has been outlined in a paper by Dr. Barbara Starfield many years ago, who was extolled for being a pundit at the John Hopkins School of Public Health. Her review published on July 26, 2000 named “Is US health really the best in the world?” was in fact published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. That particular paper can be downloaded freely as a PDF here.

Think that’s bad? It gets worse.

More recent data portends something far more ominous. A study that was conducted in 2013 by the Journal of Patient Safety estimated medical mistakes account for 210,000 to 440,000 US deaths annually.   That, and other medical misdiagnoses are covered in great in detail by article by Dr. Mercola.

Am no betting person, but am willing to wager that most people have not even heard of such statistics. Why is that? Why isn’t the media covering such life-threatening information to the populace? Ponder about that for a bit.  Really sink your teeth into that one.

Another question: why now, does the media chose to cover the latest 100+ deaths in Paris, when every year like clockwork between 225,000 to 400,000 people lose their lives conservatively, and millions more end up hurt and maimed? The latter obviously being many orders of magnitude worse, and yet you hear not a peep.

Crickets are heard instead.

Keep those facts in mind. Now let us circle back to an individual’s actions.

The individual, although powerful, follows the herd more times than one could count thus relinquishing their power.

Don’t believe me? How many times do we see avalanches of folks storming the entryway at the local Walmarts and such during the ‘retail rapture’ of Black Friday. These same folks that would never do such a thing, individually, EVER, follow the herd without a mere thought in the most disturbing form of groupthink. People have lost their lives, and countless more have been injured.

Tomorrow’s Quote Of The Day by Mark Twain outlines this best:

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

That helps narrow down one possible reason why people have shared their thoughts about Paris. Is such always the case?

What happens when the media steers the populace wrong? And don’t tell me that hasn’t happened. You are reading this blog after all, and by such action are not of an average mind at minimum, but an inquiring mind, which is quite the accomplishment these days.

For those that might not know of any such scenarios, here is one.  Over a decade ago the media told us over, and over, and over, dozens if not hundreds of times how there were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and so on and so forth. None were ever found. However, the events that transpired in our post-911 world, have cost tens of thousands of lives, and over a decade of war, and it hasn’t stopped. And all that in its nascent stages was supported by most of the people, clamoring for war in droves.

A nation was stirred like an enraged hornet’s nest, and again, without a mere second though.

What has that solved? More war? More death? More infringements on rights?

Some darker elements within our societal infrastructure did benefit.

In fact, they benefit only from chaos. Peace does not bring them untold billions in profits, and additional billions in resource control after ‘aid’ is given to those country’s that ‘chose’ to cooperate with the US geopolitical version of righteousness.

Ironic, that in this very scenario, the answer to such action will be, you guessed it, more war & more death. Will it ever stop?

Some have elucidated that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the very definition of insanity, and its seems rather reasonable.  So why are people trusting the media over and over again, when there are countless examples of their lack of respect for the truth?

Let us retrace back to actions. Individual actions.

We have seen what people do in groups. They can share a heartfelt message, or they can even blindly support horrific atrocities, by the same mechanism.

What enables such? The media, for starters. Repetition also factors much into people’s actions, which is why it is such a potent advertising technique. It doesn’t work on everyone though. The precise, deep-thinking mind of a conscious, incisive individual is incapable of being used as pawn. This boundless power is the ultimate freedom.  The power that is targeted by attempting to merge the individual into the collective glob, but that’s another musing. 

Moral of the story? Ask yourself this.

Why does one feel the need to share a message, only when the media says so, but when there are vastly more important issues out there, people bat not even an eyelash? Why do people rush to judgement of any particular issue based on what the media says, rather than exercise the ability and capacity of their own mind? Ever notice how the media rarely has balanced news? There is always an agenda, and the profit motive looms extremely large as well, which dictates what will be run by the press. That is why fear sells. Nothing spawns emotions such as fear. That’s their ace in the hole. Nothing spawns war like fear either. Are you getting it?

The media is a tool of control, which only gives you the version of reality that they deem worthy of your knowledge. If 100+ in Paris lose their lives, that is important! If 225,000 to 400,000 people lose their lives yearly, by virtue of a senseless medical system, its not important because they media didn’t say so. Isn’t that interesting? It surely is a nice comfortable reality for one to live in, but one littered with more lies than bevy of politicians.

Be honest with yourself. Are you a person that buys hook-line-and-sinker what the media says, or do you know someone that does? Or do you investigate to figure out what really takes place? Do you wonder if there are any other more important issues worthy of being reported? Do you wonder why they aren’t being reported when you do find them? Do you ever wonder who benefits from the events that took place, and from the way in which the media portrays them? Countless questions, indeed. But they need to be asked.

The great thing is, that your mind, your very consciousness allows you to put considerable thought and power behind your every action.  This precision is power that goes mostly untapped, because most operate as a machine, rather than a well oiled and cared for manual V-12 mental engine.

So when the media shares a message, relates a story, or tells you what to think, what are you going to do? Are you going to take that information at face value? Or are you going to go looking for what lies behind the curtain?

The choice is yours. It is always yours.

Remember, you can only breakaway from conventional thinking if you yourself are behind the actions you carry out.  If what you are running previous programs learned over years of life run via your subconscious mind, then you are selling yourself short.  The good thing is you can learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind.  Dr. Bruce Lipton Ph.D covers this rather poignantly.


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