
Am am just an individual trying to help you clear the veil of lies that has been so cleverly webbed by the paid-for and proxy disinformation specialists known as the Main Stream Media.

We live in the world of endless propaganda, constant fear mongering, and overwhelming disinformation.  However, there is still much truth to be had out there.  This is why this platform has been created, in order to share information that I have found pertinent due to the issues that we face as a race.

My hope for this experiment in truth, is to aid you in breaking apart the matrix of deceit that has been carefully constructed around our daily lives, in order to form a more sound, clear and educational platform for all of us to learn while educating ourselves and others constantly.  Subsequently, we’ll be able to use this knowedge not only to protect our health, finances, and way of life, but also to be able to help others in the process.

If the links that have been shared on this website resonate with you, then please share them with others.

For a more in depth reason as to why I do what I do, please read “Web Of Deceit”



  1. #1 by Susan on July 25, 2012 - 2:33 am

    Thanks for your work! Just want to put another learning tool out there because it’s great to know of others with similar goals of helping and improving life on Earth…Earth Justice, which is a great resource for educating the public and protecting our earth and it’s people from big corporations. Check it out if you haven’t already and pass it on!


  2. #2 by cissyblue on September 7, 2012 - 8:48 pm

    What is going on here… a re-post of a July entry??? It’s September, and I am really ready to hear from you, please? Hope you are okay, Miss M, your friend in Texas, CissyBlue

  1. Honeybee Deaths Linked to Corn Insecticides « metaretriever

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