Paris – Unfettered Emotions

By: Zy Marquiez

“If you controlled the meaning of The Good, and you had unlimited propaganda resources and access to the press, and if you also had control over the Armed Forces and the police, you could build a new society in short order. You could wreck centuries of tradition in a few decades. And if you had the education system in your back pocket, you could wipe out the memory of what formerly existed. No one would remember. No one would care. This is happening now, in Europe. Ignorance is enlightenment.”
Jon Rappoport, The Underground

The events in Paris has brought about a veritable constellation of emotions, and rightly so. When the unfortunate loss of life takes place, it brings about much heart rendering sorrow.

However, with much raw unencumbered emotion flying about there have been countless illogical statements bandied about.

Some of these statements have been: “If we don’t close our borders they will take our jobs and lives”, “the Muslims carried out the attack! We need to kill them all” or “We need to go to war to prevent this from happening again”. And these are just barely scratch the surface.

Let us sift through these and see what we can discern.

First one being: “If we don’t close our borders they will take our jobs and lives.”

On its face, it seems like a reasonable presumption that people from elsewhere might take your job. But how many of these people that are displaced, or are refugees, are moving because they want to move, and not because they have been forced to move? If war has plagued your country, due to Western Intervention that has gone nowhere in nigh 10+ years [or even if its “only” a few years, as if that in it of itself is okay] in your country, wherever that may be, and has left you and your family destitute, what would you do? Gamble with your lives by staying? Would you not do everything possible to aid your family? Let’s hope so.

In addition, due to our white-washed history most do not realize that decades ago [if not centuries] it was the same song, and it hasn’t changed since. In the US, it was the Irish, Italians, Cubans, and on and on and on. And would bet anything that a similar threat has been promulgated through time, in most nation’s histories.

Our planetary history is littered with human interaction. This has spawned countless issues that has been publicized and might as well be called ’21st Century Migration Issues V10.0’. That doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of problem-reaction-solution tool, otherwise known as the Hegelian Dialect.

Finally, regarding the above, most people only give a cursory view, which is mostly supplied by the mainstream and do not realize who really is spawning the chaos. Blaming refugees, people migrating/moving is like blaming a symptom for a disease.

Moving onto the next statement: “The Muslims did it!”

Once again, taking the media’s version of the truth at face value helps who? Those wishing to control the official narrative. Disseminating a particular version of the latest story, that hadn’t even had the time to be investigated fully, just because the media says so-and-so did it, only helps to further fracture the already-nervous populace that’s been taught for over a decade to be scared of the latest boogeyman, formerly Al-Qaida, and now in this case “ISIS”. Also, going after an entire race or religion, just because a select few has allegedly carried out an attack, is at worst ludicrous, especially given the penchant for false flag by many nations, and at best outright insanity given what is known of this current situation.

Recall, that the media is a pro – the favorite go-to tool of the establishment – at the divide & conquer game, and all of the myriad permutations that entails: black-white, left/right, muslim/christian, gay/straight, male/female, us/them; always a catalyst to stifle true discourse and guide global populations to more war. “Trust us, we are the media”, their unofficial dictum.

Thence we have: “We [Western nations] need to go to war [as if we haven’t been at war for nigh a century, and aren’t at war now] so we can ‘prevent’ this from happening.”

This type of statement is said without pondering that perhaps that is exactly what the comptrollers want, and expect. The idea of a righteous moral compass is bandied about quite often nowadays, but many folks fly off the handle once war, politics & religion are involved at warp speed. Emotion leads the charge, with any semblance of logic left in the background. Again, forgoing any independent/incisive thought.

Let us digress.

Thus, we are witnessing the rousing of emotions of entire nations, those of which have been molded to believe in the latest scare tactics by the media and topped off with propaganda that would make Edward Bernays proud. And all of the above led most fearful folks into demanding for more senseless death, which is incredibly unfortunate.

There is a reason logic is not mandatory in schooling, and it is because it makes people independent in nature, in mind, and be able to carry out holistic and precise thinking that allows the individual to eviscerate anything that is baseless and based in the matrix world of smoke and mirrors.

This mind-squashing manufacturing facility of a matrix makes countless people more malleable and, towing the party line. What tyrannical empire wouldn’t love that?

Distancing ourselves of emotion and applying targeted trenchant thinking in this world based on fallacies is not only prudent, but necessary.

Taking a great course in logic, or reading logic-based novels such as The Complete Sherlock Holmes volumes are a great addendum if you can manage it.

Those works were recommended by some friends, and of course, not taught in school or college. Not that the public indoctrination school system is to be trusted, especially with Common Core on its heels. Still, those novels/short stories have aided me incredibly in my attempted understanding of the current system that we live in by the way in which the author uses logic in myriad of ways.

Those are just some suggestions, besides educating yourself. It’s your job and only yours, to make sure that you are not as ill-equipped in mind/body/soul as they want you to be during these trying times. Those who wish to tap you dry for all that you are worth psychically/emotionally/spiritually will do so at all costs, and this can be seen in our daily lives. Most don’t notice it because they live such automatic lives and question not a thing when paying a huge portion of your livelihood in taxes, health, and in lost quality time to a rotten system that only gets worse and worse.

In any case, before folks continue clamoring for an iron fist, they should make sure they are not being ruled by a velvet one first. Because that one, my friends, is a vastly more insidious way in which the comptrollers rule today, and the most efficient way to get a populace to walk in lockstep, in support of additional war.

With that let’s take heed of the following.

Globalist mouthpiece Zbigniew Brzezinski, who is widely known for his presentations at Bilderberg meetings, and foresees no middle class in the future said the following in a Chatham House speech:

“…in earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, literally it was easier to control a million people, than physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. It is easier to kill, than to control…”

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