The Individual – The Foundation Of Society

“They [conformists] think society wiser than their soul, and know not that one soul, and their soul, is wiser than the whole world…Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members….Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist…. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson


By: Zy Marquiez

The collective is often promulgated as the vanguard of society – the gears that keep society moving forward. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Choice, and choice alone, is what allows the pillars of society to maintain themselves atop. Without choice, nothing could be accomplished. Who holds the ability to make choices? The individual.   This fact makes individual consciousness the bulls-eye in the boundless reality we life in the eye of the powers that shouldn’t be.

On a daily basis, individuals are swamped with meaningless information, much of which is designed to keep the collective stagnant, and the individual’s mind overwhelming docile.

In large part the media plays a very incisive/essential role in reality the Matrix. They hold the keys to the kingdom, they narrate what is, and isn’t, and they and only they know what’s ‘good’ for you’. You, being the group, should just follow the lead. Questioning anything is ludicrous. Have you seen how people that say anything that differs with popular opinion are treated? And yet, is the collective that rush towards the cliff unknowingly.

A fitting axiom for this is: “The mind of one free thinker can possess a million ideas. A million fanatics can have their minds possessed by a single idea.”

Ultimately, the individual is the one that gives the media its power.

How is this accomplished? Attention. At its base, attention given to the presstitutes allows the media to profit whilst also infusing the populace’s brain with the latest and greatest agenda. The individual, however, can always detach.

Besides profit, there is the ever present and relentless memes that the media melds into its nightly account of what the news is, and that is the teeth of the monster. This make it seem like the media is the gateway to knowledge – the top of the pyramid. This is a fallacy, however.

The vortex of truth, the grid of reality, the constellation of individuality all center upon the ultimate weapon – consciousness. Without consciousness, everything disappears. And who holds said consciousness? The individual.

Individuals are the foundation out of which society functions. Communities, institutions, corporations, governments & churches all gain their power from the individual. Without the individual the collective cannot even exist.

Without the individual, the media would not only have no one to expound the latest news towards, but also nobody to brainwash in the process.

As mentioned earlier, the individual has is the ability of free choice. This is often hijacked in a sophisticated and surreptitious way, to make the individual think they are choosing. An example of this is the duopoly.

What is the duopoly? It is ultimate illusion of choice. Some of the best examples of this are: pepsi/coke, christianity/islam, republicans/democrats, east/west, and many other underhanded subtle permutations that control our daily lives.

If the individual thinks he is has the illusion of choice, he believes he holds the power. But in most categories, the individual has been given a constellation of empowering information information from a limited box from which to choose from. With narrow, and very constricted choices at that. Politics is the epitome of this.

This remains largely unnoticed since it is a lifelong process by which people have been mold into giving way their power. A sinister example of this takes place in schooling.

If you are reading this blog, there is a reasonable assumption that you realize that the modern public school system leaves a lot to be desired is absolutely useless nowadays.

An example of reality reduction is this: Imagine yourself in school, and taking the classic multiple choice test. Instead of allowing the student to show mastery of the subject, and answering the questions with the best possible answers, the individual is automatically put in a box, asked to choose from multiple choices, of which one is already the correct one. You see, reality doesn’t exist beyond those four choices. Heaven forbid one was actually allowed to use mental precision and answer a question in complete sentences. To show reason and logic.

By constant repetition and intrinsic simplicity, not only is one’s mind unable to stretch itself to the rims of subject mastery, but this essentially creates an automaton out of the individual – a person cog in the machine that merely regurgitates information when asked, rather than an individual who thinks for him/her self and is always at the tip of the spear, ready for action. Prepared for whatever life bring them, and not reactive to situation.

There is a great saying: “Knowledge is power. Lack of knowledge is knack of power.” A corollary to this would be: Choices allow individual power. Lack of choices create lack of power.

By shrinking and pummeling reality at every turn giving us whatever version of the news is convenient/profitable for the comptrollers, the magician behind the curtain systematically curtails the individual’s mental faculties.

The individual must deftly identify all that is inimicable in their environment, and proceed accordingly. He must sharpen his mental/psychological/physical/spiritual blades to be up to the challenge – whatever daily challenge is strew upon his environs.

The establishment states the economy is great? The individual realizes that it’s a controlled decent at the moment, not buying the propaganda. The establishment says politicians will solve the latest issue? The individual realizes politicians are one the current social issues. The establishment expounds that cancer is on the rise, and we must ‘race for the cure’? The individual realizes many forms to eviscerate and cure cancer, and better yet, knows how to prevent it in the first place. The establishment states that vaccines are needed for the latest flu season. The individual is extremely skeptical of such a thing, because he realizes that the CDC has been constantly caught lying, and is untrustworthy; he also realizes that there is evidence here, here, here, here, here, and here that ultimately destroys the official storyline. The establishment is recommending one go spend money on black Friday! The individual realizes that finances should be used selectively, because only he will ultimately be responsible for their own financial wellbeing. The establishment states that terrorism is on the rise. The individual is skeptical due to the historical media inconsistences regarding this topic and false flags that have taken place, but is always prepared and armed, because he realizes being unarmed automatically makes you a victim if death comes knocking on your door.

And lastly, the establishment states that the individual must be sacrificed at the altar of the collective.
But the individual realizes that he is the roots of the collective, and no group, no system, no institution nor government can exist without him.

Is there a greater power than that?

Let us finalize with some wise words by an esteemed reporter/researcher:

“It’s instructive to read what authors wrote about core values a hundred or two hundred years ago, because then you can appreciate what has happened to the culture of a nation. You can grasp the enormous influence of planned propaganda, which changes minds, builds new consensus, and exiles certain disruptive thinkers to the margins of society. You can see what has been painted over, with great intent, in order to promote tyranny that proclaims a greater good for all.”
– Jon Rappoport, The Underground


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Who Lifts You Up?

“Saying yes to happiness means learning to say no to things and people that stress you out.”
– Thema Davis

“Good things happen when you distance yourself from negative people.”

“Life is too short to worry about stupid things. Have fun. Fall in love. Regret nothing, and don’t let people bring you down.”

“Strong people don’t put others down…they lift them up.
– Michael P. Watson

“Walk away from anything or anything who takes away from your joy. Life is too short to put up with fools.”
– Anonymous


By: Zy Marquiez

Recently saw someone portray issues with their friends/loved ones in a matter that made me ponder.

For quite some time this person [although this scenario applies to many] has had continued friction with others. Without going into the details into the situation, and maintaining a macro view without taking sides, the scenario has been repeated quite often. In fact, often enough that it makes one wonder why would someone put themselves through repeated pain if they need not?

Of course there are a veritable cluster of reasons for this, but the focus of this post is not on the negative ultimately. In fact, by noticing that which we take great issue with, not only do we reasonably see what causes us issues, but we can see the opposite side of the spectrum. We can take note of what we do want, or in this case, who we do want in our lives.

Which brings me to my next point.

What brings you up? Who brings you up?

Are you cognizant deep down inside of it? Many folks believe that they are, ultimately to repeat the same mistake over, and over, and over, and so on. This might be personal, financial, or other.

Dealing with this can be quite trying; definitely know this personally as think most of us do.

Still though, why not some introspection and see what we can gather?

Why not bring those people that lift us up into the fold, rather than have folks run all over our spirits day in and day out. And no, am not talking about circumstances where one has to be with said person, or through said issue, such as work. Although there is something to be said for not acting on that which causes you pain/harm etc.

Am talking about the simplest of problems that people can rectify if they were to realize that they are far simpler to solve – in some cases – then some realize.

Perhaps by bringing more folks into our sphere that share y/our values, y/our true values, and beliefs [and not just religious, either] we can transcend into a greater, healthier experience in this life of ours.

This seems very obvious, and yet, its not done as much as it could be. This is speaking from experience and that of close friends at least. Why not?

First, many people hate to be wrong in all of the permutations that that entails. Would be interesting to know how a variety of cultures would react to certain scenarios; here in the West though, starting at the top self-responsibility seems to be a foregone thought. The top being politics, institutions, corporations, and so on.

Secondly, some folks are stubborn. That can be a good quality at times, but at others, its like attempting to move a wall. It just won’t happen no matter how hard you try.

Third, and most importantly, the people that can inflict various forms of mental/psychological/financial harm on us, happen to be the folks many people gravitate towards. Kind of ironic isn’t it?

This is partly because they seem more interesting. They seem more fun, and they might be in a sense.  They also seem more alluring in a variety of departments. Still though, by their deeds they are known, and jerks folks that have extensive resumes in screwing people over, shouldn’t be given the benefit of the doubt. Especially over and over and over again.

As an addendum, this is not throwing people that make mistakes under the bus. Not even close. We all make mistakes. Am precisely talking about the people that repeatedly leech your time, finances and energy – all of which are highly important in our society – and nigh always end up on the better side of the debacle, with you to pick up whatever pieces are strewn about. They also rarely if ever contribute anything positive to you, and many times if they do, they act as they are you doing you a favor by just breathing air. The 10-ton stones on some folks right!

Moving forward, we should always be striving to do our best, and many times doing our best includes making the simplest best choices for us. Positive relationships in all walks of life are a beautiful sunset to our eyes, are an exquisite meal to our body, and a breath of fresh air to our soul. Those relationships are energizing rather than the converse. They make life worth living in more ways than oft get mentioned.

If you know someone that might need some help, why not lend a hand? Nobody wants to face issues alone, especially if they don’t even know there are any in the first place. Be wary of denial though! That might make a situation worse.

Ultimately, we can only lead our own lives to the very bests of our ability if we choose, and our ability to help others rests in what choices they make to better themselves. If that includes you, great. If not, find someone else.

Life is too short to be clinging to folks that bring about negative change in your life. This beautiful thing we call life, offers a beautiful kaleidoscope of choices that will aid us in more ways we could imagine. But only if one chooses.

So, who/what lifts YOUR spirits up? Well! What are you waiting for!? Get to it. Take some time for yourself and make someone’s day while you’re at it.

Each one, reach one.

One that note:

“If you feel like your ship is sinking, it might be a good time to throw out the stuff that’s been weighing it down. Let go of people who bring you down, and surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you.”
– Anonymous

“Surround yourself with the dreams and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see greatness within you.”
– Anonymous


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What Is The Best Use Of Your Time

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”
—Martha Graham

Recently, someone who has been in my life by way of friendship shared a post on social media. A simple post, really. Or was it?

Let us backtrack one second.

Just earlier today, my mind was traveling through the endless escape that was insomnia, and lo and behold, idea after idea kept sprouting like a field of seeds which was bathed in eternal rain and sunshine.

Gears were turning, levers were pulled, ideas created, filtered, musings edited, so on and so forth. My purpose at this point seemed like an afterthought.  Since sleeplessness had reared its ugly head, this itself gave me a great opportunity; it occurred to me, why not use it?

Thus, after a while of catching up with news online, my said friend had shared a picture that stated one of the very questions that myself just happened to be ruminating on. Quite a coincidence.

