Archive for category The Red Pill Guides

Where There Is Deficiency There Is Disease [Part1] – Selenium

November 5, 2014

Despite many folks hearing that ‘you are what you eat’, what many do not realize is that even if you do have foods and vegetables that might seem healthy [i.e. it’s a vegetable, thus it must be healthy], they might still be lacking proper nutrient content due to pesticides, herbicides, GMOs and the like.

This is why as concerned individuals we should do our best to put our health in a position not only to prevent disease efficiently with proper nutrients, but to actively flourish moving forward in our lives. This can only be accomplished by making sure our bodies have the requirements they need with proper nutrients.

Enter selenium.

Selenium is an extremely powerful yet oft underreported essential trace mineral.

This mineral has been known to have prevailing antioxidant properties in many instances. The lack of selenium in your nutrition can lead to grave consequences.

Deficiencies in selenium have been linked to an assortment of diseases. Some of these include miscarriage, thyroid disease, arthritis as well as viral infections.1 Other diseases that can take place when individuals lack selenium are a variety of cancers whilst also increasing heart disease.2

Worry not though, as nature always knows a way. When selenium is taken in conjunction with Vitamin E and Vitamin C, it has been shown to mitigate free-radicals known to cause cancer and heart disease.

Other health issues and diseases that Selenium may benefit are cataracts, macular degeneration, cognitive decline, HIV, cold sores, shingles and osteoarthritis.4

With the amount of people getting disease in the world growing by the day, it’s imperative individuals take their health into their own hands. Most do not know how nutrient deficient the Standard American Diet is.

Not only is the average diet laden with genetically modified organisms, which causes many health disturbances simply by itself, but by lacking nutrients as well, people are being exposed to an insidious one-two punch – never mind the fact that people are also exposed to nocuous aspartame, fluoride, fukushima radiation, chemtrails [containing barium, aluminum & strontium, etc.], and more.

This is why the importance of a nutrient-dense diet is vital. Besides selenium supplementation, a few ways people can get selenium in their diets is by eating eggs, sunflower seeds, mustards seeds, button mushrooms and shitake mushrooms, and brazil nuts.5

Although selenium is only one of the many vitamins and minerals the body needs, by only lacking one mineral – selenium in this instance – the body is subjected to unnecessary physical hardship.

A proper nutrient balance is key, but knowing where the holes in your body’s defenses are – lacking nutrients – and how to effectively seal them will help not only prevent the onset of disease, but aid in greater health.


[5] Ibid

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The Oppresive FDA Exposed – [Part2]

November 1, 2014

[Editor’s Note]

The nefarious nature of the FDA, much like the CDC, begun to be exposed quite some time ago.  Part 1 below covers evidence of the FDA’s subversive tactics.  Part two adds more evidence to the matter at hand.

The Oppressive FDA Exposed – [Part1]


In the spirit of continuing to show the reliability [or lack thereof] of some government institutions, and the blind trust some people have of the establishment, we are going to take a deeper look at the Food & Drug Administration [FDA]

The FDA, which was founded on June 30, 1906, features on its website the slogan ‘Protecting and Promoting Your Health.’ Have they been up to the task?

Unbeknownst to the public are the plethora of instances – going back decades – in which the FDA has conducted itself directly against the American Public’s interests.

We really need to ascertain the true reputation of institutions that not only have untold power, but can also guide millions astray if we remain averse to looking at the compendium of facts.

For totality’s sake, examples of this will be quoted at length from Jeff T. Bowel’s intriguing book, The Miraculous Results Of Extremely High Doses Of The Sunshine Hormone Vitamin D3:

“In 1952, the FDA [Food & Drug Administration] tried to outlaw the introduction of anything “new” into foods and consumables unless given advance affirmative permissible by the FDA. This power grab was rejected by the courts.

“In 1957 the FDA started prosecution of vendors of “malnutrition remedies” [aka vitamins] and began using the term quack.

“In 1960 the FDA tried to limit the amount of folic acid in vitamins to .4 of a milligram even though years later this amount would be found to be too low and higher amounts were recommended for pregnant mothers to prevent neural tube defects in their newborns.

“In 1966 again the FDA tried to restrict access to vitamins by the food industry by proposing new controls on Vitamin D fortification

“In 1973 the FDA banned the sale of higher dose Vitamin A and Vitamin D Pills. This was later challenged by Linus Pauling, the Nobel Prize winning chemist, a friend of the court in a law against the FDA.

“In 1974 Congress reigned in the FDA’s overreach and forced them to regulate vitamins as food and not drugs.

“In 1976 Congress also passed a bill blocking the FDA and the drug industry’s attempts to block the sale of high dose vitamins.

“In 1977 FDA dropped its plans to require a doctor’s prescription for high dose vitamins.

“But in 1979, the FDA tried again to get some vitamins classified as non-prescription drugs…another small first step towards later banning.”

In 1992:

“The FDA with Texas state health inspectors raided vitamin retailers/health food stores across the state and seized inventories and put people in jail accusing the businessmen of making false health claims about vitamins.”

In 1993:

“FDA planned to regulate vitamins again and health claims about them.”

“Finally: in 1994 the people of the US had had enough and they forced Congress to pass the US Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act [DSHEA] which is basically “health-freedom” legislation.   DSHEA defines supplements as foods, and puts the onus on the United States Food And Drug Administration to prove that a supplement poses significant or unreasonable risk of harm rather than on the manufacturer to prove the supplement’s safety, reversing the burden of evidence required of medicines.

“In 2011, some corrupt, bought and paid for, nanny-statist US politicians tried to back door maneuver to regain control over vitamins and supplements by the FDA with their Introduction of the Dietary Supplement Labeling Act.

“Their intent was to overthrow the effect of the 1994 DSHEA law which led to consumers having accesss to dietary supplements. They wanted to change what was essentially a notification process into a costly approval process. The net effect of the proposed regulation was to reclassify many nutritional compounds currently on the market as new dietary ingredients requiring FDA approval. Luckily for the US population this recent power grab attempt also failed. But you can bet the corrupted, nanny-state politicians owned by Big Pharma will be at it again sooner or later – stay tuned.”