It’s a rather simple, yet direct question: What is the best use of your time?

Really, what is it? Is it currently doing what you are doing? Personally, even being cognizant of how important efficient time-management is to me, it can still be daunting to try and be 100% efficient, 100% of the time. Seems rather mechanical doesn’t it? In my personal case, it’s just important that time is not misused, and would rather learn something interesting, learn something important. Better yet, time used in fashion to help myself, and/or help others. Now that is a large driver in my life.

Let us tackle the issue of time use with a simple notion.

Many folks have a penchant for watching TV. A lot of TV. For the myriad reasons that it takes place, the bottom line is that the average person watches 5 hours of TV per day. That amounts to 1,825 hours per year. That is 18250 hours per decade, and 91,250 hours per 50 years. That’s a lot of time! Over the course of 50 years, the totality of the time spent watching TV daily amounts to 3802 consecutive 24-hour days, over that span.  Or “just” 5 hours a day, for 50 years.

Not sure about how others see it, but for me at least, that’s an overwhelming amount of time that could be rather well spent elsewhere.

This is just a nuts and bolts cursory overview of time management in relation to efficiency. Furthermore, that does not take into account the amount of time people spend watching videos/tv online.

For the sake of simplicity, let us assume most of us happen to get 8 hours a day sleeping [yeah, its probably not that much, but let’s stick with it for a moment]. If one were to subtract an 8-hour sleep cycle from the total of 24 hours in a day, then you have 16 available hours to do as you please. Without even getting into whether one works or not, 5 out of those 16 available hours, or nigh 1/3 of all of the average person’s free time is being used by the average person to watch TV.

Fast forward far into the future. Let us crank the levers of imagination here for a second.

At the back end of one’s entire life, one can imagine that sooner or later in a moment of introspection a person might ponder about all those great times. You know, back in the day – a phrase that even many younglings use now days as if they’ve been around for many decades, and such. If one can imagine one of the people that spent an enormous amount of time watching TV, would that person be happy with themselves if they spent nigh 1/3 of all of the free time they had while they were alive watching television?

Let us be more precise. Where does adding 40 hours of work a week put us?

In an entire 168 hour work-week where the average person spends, 56 hours a week sleeping, and 40 hours a week working, that leaves one with 72 hours free. If one were to spend 35 hours a week viewing television, then that would leave 37 hours of free time. That’s nearly half of all of one’s available time spent watching television. That seems ludicrous, does it not?

Many people will propound the idea that they are tired, want to decompress, have had a ‘long day’, so on and so forth. One hears it quite often. That is completely understandable, to a point. But, don’t you think a person rather spend that free time with their loved ones? By the way, if watching TV with your loved ones is the APEX of quality time, then…you might want to rethink the meaning of the word quantity quality.

Why pose such a question? Because, in a world where poverty, all disease, war, et al. are not only endemic, but increasing, does it not stand to reason that a person should do all they can to protect themselves mentally/physically/psychologically/spiritually? Seems reasonable. But are people really putting that much – if any – time to not become a statistic? That however does not seem like a reasonable assumption, seeing as the numbers of folks facing a myriad of issues are increasing year in and year out unceasing.

If people were really doing everything they could to break free of the matrix of control that harvests them, would poverty, disease, war, etc. be increasing? Definitely not.

Some will instantly throw their hands in the air and say, but the republicans/democrats this, or the corporations that, or secret societies “control everything!” While there is endemic corruption in the modern landscape, do those groups/institutions really ‘control everything’?

Do they really? We just made a reasonable case that nearly half of all the free time the average person has in their entire lifetime is carried out choosing to watch TV. Don’t the very groups that people are quick to blame benefit from the inaction of watching TV, that when added up of a combined populace, numbers in the millions of hours of…watching TV? How many hours of extra labor [if one wanted too], or extra self-education, or extra exercise could be carried out by the individual if he/she were to apply a microscopic amount of all that extra TV time, into striving to be the very best of themselves? Think folks would get the picture?

The interesting aspect is that this whole mental exercise also does not take into account how much money goes directly into funding things that people claim they oppose, but which they financially support day in and day out. How many tens of millions of dollars are being spent inefficiently, rather than perhaps investing in the best thing one could, themselves? That number has to be beyond astronomical.

How could an individual ever breakaway their consciousness from this system/matrix, if so much time is spent doing such things?

Now that the levers of imagination have been shifted accordingly, what do you think people will decide? Keep in mind, one need not use all of the time that was use watching TV, doing something else. Just one hour daily, used in an ultra-efficient manner that directly benefits your mind/body/soul would be worth pursuing.

What kind of benefits would accrue if those hours add into the dozens or even hundreds per year? What about thousands of hours over a lifetime? That would create quite a powerful and capable individual – a boundless universe of conscious creation.

How much could one change in their life? What about their community? What about the world? How much could one create spending just a minute amount of time pushing yourself farther than you ever thought possible?

Why don’t we find out? The door is wide open. It’s only a choice.

A blank canvas awaits – a large marble uncut stone slab – for wondrous creation. Await those who want more. It awaits those who are not satisfied with their current path.

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Paris – Unfettered Emotions

By: Zy Marquiez

“If you controlled the meaning of The Good, and you had unlimited propaganda resources and access to the press, and if you also had control over the Armed Forces and the police, you could build a new society in short order. You could wreck centuries of tradition in a few decades. And if you had the education system in your back pocket, you could wipe out the memory of what formerly existed. No one would remember. No one would care. This is happening now, in Europe. Ignorance is enlightenment.”
Jon Rappoport, The Underground

The events in Paris has brought about a veritable constellation of emotions, and rightly so. When the unfortunate loss of life takes place, it brings about much heart rendering sorrow.

However, with much raw unencumbered emotion flying about there have been countless illogical statements bandied about.

Some of these statements have been: “If we don’t close our borders they will take our jobs and lives”, “the Muslims carried out the attack! We need to kill them all” or “We need to go to war to prevent this from happening again”. And these are just barely scratch the surface.

Let us sift through these and see what we can discern.

First one being: “If we don’t close our borders they will take our jobs and lives.”

On its face, it seems like a reasonable presumption that people from elsewhere might take your job. But how many of these people that are displaced, or are refugees, are moving because they want to move, and not because they have been forced to move? If war has plagued your country, due to Western Intervention that has gone nowhere in nigh 10+ years [or even if its “only” a few years, as if that in it of itself is okay] in your country, wherever that may be, and has left you and your family destitute, what would you do? Gamble with your lives by staying? Would you not do everything possible to aid your family? Let’s hope so.

In addition, due to our white-washed history most do not realize that decades ago [if not centuries] it was the same song, and it hasn’t changed since. In the US, it was the Irish, Italians, Cubans, and on and on and on. And would bet anything that a similar threat has been promulgated through time, in most nation’s histories.

Our planetary history is littered with human interaction. This has spawned countless issues that has been publicized and might as well be called ’21st Century Migration Issues V10.0’. That doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of problem-reaction-solution tool, otherwise known as the Hegelian Dialect.

Finally, regarding the above, most people only give a cursory view, which is mostly supplied by the mainstream and do not realize who really is spawning the chaos. Blaming refugees, people migrating/moving is like blaming a symptom for a disease.

Moving onto the next statement: “The Muslims did it!”

Once again, taking the media’s version of the truth at face value helps who? Those wishing to control the official narrative. Disseminating a particular version of the latest story, that hadn’t even had the time to be investigated fully, just because the media says so-and-so did it, only helps to further fracture the already-nervous populace that’s been taught for over a decade to be scared of the latest boogeyman, formerly Al-Qaida, and now in this case “ISIS”. Also, going after an entire race or religion, just because a select few has allegedly carried out an attack, is at worst ludicrous, especially given the penchant for false flag by many nations, and at best outright insanity given what is known of this current situation.

Recall, that the media is a pro – the favorite go-to tool of the establishment – at the divide & conquer game, and all of the myriad permutations that entails: black-white, left/right, muslim/christian, gay/straight, male/female, us/them; always a catalyst to stifle true discourse and guide global populations to more war. “Trust us, we are the media”, their unofficial dictum.

Thence we have: “We [Western nations] need to go to war [as if we haven’t been at war for nigh a century, and aren’t at war now] so we can ‘prevent’ this from happening.”

This type of statement is said without pondering that perhaps that is exactly what the comptrollers want, and expect. The idea of a righteous moral compass is bandied about quite often nowadays, but many folks fly off the handle once war, politics & religion are involved at warp speed. Emotion leads the charge, with any semblance of logic left in the background. Again, forgoing any independent/incisive thought.

Let us digress.

Thus, we are witnessing the rousing of emotions of entire nations, those of which have been molded to believe in the latest scare tactics by the media and topped off with propaganda that would make Edward Bernays proud. And all of the above led most fearful folks into demanding for more senseless death, which is incredibly unfortunate.

There is a reason logic is not mandatory in schooling, and it is because it makes people independent in nature, in mind, and be able to carry out holistic and precise thinking that allows the individual to eviscerate anything that is baseless and based in the matrix world of smoke and mirrors.

This mind-squashing manufacturing facility of a matrix makes countless people more malleable and, towing the party line. What tyrannical empire wouldn’t love that?

Distancing ourselves of emotion and applying targeted trenchant thinking in this world based on fallacies is not only prudent, but necessary.

Taking a great course in logic, or reading logic-based novels such as The Complete Sherlock Holmes volumes are a great addendum if you can manage it.

Those works were recommended by some friends, and of course, not taught in school or college. Not that the public indoctrination school system is to be trusted, especially with Common Core on its heels. Still, those novels/short stories have aided me incredibly in my attempted understanding of the current system that we live in by the way in which the author uses logic in myriad of ways.

Those are just some suggestions, besides educating yourself. It’s your job and only yours, to make sure that you are not as ill-equipped in mind/body/soul as they want you to be during these trying times. Those who wish to tap you dry for all that you are worth psychically/emotionally/spiritually will do so at all costs, and this can be seen in our daily lives. Most don’t notice it because they live such automatic lives and question not a thing when paying a huge portion of your livelihood in taxes, health, and in lost quality time to a rotten system that only gets worse and worse.

In any case, before folks continue clamoring for an iron fist, they should make sure they are not being ruled by a velvet one first. Because that one, my friends, is a vastly more insidious way in which the comptrollers rule today, and the most efficient way to get a populace to walk in lockstep, in support of additional war.

With that let’s take heed of the following.

Globalist mouthpiece Zbigniew Brzezinski, who is widely known for his presentations at Bilderberg meetings, and foresees no middle class in the future said the following in a Chatham House speech:

“…in earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, literally it was easier to control a million people, than physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. It is easier to kill, than to control…”

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Analyzing Human Action – Paris Events

By: Zy Marquiez

As a preamble, let me just say that the power of conscious thought, be it prayer, intention, meditation, et al., is a beautiful thing. It can accomplish far-reaching and wondrous manifestations. If you haven’t researched it, do so. Books such as The Intention Experiment, The Field & The Bond by Lynne McTaggart, and The Honeymoon Effect & The Biology Of Belief, by Dr. Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D, outline what is possible in this limitless reality of ours. There are countless other books, and experiments as well.  Look it up.

Now let us segue into the core of this musing.

Recently, disastrous events took place in Paris. Many people unfortunately lost their lives. It truly is a despicably heinous act when a life is lost, yet many such unfortunate ways, even more so in such circumstances.  However, what has transgressed thereafter by folks empathizing with the situation has left me pondering much about human nature.

In various videos, social media threads and countless articles all over the internet, many people are instantly sharing the “Pray For Paris” catch phrase. The sharing of that catch phrase is not what has left me ruminating considerably. It is why people have chosen to do so that has left me in deep thought.

What makes people act? What is meant by that query is, what made people chose – if it was their choice, and not a preprogrammed response, mind you – to share the emotions the media propounds. Is it a heartfelt feeling for others? Is it concern for our fellow man? Is it out of love? Or is it something else?

At breakneck speed, hundreds of folks online are mirroring what has been shared by others, without putting too much thought to it. Why does the “Pray For Paris” catch phrase abound?

When the populace runs with something, especially when the media is involved, [and they oft are] something usually lurks behind. In this particular case, it stands to reason that the idea behind this phrase has ‘started’ so to speak, with the media.

Why is this important? Because the same media that tells us that 100+ people unfortunately died today, is the same media that does not cover the fact that over 225,000 people lose their lives in a medical system that puts profits over health. And those are extremely conservative numbers. The US health care system leaves much to be desired.  But you hear not of that anywhere in the media.

The above data has been outlined in a paper by Dr. Barbara Starfield many years ago, who was extolled for being a pundit at the John Hopkins School of Public Health. Her review published on July 26, 2000 named “Is US health really the best in the world?” was in fact published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. That particular paper can be downloaded freely as a PDF here.

Think that’s bad? It gets worse.

More recent data portends something far more ominous. A study that was conducted in 2013 by the Journal of Patient Safety estimated medical mistakes account for 210,000 to 440,000 US deaths annually.   That, and other medical misdiagnoses are covered in great in detail by article by Dr. Mercola.

Am no betting person, but am willing to wager that most people have not even heard of such statistics. Why is that? Why isn’t the media covering such life-threatening information to the populace? Ponder about that for a bit.  Really sink your teeth into that one.

Another question: why now, does the media chose to cover the latest 100+ deaths in Paris, when every year like clockwork between 225,000 to 400,000 people lose their lives conservatively, and millions more end up hurt and maimed? The latter obviously being many orders of magnitude worse, and yet you hear not a peep.

Crickets are heard instead.

Keep those facts in mind. Now let us circle back to an individual’s actions.

The individual, although powerful, follows the herd more times than one could count thus relinquishing their power.

Don’t believe me? How many times do we see avalanches of folks storming the entryway at the local Walmarts and such during the ‘retail rapture’ of Black Friday. These same folks that would never do such a thing, individually, EVER, follow the herd without a mere thought in the most disturbing form of groupthink. People have lost their lives, and countless more have been injured.

Tomorrow’s Quote Of The Day by Mark Twain outlines this best:

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

That helps narrow down one possible reason why people have shared their thoughts about Paris. Is such always the case?

What happens when the media steers the populace wrong? And don’t tell me that hasn’t happened. You are reading this blog after all, and by such action are not of an average mind at minimum, but an inquiring mind, which is quite the accomplishment these days.

For those that might not know of any such scenarios, here is one.  Over a decade ago the media told us over, and over, and over, dozens if not hundreds of times how there were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and so on and so forth. None were ever found. However, the events that transpired in our post-911 world, have cost tens of thousands of lives, and over a decade of war, and it hasn’t stopped. And all that in its nascent stages was supported by most of the people, clamoring for war in droves.

A nation was stirred like an enraged hornet’s nest, and again, without a mere second though.

What has that solved? More war? More death? More infringements on rights?

Some darker elements within our societal infrastructure did benefit.

In fact, they benefit only from chaos. Peace does not bring them untold billions in profits, and additional billions in resource control after ‘aid’ is given to those country’s that ‘chose’ to cooperate with the US geopolitical version of righteousness.

Ironic, that in this very scenario, the answer to such action will be, you guessed it, more war & more death. Will it ever stop?

Some have elucidated that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the very definition of insanity, and its seems rather reasonable.  So why are people trusting the media over and over again, when there are countless examples of their lack of respect for the truth?

Let us retrace back to actions. Individual actions.

We have seen what people do in groups. They can share a heartfelt message, or they can even blindly support horrific atrocities, by the same mechanism.

What enables such? The media, for starters. Repetition also factors much into people’s actions, which is why it is such a potent advertising technique. It doesn’t work on everyone though. The precise, deep-thinking mind of a conscious, incisive individual is incapable of being used as pawn. This boundless power is the ultimate freedom.  The power that is targeted by attempting to merge the individual into the collective glob, but that’s another musing. 

Moral of the story? Ask yourself this.

Why does one feel the need to share a message, only when the media says so, but when there are vastly more important issues out there, people bat not even an eyelash? Why do people rush to judgement of any particular issue based on what the media says, rather than exercise the ability and capacity of their own mind? Ever notice how the media rarely has balanced news? There is always an agenda, and the profit motive looms extremely large as well, which dictates what will be run by the press. That is why fear sells. Nothing spawns emotions such as fear. That’s their ace in the hole. Nothing spawns war like fear either. Are you getting it?

The media is a tool of control, which only gives you the version of reality that they deem worthy of your knowledge. If 100+ in Paris lose their lives, that is important! If 225,000 to 400,000 people lose their lives yearly, by virtue of a senseless medical system, its not important because they media didn’t say so. Isn’t that interesting? It surely is a nice comfortable reality for one to live in, but one littered with more lies than bevy of politicians.

Be honest with yourself. Are you a person that buys hook-line-and-sinker what the media says, or do you know someone that does? Or do you investigate to figure out what really takes place? Do you wonder if there are any other more important issues worthy of being reported? Do you wonder why they aren’t being reported when you do find them? Do you ever wonder who benefits from the events that took place, and from the way in which the media portrays them? Countless questions, indeed. But they need to be asked.

The great thing is, that your mind, your very consciousness allows you to put considerable thought and power behind your every action.  This precision is power that goes mostly untapped, because most operate as a machine, rather than a well oiled and cared for manual V-12 mental engine.

So when the media shares a message, relates a story, or tells you what to think, what are you going to do? Are you going to take that information at face value? Or are you going to go looking for what lies behind the curtain?

The choice is yours. It is always yours.

Remember, you can only breakaway from conventional thinking if you yourself are behind the actions you carry out.  If what you are running previous programs learned over years of life run via your subconscious mind, then you are selling yourself short.  The good thing is you can learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind.  Dr. Bruce Lipton Ph.D covers this rather poignantly.


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A Breakaway Thought – A Blank Canvas

By: Zy Marquiez

Recently, was able to attend to Secret Space Program Conference in Bastrop TX, and was able to meet many wonderful individuals in the process.

The speakers were unparalleled, the attendees were amazing, and the vibe and feel of the conversations were not only breathtaking and intriguing, but like nothing we experience in our daily lives. This made me realize, this is the type of people that are important to my future, and whom we need to connect to create the groundwork for a better tomorrow. Our tomorrow, and not the tomorrow that the comptrollers would wish to saddle us serfs powerful individuals with.

Along with the obvious discussions of space related issues came various forms of discussion regarding breakaway civilization/s. The term ‘Breakaway Civilization’ was coined by Richard Dolan, who was not only a key speaker in last year’s SSP conference – and who gave a superb presentation, mind you – but is also renown for his methodical/academic approach to abstruse but vital subjects.

At its core, the breakaway civilization is a powerful group[s?] of people that has detached from humanity via their clandestine operations to the point that they have moved far beyond the current level of understanding in a variety of disciplines, be it technology, history, physics, biotech, medicine, geopolitics, etc. etc.

In any case, the idea of this blog stems from wanting to move beyond our conventional thought model – to breakaway. What is meant by that is not only being open minded about outside-of-the-box scenarios that take place and influence our daily lives, but also being open minded about outside-of-the-box solutions regarding those scenarios and more.

Furthermore, by virtue of creating an entirely different mindframe for our selfs, we will be able to disengage ourselves from the very matrix that is enslaving most of us in a variety of aspects, be that financially, physically, mentally, psychologically or even spiritually.

This process begins by pushing the boundaries of y/our imagination. By not settling for the cookie-cutter version of reality showcased by the media, that is at best a bland fallacy, and at worst mind-numbing garbage that seeps into every fabric of our lives, creating the reality you yourself should be creating instead.

This blog will be a social experiment. An idea – a blank canvas.

With time, with every stroke of y/our imagination, we will delve deeper into the inner workings of the possibilities that we each individually can accomplish, and see where that foray into the boundless unknown will take us.

Every second is a new beginning, every thought is a new possibility, every day is a new constellation of power – of ideas – to be tapped. By you. By your mind/body/spirit. By the very core of your being – your consciousness.

Morpheus said it best:

“I’m trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to walk through it.”


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Back From Cryosleep – Have A New Blog Called ‘The Breakaway’

Okay old timers, friends, associates, counterparts and web surfers you.  Its been a long time this blog has been used, and that is due to a myriad reasons.  But being an agent of reverse-chaos, couldn’t help but gravitating towards this sanctum of mine.

In any case, a few months ago ended up myself starting another blog [go figure?] in order to share very similar information.  However, was met with some slight censorship as per usual.

How to solve this issue?  Run two blogs of course.  Can’t be giving up yah know.  Especially given how much work’s been put into this blog as well as research aided by many of you.

For those interested, the address of the new blog is:

Will be writing/mirror many articles in that blog that are of vital importance.  With that said, for now this particular blog will go from sharing many pieces of information to information personally written by myself.  This is to have one blog run personal musings and such, while the other one runs everything.

Just thought this should be posted to clarify to absence as well as the new direction we’re heading into.

Hope you are all well.

And remember, everything is a choice.

Do your research, and make the right choice.

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EPA Gives More Credibility To Industry-Funded Studies Than Peer-Reviewed Science When Approving Pesticide Use

David Gutierrez
November 9, 2014

EPAA memo from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) highlights the way that this agency gives more weight to poorly conducted, industry-funded studies than to the overwhelming body of evidence showing that pesticides are harmful.

The memo concerns an insecticide named chlorpyrifos (trade name Lorsban), manufactured by Dow Chemical. Until 2000, the chlorpyrifos was widely used in household bug sprays such as Raid. But due to strong evidence that the chemical was poisonous, especially to children, the EPA struck an agreement with Dow that the chemical could continue to be used for agriculture if it were banned from indoor use.

“These data do suggest that inhalation or dermal exposure can lead to life-threatening effects,” the EPA said at the time.