The above list is not exhaustive. It does however show more than ample evidence of the oppressive nature of the FDA.

Can an institution such as this going against its edict be counted on to do the right thing even though its extensive history says otherwise?

You decide.


[1] The Miraculous Results Of Extremely High Doses Of The Sunshine Hormone Vitamin D3 by Jeff T. Bowel.  Pg. 153-5.

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Mainstream Media Exposed

October 27, 2014


“Modern means of communications – the power afforded by print, telephone, wireless and so forth, of rapidly putting through directive strategic or technical conceptions to a great number of cooperating centers, of getting quick replies and effective discussion – have opened up a new world of political processes. Ideas and phrases can now be given an effectiveness greater than the effectiveness of any personality and stronger than any sectional interest.”
– H.G. Wells

“All over the place, from the populace culture to the propaganda system, there is a constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that they only role they can have is to ratify decision and consume.”
– Noam Chomsky

From the very moment the printing press came to be, the course of history was instantly altered.

Information, and more importantly ideas, now had the capability to change the breath of the land. This did not go unnoticed by those in power.

Shaping conscious thought – reality – now was possible in ways previous generations could only dream of.

Soon thereafter, propaganda would become an even more effective tool when used in conjunction with the printing press, and its latest extension – mass media.

This is why now, in our time, the CIA has had its tentacles embedded deeply within the mainstream media structure. But this is not a recent event. Since at least the 1950s or so, the CIA had people working on their payroll influencing the American public:

Why is that of importance? Because a press that is run by a separate entity such as the CIA, or a press that has to seek approval due to censorship before publishing stories is not a free press. Censorship is antithetical to the truth. This lack of truth by all mainstream networks should eviscerate any credibility they might have with the population.

An incisive quote by H.G. Wells when he wrote for the New York Times best encapsulates the ramifications of modern media:

“Modern means of communications – the power afforded by print, telephone, wireless and so forth, of rapidly putting through directive strategic or technical conceptions to a great number of cooperating centers, of getting quick replies and effective discussion – have opened up a new world of political processes. Ideas and phrases can now be given an effectiveness greater than the effectiveness of any personality and stronger than any sectional interest.”[1]

Like the kings and rulers of time past, this piercing effectiveness that communications can bring has was quickly put to use by rulers/globalists of our era.

“Like Hitler, who sought to bring individuals alienated by the Industrial Revolution and Depression into a hive-like German Volk, or united people, the globalists who control America’s mass media have attempted to bring citizens into one common worldview by the unremitting dissemination of homogenous news and information. Networks and cable channels routinely accept reports from “pool reporters, which results in many channels presenting the same version of the news.”[2]

The aforementioned statement by author and renown researcher Jim Marrs gravitates to the core of the matter succinctly.

An evolution of social control has taken place via a variety of modalities, spearheaded mainly by modern communications such as the television, the Internet, and to a lesser extent books and magazine et al. This control grid – and its endless propaganda – has locked a large portion of humanity in lockstep with the plans of the ruling powers.

This is a prime example why people must educate themselves and spend the time needed to not only learn how to think critically, but also sift through information carefully – much of it designed to distract you – in order to figure out what is pertinent and what is outright garbage. Being able to do accomplish this will mean the different between knowing the truth or living a lie.

One facet that has simplified this information lockdown has been the monopolization of Corporations that control the media. With only six media giants running the show and exercising unprecedented control, it does not take a genius to see that such a monopoly in information distribution clearly facilitates the shaping of our world.

In a society in which people do not bother to question anything, scripted stories become the daily dish du jour.

Some people seem to be waking up, based on how many people are detaching from networks such as CNBC, who recently had its viewership decline to 8-year lows.

A lot work remains to be done however. The propaganda is relentless, and the mind control and techniques employed by mass media have been ongoing for quite some time.

Only by continuously educating ourselves will we be able to figure out the lies told by the mainstream media such as when the Associated Press was caught lying about water fluoridation or when the media was caught lying [again] about supplements. Keep in mind these are only but a smidgen of the vast and elaborate falsehoods put forth by mainstream.

To finalize:

“One of our best-kept secrets is the degree to which a handful of huge corporations control the flow of information in the United States. Whether it is television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, or the Internet, a few giant conglomerates are determining what we see, hear, and read. And the situation is likely to become much worse as a result of radical deregulation efforts by the Bush administration and some horrendous court decisions,” warned Congressman Bernie Sanders, adding, “This is an issue that Congress can no longer ignore.”[3]

Such an ominous warning should be taken to heart, because our very livelihoods – and those of future generations – depend on it.

What steps will YOU take to educate yourself and others?

The choice is yours.


[1] Propaganda, by Edward Bernays.  Pg. 40
[2] The Rise Of The Fourth Reich, by Jim Marrs. Pg. 353
[3] Ibid. Pg. 365

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Big Medica Exposed – Doctors, Data & Disease

October 23, 2014


“Probably as much as 75% of the medicine of sickness is unnecessary and its cost can be avoided.”
–  Ghislaine Lanctot

As a preamble to the following post, it must be said that this is definitely not directed at the hard working honest individuals within the medical industry. Countless nurses and doctors do good work, and some are my friends. There are however, antibiotic/vaccine pushing doctors and nurses that know better but whose moral compass is broken while simultaneously there also are profit-pushing CEOs of corporations, hospitals, and vaccine manufacturers that put profits before people, and that enables a system of disease to operate for maximum rewards. In this case, profits for disease. And the more profits there are, the more diseases increases, and that is exactly the kind of Orwellian scenario that is developing with nigh no end in sight.

Many in the populace are quick to extol the virtues of Medical System, and although there are a lot of indelible achievements [lives extended, lives saved, etc.] accomplished more often than not, such is not always the case.

Latent deep within Big Medica, the finer details reveal certain issues that have not been reported much [if at all] by the mainstream media. As an example, how many people realize that prescriptions drugs are in fact 16,400% deadlier than terrorists?[1] An immediate reaction to such a statement by many would be something along the lines of ‘That’s preposterous!’, ‘Impossible!’. However, they truth would remain regardless what some wish to believe. Unfortunately, that is only the beginning.