Still harming children’s brains

Dow has been on the defensive about chlorpyrifos for years. Even before restricting the chemical’s use, the EPA fined Dow $876,000 for 327 separate counts of violating the Federal Insecticide, Rodenticide, and Fungicide Act (FIRFA) with regard to chlorpyrifos. FIRFA requires pesticide manufacturers to report all complaints about pesticide poisoning within 30 days.

In 2004, the New York Attorney General’s office fined Dow $2 million for falsely claiming, for decades, that the chemical was safe, even after it was proven otherwise.

Studies have also shown that chlorpyrifos continues to be harmful even in agricultural uses. For example, a 2008 study found that pregnant women exposed to the pesticide gave birth to children with lower IQs, while a 2011 study found that chlorpyrifos-exposed children had reduced problem-solving ability.

“Toxic exposure during this critical period can have far-reaching effects on brain development and behavioral functioning,” said Virginia Rauh of Columbia University, who was not involved in those studies. “Some small effects occur at even very low exposures.”

The CHAMACOS (Center for Health Assessment of Mothers and Children of Salinas) study, conducted on farm workers between 1998 and 2011, found that children exposed to organophosphate pesticides (including chlorpyrifos) either before or after birth had lower cognitive abilities. Mothers with higher levels of the chemical in their urine had children with lower IQs and decreased verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and mental processing speed.

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37 Million Bees Found Dead in Canada After Large GMO Crop Planting

Christina Sarich
November 9, 2014


The makers of neonicotinoids, the bee-killing insecticide that was banned all over Europe, won’t be able to refute this latest phenomenon. Millions of bees were found dead after GMO corn was planted in Ontario, Canada. This isn’t new news, but it should be known news.

The keeper of these bees, Dave Schuit, who produces honey, reported that he lost over 600 hives – around 37 million bees.

“Once the corn started to get planted our bees died by the millions,” Schuit said.

With increasing bee deaths and consumer petitions targeted to places like Home Depot and Lowe’s who sell neonics, the US Department of Agriculture has failed to ban neonicotinoids, manufactured primarily by Bayer CropScience Inc., as well as other biotech companies.

Two of Bayer’s best sellers are suspect this time around: Imidacloprid and Clothianidin. They are both known to seep into pollen and nectar, damaging beneficial insects such as bees.

The more widely they are used, the more bees seem to die.

Schuit’s report of dead bees is corroborated by other farmers, too. Nathan Carey is another local farmer who noticed a disappearance of bees on his farm this past Spring. There were so few that he could not count on them as he normally did to help pollinate his crops. He correlates their absence to the use of these toxic insecticides.

While many scientists are still unconvinced that “colony collapse disorder” (CCD) is caused by neonicotinoids, there has been a consecutive die-off of bees in the U.S. for seven years now – directly correlated to higher insecticide spraying.

Even US scientists have found 121 different pesticides in samples of bees, wax and pollen, lending credence to the notion that pesticides are in fact a problem.

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Vaccine Awareness Week With Dr. Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher

via: DrMercola
November 9, 2014

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Documentary Of The Week – Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, Illusion of Reality

via: TheRedPillGuide
November 9, 2014

“If you have a gulfball sized consciousness…when you read a book you’ll have a golfball size understanding…When you look out, a golfball size awareness, and when you wake up in the morning…a golfball size weightfulness…But if you could expand that consiousness…then you read the book…more understanding, you look out, more awareness…when you wake up, more weightfulness.  It’s consciousness.  And there is an ocean of pure vibrant consciousness inside each one of us.  And its right at the source and base of mind, right at the source of thought – It’s also at the source of matter.”

To understand the world around us, we must take a deeper look into what composes our very reality.  To comprehend our very reality, we need to discern which laws the universe follows.

Once we begin to understand the components which make this grand dream we call life, a larger picture is webbed – one of beautiful & endless information.  Yet, this information is malleable by mere thought, for intent itself – consciousness – is what drives the universe.

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New Documentary “Bought” Exposes the Hidden Story Behind Vaccines, Pharma, and Food

Dr. Mercola
November 9, 2014

BirthOfBigPharma“Your health is now brought to you by Wall Street. If you thought they hurt us with the banks, wait ’til you see what they are doing to our health care.” – Jeff Hays, “Bought”

The new documentary Bought dives deeply into the inner workings of the industries at the core of our food and healthcare system, exploring the truth about how vaccines and drugs are developed and rushed to market and the ongoing secrecy behind the genetic engineering of our food supply.

For a limited time proceeds from renting or purchasing this film will be donated to the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit organization advocating for vaccine safety and informed consent protection in the public health system.

Filmmaker Jeff Hays believes, as I do, that you have a right to the truth so that you can make educated decisions about your health, food, and medicine. Unfortunately, the truth is not easy to come by today.

Like the banks, the food and drug industries have grown more powerful and less transparent over time, and profit has become the primary motive. Hays may be best known for his 2012 documentary “Doctored,” which exposes how the medical and drug industry conspire to control the health care system.

Hays’ new film peels back the layers to show how the drug, vaccine, and chemical technology industries have joined forces as one supervillain, with its “undisclosed location” smack-dab in the middle of the White House.

You can’t effectively address one industry without addressing them all, as they are now inextricably linked. Until enough people raise their voices, nothing is likely to change. According to Hays:1

“From opiates, to statins, to a blizzard of psychotropic medications that do far more harm than good, the film covers how our entire health care system, from education to practice has been Bought… three story lines converge on Wall Street, in a tale of corruption, greed and shocking lack of conscience.”

Federal Vaccine Court: Designed Specifically to Clean Up the Trail of Destruction Left by Vaccines

Vaccines are a $30 billion per year industry. Today, four dominate the world market (Pfizer, Merck, Sanofi Pasteur, and GlaxoSmithKline). Given the furor that erupts when anybody publicly questions vaccine safety, you would assume that the US government considers vaccines completely safe.

But in reality, that’s not the case as evidenced by the establishment of a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) where vaccine injury claims are decided in a Federal Vaccine Court2 to compensate vaccine victims, but in reality protects the vaccine industry from lawsuits. The official line by federal health officials is that vaccines are safe and never cause autism.

However, the fact is that for many years, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Justice and the Federal Vaccine Court have been quietly settling cases of brain inflammation and permanent brain damage (encephalopathy) that included symptoms of autism.

These VICP awards have been made to cover treatments related to autism. The VCIP was established in 1986 when Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act,3 which protected vaccine manufacturers, pediatricians and other vaccine providers from nearly all civil liability for injuries and deaths caused by government recommended and mandated vaccines.

If vaccines are so safe, then why has the government set up a federal compensation program specifically to manage the damage they cause? In Bought, families who have won and lost in Vaccine Court share their heartbreaking stories.

These parent and health care professionals speaking out about their experiences are articulate, knowledgeable, and compelling witnesses to the damage that vaccines and one-size-fits-all vaccine policies have done. They are not part of some anti-vaccine campaign—in fact, the reason they were in Vaccine Court is because of what happened when they DID vaccinate their children!

Most Vaccine Reactions Are Never Connected to Vaccines

Proving causation is extremely difficult with vaccine injuries in part because there are huge gaps in vaccine safety science and, also, unless a vaccine reaction is immediate and obvious, parents may not connect their child’s deterioration in health to the shots the child was given.

When parents report their child’s regression into chronic poor health following vaccination to their child’s pediatrician, they are typically told the illness couldn’t possibly be related to the vaccine or vaccinations the child was given.

Sometimes reactions occur within hours or days of vaccination and are dramatic and life threatening and the child is taken to the emergency room and the vaccine reaction symptoms are recorded in the child’s medical record. Usually, only the most clear cut and identifiable vaccine reactions end up in Vaccine Court—the ones where the “dots” are easily connected.

Unfortunately, at that point the damage is done and the child may be left with lifelong chronic illness and disability. The vast majority of vaccine adverse reactions are never reported to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Still, CDC’s VAERS database4 lists 8,000 different adverse vaccine reactions, from localized swelling and anaphylactic shock to autism, coma, and death.5

Because of the factors already discussed, the actual number of reactions is probably much higher than the database reports. As vaccine safety advocate Dawn Loughborough said in “Bought:”

“We used to have this idea we were protecting children from infectious diseases. And we created the National Vaccine program with children in mind, but somewhere in time protecting the program became more important than what’s happening to our children.”

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Splenda Isn’t So Splendid – The Toxic Rumsfeld-Monsanto Link

Christina Sarich
November 9, 2014


As we get closer to the holidays, many people look for ways to cut back on sugar and other indulgences so that when the New Year rolls around, they won’t have to work so hard to lose those extra pounds. While it is a good idea to avoid sugar altogether, using the artificial sweeteners Splenda or Aspartame might be even worse. There are numerous reasons you should avoid the stuff in little yellow packages (or pink, or blue). Here is why.

Donald Rumsfeld, the very same politician who supports GMOs, is perhaps the singular man who got Splenda onto the market after the FDA initially refused it. If you have gotten sick from consuming this toxic substance, you can thank him, along with its makers. Splenda was created by the British company Tate & Lyle along with the pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson.

Perhaps you remember when the Coca-Cola company launched its ad campaign to fight obesity back in the early 80s? This was all part of a ploy to begin the use of aspartame, whose patent was once owned by none other than Monsanto! Ironically, there are numerous studies that show this stuff causes obesity. It doesn’t prevent obesity.

Before they started selling you Splenda, it was called NutraSweet. In 1985, Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle, the chemical company that held the patent to aspartame, the active ingredient in NutraSweet, as well as Splenda and many other artificial sweeteners. Is Splenda safe? It depends who you ask.

Let’s look at a little timeline, shall we?

  • 1901: Monsanto Chemical Works is formed.
  • 1976: When Ford loses the 1976 election, Rumsfeld returns to private business life, and is named president and CEO of the pharmaceutical corporation G. D. Searle & Company, during which time he leads the legalization of Aspartame.
  • 1977: Monsanto stops producing PCBs.
  • 1997: Monsanto businesses are spun off as Solutia Inc.
  • 1999: John Hunter is named chairman and CEO.
  • 2000: Monsanto’s Pharmaceutical Services Division is created. Monsanto also merges with the drug-maker Pharmacia & UpJohn Inc., which took control of the Searle pharmaceutical operations, and the current Monsanto Co. was incorporated as a subsidiary in October 2000.
  • 2002: PCB trial results in sharp drop in stock price.

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Quote Of The Day

November 9, 2014



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GMO’s and the Depopulation Agenda

via: TheCrowHouse
November 7, 2014

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Econimic Swindles – Overheard In Every Boardroom In America

via: ZeroHedge
November 8, 2014

Could it really be this simple?

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Weekend Reading Suggestions – November 7, 2014

November 7, 2014

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.”
– Groucho Marx

Earlier this week additional evidence was shared via as to why Kellogg’s Cereals should become part of your complete breakfast be avoided like the plague.