Moreover, with prescription drugs being doled out at the tune of 4 Billion per annum , it’s no wonder that medications are injuring 1.5 Million people a year.[2][3] Not only are there 400,000 injuries that can be prevented each year at hospitals, but there are also 800,000 injuries that occur in long-term care facilities. Of all those, about 530,000 injuries occur to those that chose to use outpatient clinics and had Medicare.[4]

Interestingly enough, the fact that these mistakes result in an additional $3.5 Billion in extra medical costs does not pose much of an incentive for those interested in expanding the Medical System’s rising profits.[5][6] Amidst a medical establishment that is the most expensive in the world, it is extremely disturbing as this study by the Commonwealth Fund illustrates:

The U.S. fails to achieve better health outcomes than other countries, and as shown in the earlier editions, the U.S. is last or near last on dimensions of access, efficiency, and equity.”[7]

Knowing that, it is surely not shocking to see that our medical system really isn’t any better than a that of a third world country.[8]

Establishing those facts, perhaps it is time that people realize how flawed this ‘great’ [profits first, people second] system of medical care is in this country. Worst part is that among the current generation of women, their rate of death is actually in fact higher than that of their mothers.[9] That is one major reason why the US ranks 26th overall in the world in respect to life expectancy.[10]

With all this being known, what is a person to do? Take charge of your health for starters!

Do not live an inactive life, watching an average of 34 hours of TV per week, which limits your mobility since people just sit for hours on end and that ultimately decreases your lifespan.[11][12]

It is much better to be proactive, then reactive in life – your health is no exception. Even though many people know they should ‘eat healthy & exercise’, they seem not to care until something life-altering issue happens to them.

What are you going to do? Become a statistic? Or take control of your health?   The choice is yours, as always.


[4] ibid
[5] ibid

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Exposing Monsanto – The Biotech Tyranny Multinational Company [Part 1]

July 2, 2012

Monsanto is a BioTech Fortune 500 Company whose main focuses are Genetically Modified Seeds, crop protection chemicals, as well as plant biotechnological traits.1  It would seem that Monsanto – just like any other company would claim – has the “best” interest of its’ ‘consumer’.  Perhaps that was the case in the past, but their current track record speaks volumes which permeate otherwise.

Monsanto states on its very website that it could not exist without farmers.2  Lo and behold, in pure draconian standard, they have done nigh everything to pressure small farmers out of business – even coercing farmers into using the dangerous herbicide Round-Up.3  This conglomerate has even gone on record admiting filing 144 lawsuits againts farmers while concurrently settling another 700 cases for “patent infringement” that involves the contamination of non-genetically modified [Non-GMO] and organic crops with genetically modified traits and materials.4  Monsanto has even been sued for knowingly poisoning farmers.5

Furthermore, another disconcerting point about the Agriculture Giant’s audacious approach is the fact they have undertaken the job of attempting to assimilate as many seeds as possible without regard.  Monsanto has deemed many seeds their property through pattenting, not only in order to receive royalties but also to control nature itself, carrying out something that is arguably more insidious.6

As Rockefeller puppet and globalist Henry Kissinger stated once:

Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

Those of you who have done your homework/research and read the Federal Reserve information by Dean Henderson [and countless others, for that matter] know that, the four horsemen of Banking [Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup & Wells Fargo] own literally – the four horsemen of Oil [Exxon Mobile, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP Amoco & Chevron Texaco] thus controlling energy.7  And through the proxy Private [Un]Federal Reserve, the same Banking Cartels also control the money supply.  What does that leave? – Food.

Who is beginning to control a large portion of the food? You guessed it, Monsanto.

Succinctly stated, if the biotech company really wanted to flat out control the food supply, then they – hypothetically speaking – are doing a damned good job at it.

Monsanto now supplies 90 percent of the Genetically Engineered Seeds used in the US market.8

It is incredibly outrageous that in the United States GMO [genetically modified organisms] food is not required to be labelled, which makes it impossible to know what is in your food.9  With countless side effects that GMO foods pose, the only ways to really protect yourself and your family are by purchasing products that are labelled organic or growing them yourself.

Genetically modified foods have been shown to have detrimental side effects.

In a study conducted discussed in the International Journal of Biological Sciences in 2009, the dangers of GMO were shown quite evidently:

“There is a world-wide debate concerning the safety and regulatory approval process of genetically modified (GM) crops and foods. In order to scientifically address this issue, it is necessary to have access to toxicological tests, preferably on mammals, performed over the longest time-scales involving detailed blood and organ system analyses.”the introduction states. “For the first time in the world, we’ve proven that GMO are neither sufficiently healthy nor proper to be commercialized…Each time, for all three GMOs, the kidneys and liver, which are the main organs that react to a chemical food poisoning, had problems,” indicated Gilles-Eric Séralini, an expert member of the Commission for Biotechnology Reevaluation.10, 11

There is a surplus of information out there outlining the dangers that Monsanto imposes upon us.  Another great way to learn about this confounding company is by watching the best documentary regarding the detestable Monsanto, The World According To Monsanto by Marie-Monique Robin, which is at the bottom of this article or by clicking on the hyperlink.  It outlines some of the topics covered here and delves into many other deleterious ones as well.

If you wish to know how to help yourself and your family, please read:

“How To Avoid GMO’s.”

Don’t forget to also take a gander at:

“GMO Alert: Top 10 Genetically Modified Foods To Avoid Eating”.


[1, 2










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The Oppressive FDA Exposed – [Part 1]

By: TheRedPillGuide
June 28, 2012

There are many agencies in power whose premise is supposedly to protect a certain aspect of your life, health for instance.  The Food and Drug Administration [FDA] happens to be one of those agencies.

By their very website their charter clearly states:

“FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.”1

Some would surmise that since the FDA – with the above maxim to boot – is a Government Agency, then it must be doing its’ job.  However, nothing could be further from the truth.

A few glaring instances of their failure to follow their very adage will be presented below.  These examples implicitly dissolve the FDA’s very dictum.

Let’s now take a gander at an excerpt from the unparalleled book 63 Documents The Government Dosn’t Want You To Read by Jesse Ventura & Dick Russell.


Each year, more than 300,000 Americans are hospitalized and 5,000 die after consuming contaminated foods and beverages.  Recent high-profile outbreaks of foodborne illness have raised serious questions about FDA’s inspections process and its ability to protect the Nation’s food supply.  The Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry requested that the Office of Inspector General [OIG] review the extent to which FDA conducts food facility inspections and identifies violations.

FDA inspects food facilities to ensure food safety and compliance with regulations. During an inspection, FDA inspectors may identify potential violations of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act as well as other applicable laws and regulations.  Based on the outcome of the inspection, FDA assigns a facility one of three classifications: official action indicated [OAI], voluntary action indicated [VAI], or no action indicated [NAI].  In addition, FDA may choose to change a facility’s initial classification to another classification under certain circumstances.

FDA relies on several approaches to determine whether a facility corrected the violations found by inspectors.  FDA may review evidence provided by a food facility describing any completed corrective actions.  FDA may also reinspect a facility to verify that corrections were made.


On average, FDA inspects less than a quarter of food facilities each year, and the number of facilities inspected has declined over time.  Between the fiscal years [FY] 2004 & 2008, FDA inspected annually an average of 24 percent of the food facilities subject to its inspection.  Except for a few instances, there are no specific guidelines that govern the frequency with which inspections should occur.  Further, the number of food facilities that FDA inspected declined between FY’s 2004 & 2008, even as the number of food facilities increased.  In addition, the number of inspections of facilities that have been desginated by FDA as “high risk” has also declined.  FDA officials noted the overall decline in FDA inspections was largely due to a decline in staffing levels.

Fifty-six percent of food facilities have gone 5 or more years without an FDA inspection.  FDA identified 51,229 food facilities that were subject to inspection and were in business from the start of FY 2004 until the end of FY 2008.  Of these, 56 percent were not inspected at all, 14 percent were inspected a single time, and the remaining 30 percent were inspected two or more times.  If FDA does not routinely inspect food facilities, it is unable to guarantee that these facilities are complying with applicable laws and regulations.

The number of facilities that received OAI classifications has declined over time.  The number of inspected facilities that received OAI classsficiations decreased from 614 in FY 204 to 283 in FY 2008.  The percentage of facilities that received OAI classifications also dropped from nearly 4 percent to nearly 2 percent during this 5-year period.  In addition, nearly three-quarters of the facilities that received OAI classifications in FY 2008 had a history of violations.  Two percent of facilities that received OAI classifications refused to grant FDA officials access to their records.

FDA took regulatory action againts 46 percent of the facilities with initial OAI classifications; for the remainder, FDA either lowered the classification or took no regulatory action.  In FY 2007, a total of 446 facilities initialy received OAI classifications.  FDA took regulatory action against 46 percent of these facilities.  For the remainder, FDA lowered the OAI classification for 29 percent and took no regulatory action for 25 percent.

For 36 percent of the facilities with OAI classifications in FY 2007, FDA took no additional steps to ensure that the violations were corrected.  In FY 2007, 280 facilities received OAI classifications that were not lowered by FDA.  For 36 percent of these facilities, FDA did not reinspect them within a year of the inspection or review other evidence provided by facilities to ensure that the violations were corrected.2

As can be gathered by the information above, the FDA has had an extremely questionable modus operandi for starters.  Their failure to act in many circumstances against violating facilities not only shows their lack of initiative to tackle issues that are imperative, but in addition also showcases the downright negligence to carry out their charter, which poses a great threat to the American public’s health.

The fact that the FDA does not also have the manpower to conduct its much needed operations is no excuse for the poor inspection performance either.

In addition to their lassitude in face of violations, the FDA has also undertaken a censorship operation in attacking walnuts, not only claiming they pose no health benefits, but also stating them to be “unapproved drugs.”3 In fact there is plentiful evidence that points to the contrary.Not only have walnuts been shown to help againts osteoporosis, but its also been shown to safeguard againts cancer.5

Now why would the FDA undertake a campaign against a food that helps fight cancer?  Was that just one case in which they attacked by ‘coincidence’ a beneficial food, or are there other examples of this?  Do they have an agenda we do not know about?  Is there additional evidence of this?  We will continue to ask questions and dig deeper into the FDA’s hazardous track record.

For now, always remember, healthy skepticism never hurt anybody.  And always make sure to do your research irrespective of topic – it can only be beneficial.


Sources for this article:


[2] 63 Document’s The Government Does Not Want You To Read.  Jesse Ventura & Dick Russell.  Skyhorse Publishing.  New York.  2011.  p.146, 147, 148.




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Unveiling The Lies Of Neotame

By: TheRedPillGuide

The Red Pill Guide – Neotame

Upon laying a strong foundation in respect to what type of nonsense takes place unabated in our food with Aspartame, let us now move forward and dig deeper into it’s respective cousin – Neotame.

In similar fashion to Aspartame, Neotame, which is a chemical derivative of the prior, incorporates components that are metabolized into formaldehyde, a highly noxious poison, and an excitotoxic amino acid that agitates thereby damaging, nerves.

Keep in mind, aspartame currently accounts for over 75% of all side effects complaints received by the FDA’s Adverse Reaction Monitoring System [ARMS] for the past 4 years.  A Monsanto-created chemical, Neotame has nigh the same composition, and in fact could be far worse.

Once their patent for Aspartame was expiring, Monsanto opted to develop Neotame and therein had no trouble gaining approval in 2002 from the FDA.

It is theorized that the artificial sweetener Neotame is between 7,000 to 13,000 times sweeter than sugar, and 30-60 times sweeter than aspartame.  This would thus allow manufacturers to use an infinitesimal amount of this substance within their product.

Due to the fact that the FDA requires no lables whatsoever of ingredients which contributes less than 1% of their product, in some instances the neurotoxin Neotame can be used in foods without therein having to be subsequently listedon the lable.  Also, Neotame is surreptitiously concealed within the questionable “natural flavors” section on some packaged foods.