Not only are Kellogg’s cereals subject to antibiotics, but to complete its devilish one-two punch they are also laden with GMO pesticides:

Kellogg’s Cereals: Double Dose of GMO Pesticides & Antibiotics

Continuing with the topic of health, Jon Rappoport covers in this link below on how the comptrollers are kicking in clawing in their attempts to carve out a new scamdemic reality for us:

The Invention Of “Virus Reality”

In the economic realm, Jeff Nielson pens this piece below outlining how the real price of Gold would operate without the chains it maintains from the criminal banking financial complex:

Pricing Gold In The Real World

Also within the precious metals arena, The Doc & Eric Dubin discuss the metals markets with Mr. Ferguson in respect to the US Mint being caught with their pants down having no silver for distribution from the US Mint:

US Mint Caught Totally Off Guard By EPIC Wave Of Silver Demand – Physical Market Screams No Mas!

Onto the environment, we have two seemingly separate but interconnected issues that will increase their detrimental momentum against the populace heading into the upcoming years.

First of these is the fact that there has been an extreme drought in the entire Southwest region of the United States that continues unabated.  Needless to say, the economic/political/societal ramifications of this drought could prompt innumerable issues:

NASA Warns California Drought Could Threaten US Food Supply “There Will Definitely Be Changes”

In tandem with the above drought, rarely discussed by the mainstream media are the ongoing issues of the Fukushima prefecture.  As radiation continues to spew into the northern hemisphere and circling the globe, this issue is only going to exacerbate given the absolute lack of coverage/action it is prompting.  Fukushima radiation is already affecting babies in the west coast.  As time continues, where will this tidal wave stop?:

Radiation Crimes Of Eternity

Now for the MacGyvers out there, below follows a rather creative and useful link for those searching for ways to add to their winter firemaking repertoire:

How To Make Firewood & Woodstove Logs For Free

Hope you all have a great weekend and remember, you only take each step once, so make sure each step is taken in the right direction.

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Proof that Natural Foods Threaten FDA & Pharmaceutical Companies – Walnuts Deemed ‘Drugs’

Christina Sarich
November 7, 2014


Did you know that walnuts have been classified as ‘drugs’ by the US Food & Drug Administration, and that some companies have been accused of misbranding them, only to be subject to government“seizure or injunction.” That’s a little harsh, but why?

Diamond Foods, who sells walnuts, was forced to remove certain statements about the healing properties of walnuts from their website because of the FDA’s interference. (You can see the warning letter Diamond Foods received from the FDA, here.) So – while the FDA promotes GMOs, vaccines, pharmaceutical meds that actually hurt people, chemotherapy, and radiation, they have a big problem with walnuts?

It is more likely that Big Pharma is intimidated by these small packages of healing power – that cost only about $3 a pound in some places. Is this why the FDA has censored information on walnuts?

There are over 57 different ways that walnuts promote overall health – but here are just a few concerning heart-health for your perusal:

Walnut Consumption Reduces Heart Disease Risks

Though walnuts are high in fat (they are healthful, beneficial  fats) numerous studies have shown that eating nuts reduces the chance of having a heart attack by eliminating blood clots. Walnuts also provide a unique blend of polyunsaturated fatty acids (including omega-3s), along with nutrients like gamma-tocopherol which have demonstrated heart health benefits. The New England Journal of Medicine published the first clinical study showing significant reductions in LDL and improvement in the lipoprotein profile in response to moderate consumption of walnuts.

Additional studies have shown that walnuts improve endothelial function in ways that are independent of cholesterol reduction. Walnuts are so powerful that they help endothelial functioning by 64% when substituted for other fats in a person’s diet. Much of the underlying cause for heart disease is atherosclerosis, a progressive endothelial dysfunction in the body.

Walnuts Contain a Variety of Heart-Healing Nutrients

Aside from endothelial function support, walnuts also contain a host of healing nutrients, including arginine, polyphenols, copper, manganese, and again, omega-3s which support the inner arterial lining and guard against abnormal platelet aggregation in the body.

The US National Library of Medicine database contains more than 35 peer-reviewed published papers supporting a claim that ingesting walnuts improves vascular health and may reduce heart attack risk – and then some.

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Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Dementia Confirmed

Dr. Mercola

Vitamin D has been shown to improve a number of brain disorders, including dementia and its most severe form, Alzheimer’s disease,1 the latter of which now affects an estimated 5.2 million Americans.2

The latest mortality statistics places Alzheimer’s in the top three killer diseases in the US, right behind heart disease and cancer.3 Vitamin D deficiency is also rampant. Researchers estimate that half of the general population is at risk of vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency.

Among seniors, that estimate reaches as high as 95 percent. While certainly not the sole cause of dementia, evidence suggests vitamin D may be a very important factor for successful prevention.

A wide variety of brain tissue contains vitamin D receptors, and when they’re activated by vitamin D, it facilitates nerve growth in your brain. Researchers also believe that optimal vitamin D levels boosts levels of important brain chemicals, and protect brain cells by increasing the effectiveness of glial cells in nursing damaged neurons back to health.

Vitamin D may also exert some of its beneficial effects on your brain through its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, which are well established.

‘Most Robust Study of Its Kind’ Confirms Link Between Low Vitamin D and Dementia

The link between low vitamin D and dementia has again been confirmed with the publication of a robust six-year long study4 conducted by an international team of researchers. As reported by Science Daily:5

“[S]tudy participants who were severely vitamin D deficient were more than twice as likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer’s disease…

[A]dults in the study who were moderately deficient in vitamin D had a 53 percent increased risk of developing dementia of any kind, and the risk increased to 125 percent in those who were severely deficient.

Similar results were recorded for Alzheimer’s disease, with the moderately deficient group 69 percent more likely to develop this type of dementia, jumping to a 122 percent increased risk for those severely deficient.”

The authors concluded that: “Our results confirm that vitamin D deficiency is associated with a substantially increased risk of all-cause dementia and Alzheimer disease. This adds to the ongoing debate about the role of vitamin D in nonskeletal conditions.”

The findings also suggest there’s a threshold level of circulating vitamin D, below which your risk for dementia increases. This threshold was found to be right around 50 nmol/L, or 20 ng/ml. Higher levels were associated with good brain health.

Based on previous research, I believe 20 ng/ml is still too low, and potentially dangerously so… When it comes to vitamin D, you really want to be in the optimal or clinically relevant range, and as the years have gone by, researchers have progressively moved that target range upward.

At present, based on the evaluation of healthy populations that get plenty of natural sun exposure, the optimal range for general health appears to be somewhere between 50 and 70 ng/ml, or 125-175 nmol/L—a far cry from the threshold suggested in this study.

vitamin d levels
References for target ranges

Sun Exposure Is the Ideal Way to Optimize Your Vitamin D Level

I believe sensible sun exposure is the ideal way to optimize your vitamin D levels. As a general rule, you’ll want to expose large amounts of bare skin to the sun until it turns the lightest shade of pink, if you’re light-skinned.

This typically occurs in about half the time it would normally take you to burn. So if you know you tend to get sunburned after 30 minutes, you’d want to stay in the sun for about 15 minutes.

Those with darker skin may need to pay closer attention to notice when this slight reddening occurs. It’s really impossible to give any firm recommendations for how long you need to stay in the sun to optimize vitamin D production, as it varies greatly depending on a number of factors, such as:

Antioxidant levels and diet in general Age
Skin color and/or current tan level Use of sunscreen
Latitude and altitude (elevation) Cloud cover and pollution
Ozone layer Surface reflection
Season Time of day
Weight Altitude

Other Alternatives: UVB emitting lights or Supplements

Your second-best option would be to use lights that emit UVB.

If your circumstances prevent either of these strategies, then you’re left with taking a vitamin D supplement. GrassrootsHealth has a helpful chart showing the average adult dose required to reach healthy vitamin D levels based upon your measured starting point. Many experts agree that 35 IUs of vitamin D per pound of body weight could be used as an estimate for your ideal dose.

Be sure to take vitamin D3—not synthetic D2—and take vitamin K2 in conjunction with it. The biological role of vitamin K2 is to help move calcium into the proper areas in your body, and without sufficient amounts, calcium may build up in areas such as your arteries and soft tissues.

This can cause calcification that can lead to hardening of your arteries—a side effect previously thought to be caused by vitamin D toxicity. We now know that inappropriate calcification is actually due more to lack of K2 than simply too much vitamin D.

Magnesium Is Also Important for Vitamin D Activity

Magnesium is another important player—both for the proper function of calcium, and for the activity of vitamin D, as it converts vitamin D into its active form. Magnesium also activates enzyme activity that helps your body use the vitamin D. In fact, all enzymes that metabolize vitamin D require magnesium to work. Magnesium also appears to play a role in vitamin D’s immune-boosting effects. As noted by magnesium expert Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND:6

“The effectiveness and benefits of vitamin D are greatly undermined in the absence of adequate levels of magnesium in the body. Magnesium acts with and is essential to the activity of vitamin D, and yet most Americans do not get their recommended daily allowance (RDA) of this important mineral.”

As with vitamin D and K2, magnesium deficiency is also common, and if you’re lacking in magnesium and take supplemental calcium, you may exacerbate the situation. Vitamin K2, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin D all work in tandem with each other, which is why it’s important to pay attention to their ratios. Vitamin A, zinc, and boron are other important cofactors that interact with vitamin D, and indeed, zinc deficiency has also been identified as a contributing factor to Alzheimer’s disease.

When taking supplements, it can be easy to create lopsided ratios, so getting these nutrients from an organic whole food diet and sensible sun exposure is generally your best bet. Dietary sources of magnesium include sea vegetables, such as kelp, dulse, and nori. Vegetables can also be a good source. As for supplements, magnesium citrate and magnesium threonate are among the best.

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Radiation Crimes of Eternity

Dr. Sircus

If I could pray for something it would be to pray that I am wrong about the conclusions in this essay. That Fukushima never happened; that the recent EPA data from their Beta radiation detection stations is wrong, or radiation is not bad for our health and will not kill or hurt anyone, as many seem to believe. After all the nuclear industry is safe even though accidents do happen regularly.

All the nuclear waste that is piling up at every nuclear reactor that they never discovered what to do with is going to eventually kill off most of life on our planet but who cares since we have managed a faster way (Fukushima) to do ourselves in. Many believe that low levels of radiation are actually good for your health and they use that belief to lighten the load of the nuclear industry, which is proving to be a formidable death machine.

The conclusions in this essay are devastating to our sense of humanity. Yesterday’s article told us to expect a whole range of radiation illnesses from the increasing radiation levels in North America. It exposed a great cruelty perpetuated on at least 300 million people. Seventy years ago the Nazis lined men, women and children up and herded them into gas chambers to expose them to poisonous gas to kill them en mass.

These past months the American government purposely let their citizens be exposed to levels of radiation which promises slow poisoning. Though there was no way to make the radiation disappear precautions and warnings could have been given. Someone made a decision to keep the public in the dark so parents could not keep their kids indoors and take other precautions to minimize exposure.