This highly concentrated, white crystalline powder contains the same synthetic derivative of the two amino acids as aspartame – L-aspartic acid and L-phenylalanine – plus the chemical methanol, or wood alcohol. To this compound 3-dimethylbutyl has been added. NutraSweet Company states that neotame is perfectly safe, yet 3-dimethylbutyl happens to be on the Environmental Protection Agency’s [EPA] most hazardous chemical list.

In a letter written to the FDA in March 3, 1998, Dr. Robert – who is a physician & director of the Palm Beach Institute for Medical Research – stated the following:

“I am writing to express my extreme opposition to approving the Food Additive Petition for Neotame submitted by Monsanto Company.

It is my professional opinion that this chemical poses a potential major health and environmental hazard to the American public — particularly in the absence of extensive, detailed and long term animal and human studies [which I have been unable to obtain] that could prove its safety to my satisfaction. I am a Board-certified internist, and have been the unsalaried director of the Palm Beach Institute for Medical Research [not-for-profit] since 1964.

This opinion is based on more than a decade of intense, corporate-neutral clinical and epidemiological research concerning the widespread serious medical problems directly attributable to products containing aspartame [NutraSweet, Equal]. My own database currently exceeds 1,150 reactors. I have documented these reactions in more than a score of published articles and letters, and three books.

The fundamental issue is that Neotame, a synthetic variation of aspartame, requires extensive evaluation before the FDA should accept a superficial opinion about its purported safety based largely on limited short-term data involving potentially flawed protocols that were almost totally funded by corporate contracts. [For perspective, I have not received a cent of industry money for my researches.] This matter is discussed at length in my publications relative to both animal and human studies.

The timing and self-serving corporate interests of this petition are suggested by the fact that the patent off aspartame expired several years ago.

The approval of any analog of aspartame for human use MUST be challenged. In my opinion, there is already sufficient evidence for aspartame products to be withdrawn from the market as an “imminent public health hazard” NOW! I have documented severe neurological, intellectual, psychiatric, metabolic, endocrine, allergic and other reactions to aspartame products in hundreds of patients. Moreover, there is considerable reason to invoke aspartame and its metabolites as a cause of significant contributory factor in the aggravation of precipitation of diabetes and its complications, multiple sclerosis, brain cancer [see enclosed peer-reviewed article], and the acceleration of Alzheimer’s disease [refer to my book ‘DEFENSE AGAINST ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE’]. I summarized these perceived hazards in previous correspondence to Representative Newt Gingrich [copy enclosed] requesting a new Congressional hearing on the safety of aspartame products.”

Two years before the FDA approved neotame, the Monsanto Co. sold the NutraSweet Co. to J.W. Childs Equity Partners II, L.P., a private equity firm that also own the Sunny Delight Beverage Co. and Mattress Firm, among other companies. At the time of this purchase, NutraSweet issued a press release bragging about how neotame would drastically change the sweetener industry, even though it had not yet been approved for use.

Commenting on the company’s plans for neotame, Nick E. Rosa, a former senior vice president at Monsanto who was given the position of president and CEO of NutraSweet at the time the company transferred ownership to J.W. Childs, had this to say:

“The NutraSweet Company revolutionized the sweetener industry in 1981 with the introduction of aspartame, and we intend to do it again with neotame when we receive approval from various regulatory agencies around the world.”

Just as predicted, NutraSweet strong-armed FDA approval for neotame in the U.S. in 2002, and quickly expanded approval to at least 69 other countries in the following decade. But the company presumably still has a lot of work to do if it hopes to bring neotame to the same level as aspartame, which is sold in more than 100 countries and used in more than 5,000 consumers products used by 250 million people worldwide.

Both Aspartame and Neotame contain substances that are metabolized into formaldehyde, a highly toxic poison, and an excitotoxic amino acid that agitates, thereby damaging, nerves.

At the time Neotame was originally approved by the FDA,, which battles the addition of many dodgy food additives, stated:

We did a search of MedLine to find studies of adverse effects or side effects of Neotame. Only four studies appeared, two of which were not studies, and the other two of which were actually a single study done by NutraSweet company researchers.

Feingold aptly described one of the nonstudies as effectively saying, “If we don’t look, we won’t know anything bad.” The other, by the World Health Organization, is not a look at potential toxicity, but rather is about setting acceptable daily intakes of Neotame, along with other artificial sweeteners. Note: One must wonder how the FDA justifies non-listing of an ingredient for which there’s an acceptable daily intake.

Mary Nash Stoddard, founder of the Aspartame Consumer Safety Network, compared the historic arc of tobacco company research with that of Aspartame. It applies equally well to Neotame:

There is a parallel issue with which to compare the Aspartame issue. That of cigarettes and the deadly effects of smoking. The massive Tobacco Industry was able to produce large volumes of scientific studies showing smoking “does not” cause: lung cancer, heart disease, strokes or death. Today, mainstream science accepts the fact that smoking can be deadly and addictive. So it is with Aspartame & Neotame, whose approval was based, not on scientific fact, but as an issue of public policy.

So what are possible alternatives?

Stevia is an herb that has been used as a sweetener in South America for hundreds of years. It is calorie–free, and the powdered concentrate is 300 times sweeter than sugar. It is widely used all over the world. In Japan, for example, it claims 41% of the sweetener market, including sugar, and was used in Japanese Diet Coke until the company replaced it with aspartame to “standardize” worldwide.

Another possibility is Palm Sugar. Palm sugar is a nutrient-rich, low-glycemic crystalline sweetener that looks, tastes, dissolves and melts almost exactly like sugar, but it’s completely natural and unrefined. It’s acquired from the flowers growing high on coconut trees, which are opened to collect their liquid flower nectar. This nectar is then air-dried to form a crystalline sugar that’s naturally brown in color and naturally rich in a number of key vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, including potassium, zinc, iron, and vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6.

It is never refined or bleached like white sugar.  So the nutrients it was made with are still there. That’s rare for sweeteners, most of which are highly refined. Even stevia is highly refined in its white powder form [real stevia is a green herb].

Lastly there is Xylitol, which has been shown to have many health benefits, yet few know of its healing power to prevent ear infections in children. It inhibits bacterial growth thus helping to avoid the use of dangerous antibiotics.

Xylitol is a natural low-calorie, low-glycemic sugar substitute produced from the fibers of fruits, vegetables, and trees such as plums, raspberries, corn, and birch. Xylitol is as sweet as sugar and can be used safely by diabetics. As xylitol is a mild sugar alcohol, excessive consumption over 30 grams per day can cause a temporary laxative effect that disappears with continued use as the body adapts. It is also important to find a source of xylitol that is GMO free if made from corn.

The best way to avoid illnesses is by avoiding the products that cause them.  After many years of researching Aspartame, I have come to realize this is one of the main engines of disease.

After a step back when one takes a focused look into the subject at hand, one comes to realize that the evidence is undeniable.

I implore you to take a gander, and really understand the gravity of the situation.  Your health and that of your loved ones depends on it.

P.S. If this resonates with you and you would like to know more about other similar issues, make sure to take a gander at other Red Pill Guides:

The Red Pill Guide – Aspartame

The Red Pill Guide – Fluoride


Sources & Additional Links: 

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The Truth Behind The Toxic & Dangerous Sweetener Aspartame

For quite a long time there has been much speculation and suspicion regarding the true nature of aspartame.

With that said, there has been a preponderance of evidence that has seeped through and come forth into a totality of undeniable facts that cannot be ignored any longer.

Aspartame is, by far, the most dangerous substance on the market that is added to foods.

Over a billion people consume aspartame in their foods and beverages across the world, believing it to be a safe ingredient, but what they probably don’t know is that aspartame currently accounts for over 75% of all side effects complaints received by the FDA’s Adverse Reaction Monitoring System [ARMS] for the past 4 years.

Many of these reactions are very serious including seizures and death. A few of the different documented symptoms listed in the report as being caused by aspartame include: Headaches/migraines, dizziness, birth defects, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain.

The FDA knows 92 potential side effects, which were submitted to them on April 20th 1995 by the Department of Health & Human Services, for aspartame.

At one point, Aspartame was even considered by the Department of Defense [DOD] as a potential biological-warfare neurotoxin.

Besides knowing this, Donald Rumsfeld pushed it out into the stores in over 5,000 at the time when he was CEO of Searly, which eventually was sold to the multi-national Monsanto.  The number of products in which Aspartame is included has increased to approximately 6000 since then.   As many of you may know, Monsanto is a completely other monster that is part of the global food-control scheme and was also named the worst company of 2011.

Aspartame or many products which contain it have been banned all over the world, especially where there is a national healthcare system in place.

Aspartame is best known by the brand names NutraSweet, Equal, Sweet One and Spoonful.  This toxic compound is also used in Extra Gum, Equal, NutraSweet, Diet Pepsi, SlimFast, Diet Coke, Orbit Gum, Juicy Fruit, Gavison, Splenda, as well as many other products.
Aspartame is asynthetic chemical combination which is comprised of approximately 50% phenylalanine, 40% aspartic acid, and 10% methanol. Aspartame is found in thousands of foods, drinks, candy, gum, vitamins, health supplements and even pharmaceuticals.

Each of the three ingredients in Aspartame poses its own dangers and each is well documented as causing a long list of side effects and dangerous health conditions. Watch for the ingredient Acesulfame Potassium, which is just another name for Aspartame.  Also keep in mind a cousin of Aspartame, which goes by the name of Neotame.

Phenylalanine: Even a single use of Aspartame raises the blood phenylalanine levels. High blood phenylalanine can be concentrated in parts of the brain and isespecially dangerous for infants and fetuses. Because it is metabolized much more efficiently by rodents than humans, testing and research on rats alone is not sufficient enough to denounce the dangers of Aspartame for human consumption. Excessive levels of phenylalanine in the brain cause serotonin levels to decrease, leading to emotional disorders like depression.

Aspartic Acid: Aspartic acid is considered anexcito-toxin, which means it over stimulates certain neurons in the body until they die. Much like nitrates and MSG, aspartic acid can cause amino acid imbalances in the body and result in the interruption of normal neurotransmitter metabolism of the brain.

Methanol becomes Formaldehyde [Embalming fluid]: The most prominent danger of Aspartame is that when ingested, the methanol [wood alcohol] is distributed throughout the body, including the brain, muscle, fat and nervous tissues, and is then metabolized to form formaldehyde, which enters cells and binds to proteins and genetic material [DNA]. Methanol is a dangerous neurotoxin and a known carcinogen, which causes retinal damage in the eye, interferes with DNA processes, and can cause birth defects.

According to the Conference of the American College of Physicians, ‘We are talking about a plague of neurological diseases caused by this deadly poison”. Dr. Roberts realized what was happening when ASPARTAME was first marketed. He said “his diabetic patients presented memory loss, confusion, and severe vision loss.” At the Conference of the American College of Physicians, doctors admitted that they did not know. They had wondered why seizures were rampant [the phenylalanine in ASPARTAME breaks down the seizure threshold and depletes serotonin, which causes manic depression, panic attacks, rage, and violence].

There is no way that Monsanto, who is also the creator of the highly toxic defoliant Agent Orange, which was used in Vietnam as a part of a herbicidal warfar program, does NOT know the side effects of Aspartame.  They must know the dangers of this toxic asynthetic chemical. 

Monsanto funds the American Diabetes Association, American Dietetic Association, and the Conference of the American College of Physicians. The New York Times, on November 15, 1996, ran an article on how the American Dietetic Association takes money from the food industry to endorse their products. Therefore, they can not criticize any additives or tell about their link to Monsanto.

Dr. Roberts says “consuming Aspartame at the time of conception can cause birth defects.” The phenylalanine concentrates in the placenta, causes mental retardation, according to Dr. Louis Elsas, Pediatrician Professor of Genetics, at Emory University in his testimony before Congress.

So what are possible alternatives?

Stevia is an herb that has been used as a sweetener in South America for hundreds of years. It is calorie–free, and the powdered concentrate is 300 times sweeter than sugar. It is widely used all over the world. In Japan, for example, it claims 41% of the sweetener market, including sugar, and was used in Japanese Diet Coke until the company replaced it with aspartame to “standardize” worldwide.