It is shattering to meditate on what is happening. Without shame or fear of reprisal, the government and media have ganged up on the public to deceive them and forced them to expose their children to imminent danger that could, in part, have been avoided. They were scaring the wits out of everyone with Ebola when radiation was the real threat.

They have been scaring the public with global warming (United Nations now says never existed) when severe cold and extended winter is here with us instead. It is not warming nor Ebola that is threatening the world but cold and massive amounts of radiation that is striking hard at the young and old and everyone in between.

Killing the Children in Japan

Katsutaka Idogawa, former mayor of a town near the disabled Fukushima nuclear plant, told RT News that in his country radiation contamination is affecting Japan’s greatest treasure – its children. Compared with Chernobyl, radiation levels around Fukushima “are four times higher.”

According to Idogawa, there are about two million people residing in the prefecture who are reporting “all sorts of medical issues,” but the government insists these conditions are unrelated to the Fukushima accident. Idogawa wants their denial in writing.

“They believe what the government says, while in reality radiation is still there. This is killing children. They die of heart conditions, asthma, leukemia, thyroiditis… Lots of kids are extremely exhausted after school; others are simply unable to attend PE classes. But the authorities still hide the truth from us, and I don’t know why. Don’t they have children of their own? It hurts so much to know they can’t protect our children.”

“They say Fukushima Prefecture is safe, and that’s why nobody’s working to evacuate children, move them elsewhere. We’re not even allowed to discuss this.” It is the same everywhere from the official medical world. Radiation travels quickly and easily in the winds and comes down on the rains. The International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) clearly are not buying the optimistic assurances of the United Nations that there is nothing to worry about with nuclear radiation and exposure to it.

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Recommended Reading – Web Of Debt, by Ellen Brown

November 6, 2014

WebOfDebt“The real truth of the matter is that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

Ellen Hodgson Brown, J.D., is author of the recently published Public Banking Solution, but also the incisive and well documented The Web Of Debt – The Shocking Truth About Our Money System And How We Can Break Free. Her latter work is what will be covered lightly here.

For most of the modern world, money has been a staple of everyday life. A great deal of our daily functions revolve around this much used, but poorly understood economic tool.

In recent years, the monetary system has grown to untold levels. With inflation running rampant, student loan debts reaching preposterous levels, and quantitative easing in the fold, it’s no wonder that the ‘too-big-too-fail’ economic system seems to be cracking bit by bit.

Most [if not all] of the above issues stem from our inherent corrupt money system. The birth of this financial control grid is covered in extensive and mind-blowing detail in Brown’s Web Of Debt book.

Pulling no punches, this historic piece has got gall. Not afraid to name names, and branching through centuries of historical data, Brown’s work showcases what the financial, political, and elite minds of these times were pondering.

This particular piece also offers data/ideas on some of the vital issues we face and how we might overcome said issues.

From the inception to the private, and heinous Federal Reserve, up to current times, the reader will get ample evidence of the financial mishaps/crimes that are taking place. This is important, because much of the populace is unaware of these dealings.

If you wish to know the truth about our financial monetary system, the truth about its wide-ranging and sinister history, and ways in which to enrich your knowledge on this esoteric subject, then this book is definitely for you.


Other Suggested Reading

The Secrets Of Federal Reserve by Eustance Mullins
All The Presidents’ Bankers by Nomi Prins

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Spontaneous Remission of Disease in Over 3,500 Cases – What’s Happening?

Christina Sarich
November 6, 2014

What if I told you that all manner of disease – from cancerous tumors the size of oranges to brain diseases, gastrointestinal disease, parasites, loss of sight, mental disorders, reproductive issues, muscular diseases and even viruses – could go away spontaneously?

You don’t have to take my word for it. The Institute of Noetic Sciences has a database of over 3,500 documented, verifiable cases of diseases, often life-threatening, that go away all on their own.

The people who had these diseases might have sought allopathic medical treatment that wasn’t working, or simply refused to get ‘treatment’ in the traditional sense at all, but there is one thing that makes all of these cases commonly remarkable. They involve what is called the placebo effect.

Whether they got ‘fake’ surgeries, a sugar pill, or believed that they would be healed because of a passionate spiritual belief, they got better without interference from drugs or radiation. They got better without chemo, or enormous medical bills that tend to linger on after someone does live from traditional treatments, often causing new layers of disease. And to be fair, they got better without natural medicine, too.

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Where There Is Deficiency There Is Disease [Part1] – Selenium

November 5, 2014

Despite many folks hearing that ‘you are what you eat’, what many do not realize is that even if you do have foods and vegetables that might seem healthy [i.e. it’s a vegetable, thus it must be healthy], they might still be lacking proper nutrient content due to pesticides, herbicides, GMOs and the like.

This is why as concerned individuals we should do our best to put our health in a position not only to prevent disease efficiently with proper nutrients, but to actively flourish moving forward in our lives. This can only be accomplished by making sure our bodies have the requirements they need with proper nutrients.

Enter selenium.

Selenium is an extremely powerful yet oft underreported essential trace mineral.

This mineral has been known to have prevailing antioxidant properties in many instances. The lack of selenium in your nutrition can lead to grave consequences.

Deficiencies in selenium have been linked to an assortment of diseases. Some of these include miscarriage, thyroid disease, arthritis as well as viral infections.1 Other diseases that can take place when individuals lack selenium are a variety of cancers whilst also increasing heart disease.2

Worry not though, as nature always knows a way. When selenium is taken in conjunction with Vitamin E and Vitamin C, it has been shown to mitigate free-radicals known to cause cancer and heart disease.

Other health issues and diseases that Selenium may benefit are cataracts, macular degeneration, cognitive decline, HIV, cold sores, shingles and osteoarthritis.4

With the amount of people getting disease in the world growing by the day, it’s imperative individuals take their health into their own hands. Most do not know how nutrient deficient the Standard American Diet is.

Not only is the average diet laden with genetically modified organisms, which causes many health disturbances simply by itself, but by lacking nutrients as well, people are being exposed to an insidious one-two punch – never mind the fact that people are also exposed to nocuous aspartame, fluoride, fukushima radiation, chemtrails [containing barium, aluminum & strontium, etc.], and more.

This is why the importance of a nutrient-dense diet is vital. Besides selenium supplementation, a few ways people can get selenium in their diets is by eating eggs, sunflower seeds, mustards seeds, button mushrooms and shitake mushrooms, and brazil nuts.5

Although selenium is only one of the many vitamins and minerals the body needs, by only lacking one mineral – selenium in this instance – the body is subjected to unnecessary physical hardship.

A proper nutrient balance is key, but knowing where the holes in your body’s defenses are – lacking nutrients – and how to effectively seal them will help not only prevent the onset of disease, but aid in greater health.


[5] Ibid

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GMO Crops Are Destroying Farmland, And Monsanto Doesn’t Want You To Know

Christina Sarich
November 5, 2014

Biotech Covers Up GMO Devastation Of Farmland

GMO Crops Are Destroying Farmland, And Monsanto Doesn't Want You to Know

The European Association for bio-industries, EuropaBio, wants you to believe that “GM crops can protect soils from erosion through less ploughing, conserving soil moisture, too. GM herbicide tolerant crops reduce the need to plough fields in preparation for planting crops. This saves fuel because less tilling is necessary. GM insect resistant crops require less treatments with insecticides, which also decreases the need for tractor use.” But these statements are completely false.

This is essentially the requisite lie told by all of biotech – including:

  • Monsanto – Known for creating or helping to create 13 highly carcinogenic and toxic products including saccharinPCBs, Polystyrene, DDT, the atom bomb, nuclear weapons, dioxin, Agent Orange, Petroleum based fertilizers, Round Up, rGBH, aspartame, GMOs, and terminator seeds. Monsanto sues everyone to keep dealing their dirty products, but the most recent suit, involving Dustin Barca, a surfer-turned mixed martial arts fighter in Hawaii is of special note. He is taking it personally that Monsanto poisons him, and bringing activism to a new level.
  • Dow Chemical Company (also Union Carbide) – This wonderful company helped toreleased methyl isocyanate and other chemicals in 1984 by their pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, causing one of the worst industrial disasters in history. They are also one of the five corporationscompletely dominating the seed market, making food sovereignty precarious for farmers and families around the world. Along with three other companies they also helped to create Dibromochloropropane (DBCP), a known carcinogen, reproductive toxin, and endocrine disruptor that contaminates ground water.  They continued to produce and sell DBCP even after it was banned due to strong evidence linking the chemical to sterility.
  • Syngenta – Known for suing Kaui’i County when they wanted to keep herbicide and pesticide spraying away from their school children, homes and hospitals, and also for covering up the true toxicity of Atrazine. This company has also been implicated with colony collapse disorder, killing off our bees, and other important pollinators.

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Government Lied About Pandemic Which Killed 50 Million People … Attempt to “Prevent Panic” Backfired

via: Washington’sBlog
November 4, 2014

Governments Have Suppressed the Dangers of Epidemics Before, Only Making Things Worse

The mainstream American press has agreed – at the request of the government – not to report on suspected Ebola cases.

Let’s provide some context …

The U.S. National Academies of Science noted in 2005 (starting on the bottom of p. 64):

In the United States, national and local government and public health authorities badly mishandled the [1918 “Spanish Flu”] epidemic [which killed up to 50 million people worldwide], offering a useful case study.

The context is important. Every country engaged in World War I tried to control public perception. To avoid hurting morale, even in the nonlethal first wave the press in countries fighting in the war did not mention the outbreak. (But Spain was not at war and its press wrote about it, so the pandemic became known as the Spanish flu).

The United States was no different.  In 1917 California Senator Hiram Johnson made the since-famous observation that “The first casualty when war comes is truth.” The U.S. government passed a law that made it punishable by 20 years in jail to “utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the government of the United States.”

One could go to jail for cursing or criticizing the government, even if what one said was true. A Congressman was jailed. Simultaneously, the government mounted a massive propaganda effort. An architect of that effort said, “Truth and falsehood are arbitrary terms…. There is nothing in experience to tell us that one is always preferable to the other…. The force of an idea lies in its inspirational value. It matters very little if it is true or false” (Vaughn, 1980).

The combination of rigid control and disregard for truth had dangerous consequences. Focusing on the shortest term, local officials almost universally told half-truths or outright lies to avoid damaging morale and the war effort. They were assisted—not challenged—by the press, which although not censored in a technical sense cooperated fully with the government’s propaganda machine.

Routinely, as influenza approached a city or town—one could watch it march from place to place—local officials initially told the public not to worry, that public health officials would prevent the disease from striking them. When influenza first appeared, officials routinely insisted at first it was only ordinary influenza, not the Spanish flu. As the epidemic exploded, officials almost daily assured the public that the worst was over.

This pattern repeated itself again and again. Chicago offers one example: Its public health commissioner said he’d do “nothing to interfere with the morale of the community…. It is our duty to keep the people from fear. Worry kills more people than the epidemic” (Robertson, 1918).