Another possibility is Palm Sugar. Palm sugar is a nutrient-rich, low-glycemic crystalline sweetener that looks, tastes, dissolves and melts almost exactly like sugar, but it’s completely natural and unrefined. It’s acquired from the flowers growing high on coconut trees, which are opened to collect their liquid flower nectar. This nectar is then air-dried to form a crystalline sugar that’s naturally brown in color and naturally rich in a number of key vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, including potassium, zinc, iron, and vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6.

It is never refined or bleached like white sugar.  So the nutrients it was made with are still there. That’s rare for sweeteners, most of which are highly refined. Even stevia is highly refined in its white powder form [real stevia is a green herb].

Lastly there is Xylitol, which has been shown to have many health benefits, yet few know of its healing power to prevent ear infections in children. It inhibits bacterial growth thus helping to avoid the use of dangerous antibiotics.

Xylitol is a natural low-calorie, low-glycemic sugar substitute produced from the fibers of fruits, vegetables, and trees such as plums, raspberries, corn, and birch. Xylitol is as sweet as sugar and can be used safely by diabetics. As xylitol is a mild sugar alcohol, excessive consumption over 30 grams per day can cause a temporary laxative effect that disappears with continued use as the body adapts. It is also important to find a source of xylitol that is GMO free if made from corn.

Keep in mind, the best way to avoid illnesses is by avoiding the products that cause them.  After many years of researching Aspartame, I have come to realize this is one of the main engines of disease.

The facts speak for themselves.  Ample evidence is abound for those that care to look.

A myriad of reasons for rampant diseases can be postulated, and I have no doubt that at the center Aspartame will lie, as the delectable & stealthy toxin, right in the center assisting Big Pharma with profits carved right from this Devil’s Poison.

One of the main ways one can change heatlh is by changing detrimental habits.  It might not be easy, but it can be done.  I have seen many do it and I have done it myself.

Do your research because your health depends on it.  The sources below are great starting points.



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The Lies Behind Fluoride

The establishment claims that fluoride helps tooth decay.  Yet, the deeper one delves into the totality of facts and history behind this topic, the more one’s very innards churn wondering what really is going on.

Let us get down to the core issues regarding this topic.

About 66% of the public drinking water in the United States is fluoridated.  Conversely, 98% of all of Europe has rejected water fluoridation and their children’s teeth are just as healthy if not better.

Fluoride has been duplicitously advertised as a method to fight cavities for decades.  However, there have been countless studies that have taken place over the years that have identified that fluoride is in fact a neurotoxin.

This soluble salt has been linked to a variety of accute, and severely chronic health issues.

Mainly, there are two types of Fluoride – Calcium Fluoride and Sodium Fluoride.

Calcium Fluoride actually appears naturally in underground water sources and even seawater.

Sodium Fluoride, on the other hand, is a synthetic industrial waste product of the nuclear, aluminum, and phosphate fertilizer industries.  This particular type of fluoride has an amazing capability to combine and increase the potency of other toxic materials.  The sodium fluoride obtained from industrial waste and added to water supplies is also already contaminated with lead, aluminum, and cadmium.

Various permutatins of Sodium Fluoride are also in many insecticides for homes and pesticides for crops.  In some instances, it is even added to baby foods and bottled waters.

It damages the liver and kidneys, weakens the immune system, creates sysmptoms that mimic fibromyalgia, and performs as a Trojan Horse to carry aluminum across the blood brain barrier.  The latter is recognized as a source of the notorious “dumbing down” with lower IQ’s and Alzheimer’s effects of fluoride.

Some other side effects of fluoride include lower IQ, mental retardation, brain damage, skeletal fluorosis, increased bone fractures, genetic damage, dental fluorosis, gastrointestinal disturbances, and the pineal gland has been also shown to be the primary target of fluoride.  Fluoride also has the potential to deteriorate thyroid function.

Additional dangers of fluoride include cancer, hormone disruption and even premature births.
Another point to keep in mind is that fluoride was additionally found to lower sperm count, estrogen and testosterone levels.

Recently, Sodium Fluoride has even been linked to the number one cause of death – cardiovascular disease – which in 2008 killed 17 million people.

Fluoride given to rats produced bone cancer and liver cancer and the results were doctored to make it look like fluoride had not caused as much cancer.

The Government itself has even admited fluoride was hurting children.

Fluoride is so dangerous that in one rare instance, there was a chemical spill at a treatment facility in Rock Island, III., which required emergency crews to use hazmat suits – the very same type of suits being used by the workers that were involved in the Fukushima Nuclear Plant in Japan.  Upon spilling, the chemical actually began smoldering through parking lot cement.

In fact, Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Arvid Carlson and a large group of EPA scientists have called for the banning of fluoride because we do not have any way of knowing how much we are ingesting and we do not know if we are being poisoned.  Hundreds of audacious dentists have spoken out againts water fluoridation as well.

The journal Environmental Health Perspectives pre-published a study confirming that brain damage occurs in children who have been subjected to fluoridated water.

Paul Connet, Ph.D., director of the Fluoride Action Network [FAN] stated, “This is the 24th study that has found this association, but this study is stronger than the rest because the authors have controlled for key confounding variables and in addition to correlating lowered IQ with levels of fluoride in the water, the authors found a correlation between lowered IQ and fluoride levels in children’s blood.  This brings us closer to a cause and effect relationship between fluoride exposure and brain damage in children.”

The study that took place in the two Chinese villages included 512 children from the age 8-13 years.  The village of Wamaio displayed an aveage of 2.47 mg/L water fluoridation [range 0.57-4.50 mg/L] while the village of Xinhuai showed and average of 0.36 mg/L [range 0.18-0.78 mg/L].

“What is also striking is that the levels of the fluoride in the community where the lowered IQs were recorded were lower than the EPA’s so-called ‘safe’ drinking water standard for fluoride of 4 ppm and far too close for comfort to the levels used in artificial fluoridation programs [0.7 – 1.2 ppm],” said Connett.

Furthermore, Science and Health Officer at FAN, Tara Blank, Ph.D, went on record stating “This should be the study that finally ends water fluoridation.”