That idea—“Fear kills more than the disease”—became a mantra nationally and in city after city. As Literary Digest, one of the largest circulation periodicals in the country, advised, “Fear is our first enemy” (Van Hartesveldt, 1992).

In Philadelphia, when the public health commissioner closed all schools, houses of worship, theaters, and other public gathering places, one newspaper went so far as to say that this order was “not a public health measure” and reiterated that “there is no cause for panic or alarm.”

But as people heard these reassurances, they could see neighbors, friends, and spouses dying horrible deaths.

In Chicago, the Cook County Hospital mortality rate of all influenza admissions—not just those who developed pneumonia—was 39.8 percent (Keeton and Cusman, 1918). In Philadelphia, bodies remained uncollected in homes for days, until eventually open trucks and even horse-drawn carts were sent down city streets and people were told to bring out the dead. The bodies were stacked without coffins and buried in cemeteries in mass graves dug by steam shovels.

This horrific disconnect between reassurances and reality destroyed the credibility of those in authority. People felt they had no one to turn to, no one to rely on, no one to trust.

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Families Ripped Apart By False Accusations of Child Abuse – Vaccine Injuries Often to Blame

Christina England
November 4, 2014

[Zabeth and Paul were falsely accused of shaking their baby. It took 4 years to get all their children back after they were found innocent.]


There are a growing number of parents who have been falsely accused of child abuse. Many of these cases only occur after parents mention that their child first became ill after they received a routine vaccination.

Over the years as a journalist exposing these issues, I have been asked to help dozens of families worldwide who have lost their children or are losing their children as a result of false accusations. I spend many hours sifting through paperwork and engaging with a small number of brave professionals who are willing to give up their time and experience to help in these difficult and complex cases.

In recent months, I have found myself helping a growing number of parents who have been falsely imprisoned for crimes that they did not commit.

Parents such as:

John Sanders, jailed for life without parole, for the murder of his 12 week-old daughter Ja’Nayjah, who died 24 days after receiving eight vaccinations in one day. (Story here.)
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The Benefits Of Coconut Oil

November 4, 2014

coconut-oil“Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
– Hippocrates

A large facet of people have heard the axiom: “You are what you eat.” How many people actually take it to heart though?

Americans keep getting sicker and sicker every day, even though spending into the medical structure has vaunted to unheard levels.

By in large, one big reason why there has been an increase in disease is because of their consumption of Trans Fatty Acids within the Standard American Diet, which prompts many issues.

A sinister trick employed by companies is the fact that even though a product can be labelled trans-fat free, corporations can infuse up to 0.5 grams of trans-fats per serving.1 Deceitfulness is everywhere, definitely. One more way in which corrupt corporations pull a bait and switch.

Another fantastic example of this is how companies keep calling foods at the store natural that happen to be genetically modified. In fact, if this food truly were real they would be thus labelled organic and not the former.

The main reason why people should not consume trans-fats are because they are alien to the human body.

If that is not much of an impetus for those unconcerned about their health, trans-fats have also been linked to not only inflammation, but also cell damaging free radicals.2 For those that don’t know, free radicals can lead to cancer.3 That goes without saying, the with increased amounts of trans fats eaten cellular destruction rises there in effectively harming tissues and organs increasing the occurrence of disease.4

Being an unsaturated fats, trans-fats also engage in the suppression in the immune system5, which also leads to onset of disease.

There are a variety of cooking oils, and many of them are healthy. The one at the apex is Coconut Oil though.

Due to its high saturated fat content, coconut oil is “the least vulnerable of all dietary oils to oxidation and free-radical formation and therefor is safest to use in cooking.”6[Fife, Pg. 30]  Another great aspect of coconut oil is its preventative properties in respect to heart disease.

It was found that:

“Pacific Islanders, who live on traditional diets rich in coconut, don’t get heart disease.”7

Due to its differing nature from oils found in common foods, coconut oils are nigh burned immediately as energy and they are not transformed into fat.8

Besides being great for cooking, coconut oil is also a powerful anti-viral, antibacterial, and anti-protozoa.9

Some of the viruses coconut oil has been able to mitigate are HIV, herpes, measles, influenza, various pathogenic bacteria and protozoa such as giardia lamblia.10

There are many other aspects of coconut oil that make it a go-to food in the kitchen.

With such a wide repertoire of benefits, especially when compared to other oils, coconut oil should be considered for implementation as a staple in people’s diets.

It’s just one of the many things people can do to take back their health, and stop diseases in its tracks.

Great health starts with a choice – a first step into a better direction.  It’s as simple as that.


[4] The Coconut Oil Miracle, by By Bruce Fife C.N. Pg. 31.
[5] Ibid. Pg. 30.
[6] Ibid. Pg. 30.
[7] Ibid. Pg. 37.
[8] Ibid. Pg. 43.
[10] Ibid

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Common Core Crisis

November 3, 2014

CommonCoreEducation in America has been going by the wayside. This has been because of a variety of factors.

Due to this decades-long intellectual pulverization the US ranked 36th in the world1, and unfortunately our skills in science, math and reading are also deteriorating2.

We can now add to that history.

As the Huffington Post reports:

“The governing body regulating education in the state recently voted once again to de-emphasize the study of history in the state curriculum. On Monday October 20, 2014, the Regents, as part of their effort to promote new national Common Core standards and mystically prepare students for non-existing 21st century technological careers, voted unanimously that students did not have to pass both United States and Global History exams in order to graduate from high school and maintained that they were actually raising academic standards.”3

Such measures will only serve to further dumb-down students nationally.

Charlotte Iserbyt, who is a whistleblower that worked within the innards of the education system, is also author of the extensive and incisive The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.

This book, more so than any other, covers the breathtaking scope of de-education that has been taking place behind the scenes in ‘modern’ American Education.

Taken in conjunction with the above event, it is an ominous portent of the direction in which education is heading into.

It would not be surprising to see further deconstruction of the edifice of the American Education system since this agenda echoes far deeper than most realize.

As Jim Marrs relates in his exhaustive and incisive Rise Of The Fourth Reich:

“Some conspiracy researchers see the private ownership of the world’s premier encyclopedia as the perfect means for controlling public knowledge, particularly in the areas of history and science.”4

Top-down control of education indoctrination is only one arm of the full spectrum dominance protocol engaged by the comptrollers.  But it is a necessary arm because it renders people intellectually helpless within a grid of constant miseducation/misinformation.

Only those that choose to release themselves from this intellectual/spiritual/material control grid will see the magnitude and depth of this wretched agenda.

Then, and only then, will one be able to pierce the pervasive veil of lies being espoused and be better equipped to help others accomplish the same.


[4] Rise Of The Fourth Reich, by Jim Marrs.  Pg. 298.

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Documentary Of The Week – Esoteric Agenda

November 2, 2014

The sequel to Esoteric Agenda is this amazing and eye-opening documentary – Kymatica

The more humanity strays from its origin, the more we deny our bond with nature, the farther from perfection we become. We are the only creatures on the planet that use symbols in reference to something else. This documentary shows that we use symbols for absolutely everything the mind can conceive of. There is at least one word or icon or gesture to insinuate everything our five senses can detect and then some. But along with this beautiful gift comes a flaw.

Most people are unwilling to seek and create their own interpretations of these symbols. Instead, they blindly submit to preconceived definitions and connotations given by sources unknown. Because of this, many things have been predetermined in our understanding of life without our knowledge. Words can be perverted and used to manipulate rather than to inform. Symbols can be used to segregate rather than unite. And those given the responsibility and authority to disseminate information to the public possess the ability to do with it as they choose.

There is an Esoteric Agenda behind every facet of life that was once believed to be disconnected. There is an Elite faction guiding most every Political, Economic, Social, Corporate, some Non-Governmental or even Anti-Establishment Organizations. This film uses the hard work and research of professionals in every field helping to expose this agenda put the future of this planet back into the hands of the people.

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The Oppresive FDA Exposed – [Part2]

November 1, 2014

[Editor’s Note]

The nefarious nature of the FDA, much like the CDC, begun to be exposed quite some time ago.  Part 1 below covers evidence of the FDA’s subversive tactics.  Part two adds more evidence to the matter at hand.

The Oppressive FDA Exposed – [Part1]


In the spirit of continuing to show the reliability [or lack thereof] of some government institutions, and the blind trust some people have of the establishment, we are going to take a deeper look at the Food & Drug Administration [FDA]

The FDA, which was founded on June 30, 1906, features on its website the slogan ‘Protecting and Promoting Your Health.’ Have they been up to the task?

Unbeknownst to the public are the plethora of instances – going back decades – in which the FDA has conducted itself directly against the American Public’s interests.

We really need to ascertain the true reputation of institutions that not only have untold power, but can also guide millions astray if we remain averse to looking at the compendium of facts.

For totality’s sake, examples of this will be quoted at length from Jeff T. Bowel’s intriguing book, The Miraculous Results Of Extremely High Doses Of The Sunshine Hormone Vitamin D3:

“In 1952, the FDA [Food & Drug Administration] tried to outlaw the introduction of anything “new” into foods and consumables unless given advance affirmative permissible by the FDA. This power grab was rejected by the courts.

“In 1957 the FDA started prosecution of vendors of “malnutrition remedies” [aka vitamins] and began using the term quack.

“In 1960 the FDA tried to limit the amount of folic acid in vitamins to .4 of a milligram even though years later this amount would be found to be too low and higher amounts were recommended for pregnant mothers to prevent neural tube defects in their newborns.

“In 1966 again the FDA tried to restrict access to vitamins by the food industry by proposing new controls on Vitamin D fortification

“In 1973 the FDA banned the sale of higher dose Vitamin A and Vitamin D Pills. This was later challenged by Linus Pauling, the Nobel Prize winning chemist, a friend of the court in a law against the FDA.

“In 1974 Congress reigned in the FDA’s overreach and forced them to regulate vitamins as food and not drugs.

“In 1976 Congress also passed a bill blocking the FDA and the drug industry’s attempts to block the sale of high dose vitamins.

“In 1977 FDA dropped its plans to require a doctor’s prescription for high dose vitamins.

“But in 1979, the FDA tried again to get some vitamins classified as non-prescription drugs…another small first step towards later banning.”

In 1992:

“The FDA with Texas state health inspectors raided vitamin retailers/health food stores across the state and seized inventories and put people in jail accusing the businessmen of making false health claims about vitamins.”

In 1993:

“FDA planned to regulate vitamins again and health claims about them.”

“Finally: in 1994 the people of the US had had enough and they forced Congress to pass the US Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act [DSHEA] which is basically “health-freedom” legislation.   DSHEA defines supplements as foods, and puts the onus on the United States Food And Drug Administration to prove that a supplement poses significant or unreasonable risk of harm rather than on the manufacturer to prove the supplement’s safety, reversing the burden of evidence required of medicines.