Another disconcerting consideration includes the fact that the main ingredient in rat poison is sodium fluoride.    In fact, since the late 1800s, fluoride even began being used in rat poison and insecticides.

The main concern of many regarding this topic is the fact that there is such immense water fluoridation taking place.  Rewinding a bit, the first occurrence of fluoridated drinking water on Earth was found in Germany’s Nazi prison camp.  The Gestapo had little concern about fluoride’s supposed effect on children’s teeth; their alleged reason for mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force the people in their concentration camps into calm submission.
The following is an excerpt of a letter received by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee Wisconsin, on October 2nd 1954, from Mr. Charles Perkins, a chemist:

“In the 1930’s, Hitler and the German Nazi’s envisioned a world to be dominated and controlled by a Nazi philosophy of pan-Germanism.  The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass-control which was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff.  This plan was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies.  By this method they could control the population in whole areas, reduce population by water medication that would produce sterility in women, and so on.  In this scheme of mass-control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place.

“Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual’s power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him.  [A convenient light lobotomy]

“The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children’s teeth.  If this were the real reason, there are many ways in which it could be done that are much easier, cheaper, and far more effective.  The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty.”

Russians were also staunch supporters of the use of fluoride and implemented it into their prison camps as a tranquilizer many decades ago.

Would it not be healthier and more efficient to supplement water with something more advantageous and safe such as vitamins to promote overall health instead of putting such a toxic chemical such as sodium fluoride in the water?

Due to all the evidence amassed by all the researchers and doctors involved in the studies of fluoride we can discern that fluoride causes far more problems than it solves.

Something is amyss here.

We need to ask ourselves, knowing all of the aforementioned facts regarding fluoride, is it really possible that water fluoridation is being done for the right reasons, when people already buy their own toothpaste?

Sodium Fluoride is the most toxic ionic molecule outside of potassium dichormate.  The addition of such an outright noxious compound in [y]our water supply is beyond insane.

There is hope though.  By the end of 2011, 37 communities had voted to end water fluoridation in the United States.  How many will follow these setps in 2012?

Southampton Officials voted againts the water fluoridation scheme.  Alaska passed ordinance to end its water fluoridation program.  One Nashville suburb officially ended its water fluoridation.  A Philadelphia exurb ended water fluoridation, and College Station, Tex., put an end to water fluoridation.  These are only some of the many places taking initiative against the fluoride dilemma.

Knowing this, what is naturally the next step?  For starters, that would be to avoid fluoride contamination.

The first step in detoxifying is to curb taking in toxins. Purifying water by reverse osmosis or distillation in fluoridated water communities is a good start to slowing down your fluoride contamination. Distillation comes with a bit of controversy, as all the minerals are removed. A great mineral supplement such as Fulvic Acid [not folic acid] or unsulfured blackstrap molasses is recommended if you distill your water.

Avoiding sprayed, commercially grown foods while consuming organic or locally grown foods is another big step. Watch out for processed foods such as instant tea, grape juice products, and soy milk for babies. They all contain high concentrations of sodium fluoride. So do many pharmaceutical “medicines.”  By minimizing your sodium fluoride intake, your body can begin eliminating the fluorides in your system slowly.

Magnesium is a very important mineral that many are lacking. Besides being so important in the metabolism and synthesis of nutrients within your cells, it also inhibits the absorption of fluoride into your cells!  Along with magnesium, calcium seems to help attract the fluorides away from your bones and teeth, allowing your body to eliminate those toxins. So during any detox efforts with fluoride, it is essential that you include a healthy supplemental dose of absorbable calcium/magnesium as part of the protocol.

Moreover, Iodine supplementation has been clinically demonstrated to increase the urine irrigation of sodium fluoride from the body as calcium fluoride. The calcium is robbed from your body, so make sure you are taking effective calcium and magnesium supplements.  Lecithin is recommended as an adjunct to using iodine for eliminating fluorides.

Iodine is another nutrient lacking in most diets and causing hypothyroid symptoms of lethargy or metabolic imbalances. Eating lots of seafood for iodine has it’s constantly rising mercury hazards. Seaweed foods andiodine supplements that combine iodine and potassium iodide are highly recommended over sea food by most.

Tamarind, originally indigenous to Africa but migrated into India and Southeast Asia, has been used medicinally in Ayurvedic Medicine. The pulp, bark, and leaves from the tree can be converted to teas and strong tinctures, which have also shown the ability to eliminate fluorides through the urine.

Liver Cleanses are considered effective for eliminating fluorides and other toxins. There are two types of liver cleansing, both of which can be performed easily at home over a week or two of time. One of the protocols focuses on the liver itself, and the other cleanses the gall bladder, which is directly connected with liver functions. Simple instructions for both can be found on line with search engine inquiries.

Boron was studied in other parts of the world with pronounced success for fluoride detoxification. Borox, which contains boron, has a history of anecdotal success for detoxifying sodium fluoride. Yes, this is the borox you can find in the laundry aisles of some supermarkets. It needs to be taken in with pure water in small quantities.

As little as 1/32 of a teaspoon to 1/4 of a teaspoon in one liter of water consumed in small quantities throughout the day is what has been demonstrated as safe and effective. Around 1/8 of a teaspoon with a pinch of pure sea salt in a liter consumed in small quantities daily has been reported to have dramatic results. There is the possibility of a food grade version with sodium borate, if you can find it.

Dry Saunas combined with exercise releases sodium fluoride stored in fatty tissues. It can be intense enough to cause side effects or an occasional healing crisis. So keep the pure water intake high and drink some chickweed tea to protect the kidneys while using a highly absorbable cal/mag supplement. Lecithin is another useful adjunct to this protocol for fluoride detoxification.

There is a myriad of additional information outthere regarding fluoride.  For the well being of you and yours, I heed you to take time to research this and many other imperative topics.  Overwhelming scientific evidence is right at the tip of your fingertips.  All it takes is time and patience – education is key.

Everyone deserves the truth – no matter where it leads.  Always do your own due dillegence and do not ever take anything for granted.


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