“In 2011, some corrupt, bought and paid for, nanny-statist US politicians tried to back door maneuver to regain control over vitamins and supplements by the FDA with their Introduction of the Dietary Supplement Labeling Act.

“Their intent was to overthrow the effect of the 1994 DSHEA law which led to consumers having accesss to dietary supplements. They wanted to change what was essentially a notification process into a costly approval process. The net effect of the proposed regulation was to reclassify many nutritional compounds currently on the market as new dietary ingredients requiring FDA approval. Luckily for the US population this recent power grab attempt also failed. But you can bet the corrupted, nanny-state politicians owned by Big Pharma will be at it again sooner or later – stay tuned.”

The above list is not exhaustive. It does however show more than ample evidence of the oppressive nature of the FDA.

Can an institution such as this going against its edict be counted on to do the right thing even though its extensive history says otherwise?

You decide.


[1] The Miraculous Results Of Extremely High Doses Of The Sunshine Hormone Vitamin D3 by Jeff T. Bowel.  Pg. 153-5.

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Weekend Reading Suggestions – RedPills For The Inquiring Mind – October 31, 2014

October 31, 2014

Books“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one”
– George R.R. Martin, A Dance With Dragons

There were a variety of pieces on the newstream this week.

For starters, we find Dr. Mercola covering the ever-present issue of antibiotics in large-scale agriculture.

This issues is not only extremely under-reported by the rigged mainstream media, but its also important because of the effects that antibiotics are having on our foods.  Past studies have even eluded to there being a 50% chance of you purchasing meat that contains drug-resistant bacteria.

American Meat Production Uses More Antibiotics Than Ever, Despite Growing Antibiotic-Resistant Disease In Consumers

Something families can do if they are worried about the above, is eating organically grass-fed beef, eat/juice fresh fruits and vegetables, while also making sure you are filtering your local water making sure to get rid of the toxin fluoride and other chemicals.

With that in mind, the piece below by Mrs. Sarich showcases more evidence as to why organic foods are superior to genetically modified foods.

Scientists Prove Organic Food More Nutritionally Rich Than Conventional, GMO Crops

A disturbing pattern we have seen is Big Pharma dodging responsibility and engaging in their corrupt ways. Below, Ethan A. Huff details the current attempt of Big Pharma to skirt responsibility regarding Ebola.

Big Pharma seeks legal immunity for damages from experimental Ebola vaccines

Continuing our focus on those undermining common sense, the article below covers the current push by the Susan G. Komen Foundation to promote carcinogen-laden chemicals in a duplicitous way.

Susan G. Komen Partners With Fracking Industry To ‘Pink Wash’ Cancer-Causing Chemicals Pumped Into The Ground

Financial issues affect everyone in a variety of ways. The overly systemic issues are covered quite thoroughly by Nomi Prins in her latest article.

Why The Financial & Political System Failed & Why Stability Matters

That’s it for now.

Make sure you to have a great weekend and spend time with family/friends. Take care.

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Recommended Reading – Progaganda, By Edward Bernays

October 30, 2014

“Bernay’s honest and practical manual provides much insight into some of the most powerful and influential institutions of contemporary industrial state capitalist democracies.”
– Noam Chomsky

Propaganda is a tool widely used by those holding positions in many facets of society, from politicians, religious leaders, agents of the state to corporate brass.

Edward Bernays, who is considered “the father of public relations”, penned his magnum opus Propaganda originally published in 1928.

This particular piece of work is dynamic because this book details how the mass manipulation of the human subconscious can place.

In a world where the propaganda vice-grip has reached unfathomable levels, knowledge of the form in which this takes place is not only imperative, but an individual responsibility.

Although glossed over by many, propaganda in it’s many forms – news, tv shows, songs, radio stations, advertisements, magazines, and more – has become an undeniable part of our society structure.

Webbing the populace at will, this tool, and all its functions, have served to greatly increase the influence/power of most individuals and institutions spreading it.

As VigilantCitizen eloquently states:

“Bernay’s trailblazing marketing campaigns profoundly changed the functioning of American society. He basically created “consumerism” by creating a culture wherein Americans bought for pleasure instead of buying for survival. For this reason, he was considered by Life Magazine to be in the Top 100 most influential Americans of the 20th century.”1

Propaganda, in it of itself, is not negative per se. However, if lies are embedded within the messages being shared, then this tool can have very nefarious and wide reaching consequences for entire populations.

The book’s strength lays in showcasing the methods being studied by Bernays nigh a century ago, and how those methods were or might be employed.

Simply stated, if one wishes to understand how the rulers of our time operate and how they use and extend part of their power, then Propaganda is for you.

Personally, this book should be mandatory for anyone’s education. Only by knowing what you face and how it is employed can one learn how to overcome it.

To sum up this work, it is best to leave you with this Orwellian quote by Bernays:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

― Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda



Other Suggested Reading

Mass Control – Engineering Human Consciousness by Jim Keith

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Blind Trust Of Authority

October 29, 2014

“Its the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.”
– Benjamin Franklin

Speaking truthfully oft leads to volatile consequences. Heck, sometimes just hinting at something different leaves one getting askance looks from those that do not have open minds.

Yet, the truth is inherently very crystal clear. And no matter how much some wish to twist it, belittle it, or rip it apart, alas, it remains.

Getting to the truth is not always so simple. This is especially true if there are elements within society – mainstream media, for instance – that not only script stories, but have been shown to lie continuously about vital issues.

It is due to this ubiquitous lying that individuals still trust authority, even though many authority centers have been shown to lack credibility time and time again.

How many people know that decades ago doctors were recommending cigarettes decades ago? Perhaps it was because while some doctors were making on average $11,058, they were receiving $5,000 payments from tobacco companies.1

Doctors, whose slated dictum – the Hippocratic Oath – echoes “Do no harm”, have often times gone counterintuitively against that Oath.

Besides extolling the virtues of cigarettes2, Doctors relentlessly continue to peddle vaccines – laden with nocuous mercury – onto the ignorant public.

Dentists are another group of professionals that people have trusted in overtime. However, this trust has not always been warranted. One huge reason for this is that they have continued the use of dental fillings containing the harmful substance mercury.3

Even though evidence is increasing of the dangers of this issue4, still about half of all dentists still opt to use mercury fillings.5

Other professionals that have caused myriad societal issues in certain places are rogue police officers. Although may cops do great work, there is a small subset who ruin the name of the majority, and in such instances engage in brutal violence of many kinds6, while also being getting caught in the act7, or outright doing heinous acts no one in authority should ever do such as making a child sit with a bloody corpse8.

California Cops were even found recently sharing nude photos from DUI suspects and calling it a ‘game’. Disgusting right?

Another extremely trusted bracket of society are authoritative figures in Religious circles. Even though they are well trusted historically, Pope Francis himself stated that 2% of all clerics were pedophiles9. And that is only what they are willing to admit to. Something tells me this is merely the tip of the iceberg.

Of course, a select portion of the general population that trust the mainstream media even though they have continuously lied to us. The mainstream media are a cornerstone of the blind-trust mechanism that people submit too because they are the main weapon of propaganda by the comptrollers.

Furthermore, an extremely frustrating transition that is taking place is the implementation of Common Core within the American Education Indoctrination system. Future generations are being put into locks-step using their disturbing guidelines.

Everything from corporate indoctrination10 to mind-boggling math problems that make no sense whatsoever and designed to make children confused11 are on tap. The issue has deteriorated so much that already the State of Indiana has opted to detach from such a system and create their own academic standards.12

With all this taking place, teachers are still opting to teach indoctrinate future generations at the behest of corporations, to make them good workers, but not outstanding critical thinkers. Ever wonder why logic, finance, or nutrition courses are not mandatory in most [if not all schools?]. That would help people how to think, save money, and take control of their health. Such knowledge would make corporations lose hundreds of billions of dollars and allow the populace to be truly free, rather than indebted to the control grid from cradle to grave. These same corporations wholly disdain those who wish to take their educations into their own hands13, because they do not want critically thinking individuals, they just want mindless drones.

Yes, there does exist countless amounts of folks that carry out great jobs in a variety of fields.  But there also is a pervasive nefarious element that is responsible for more harm then people could imagine.

Lastly, one enormous section trusted by society are institutions of all types. Like some individuals, institutions often have rap sheets that would make Al Capone jealous.

Government institutions, CDC, FDA, etc that have repeatedly lied to us and will continue to do so until the people make them realize they know the criminality they are engaging in. Until then, they will remain the fox guarding the hen house so to speak.

With the totality of such evidence alight, how can one blindly trust authority?



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Flu Shot Season Is Here! – Want Some Mercury?

October 28, 2014

Today, walking into the local Costco, we could not help but noticed emblazoned in bright red [talk about ominous portent, right?] how Flu Shots were being advertised. Needless to say the thought of anyone injecting toxins into their system just makes me cringe.

One of the noxious substances featured in some vaccines is the element Mercury, which is known to be harmful in any form.

Per Wikipedia:

“Mercury Poisoning [also known as hydrargyria or mercualism] is a type of metal poisoning and a metal condition caused by exposure to mercury or its compounds….Toxic effects include damage to the brain, kidneys, and lungs. Mercury poisoning can result in several diseases including acrodynia [pink disease], Hunter-Russell syndrome, and Minamata disease.”

Mercury is highly reactive with selenium, an essential dietary element required by about 25 genetically distinct enzyme types (selenoenzymes). Among their numerous functions, selenoenzymes prevent and reverse oxidative damage in the brain and endocrine organs. The molecular mechanism of mercury toxicity involves its unique ability to irreversibly inhibit activities of selenoenzymes.

It goes without saying, but Mercury is also really detrimental to fetuses as well as infants.1

One would figure that such a dangerous substance should not make it anywhere close to a person, yet alone a child.

You can tell someone that mercury is toxic [and some don’t even know it is, sadly!], and they agree because they know. The mind-numbing part that stretches one’s brain/logic is that if you know it is toxic, why on Earth would you inject that into your child?  It goes to show how well the propaganda machine works.

This ominously reminds me of Sodium Fluoride. Reason being is that although Sodium Fluoride is known to be toxic in many forms – even being an ingredient in rat poison! – it’s actually infused into the water supply.

Now let us get back to mercury. It is known that mercury is damaging in any dosages, as well as toxic in all forms.2 This isn’t stretching the imagination one bit. A simple way of thinking of Mercury is: Toxic Substance = Harmful Side Effects.

Shockingly, in 2009 there was a report covered by the Washington Post detailing that High-Fructose Corn Syrup, which been linked to many diseases including cancer, contains mercury.

Average American consumers ingest about 12 teaspoons per day of HFCS with youngsters eating 80% more High Fructose Corn Syrup then average. It’s no wonder that Americans consumed more than 37 pounds of HFCS in the year 2008!3

Of course, that means a hefty amount of mercury making its way into the diets of children, teenagers, adults and the elderly. Perhaps that is one of the myriad reasons why America’s health [and global health for that matter] is declining?

With evidence continuing to mount about the efficacy [or lack there of] of flu vaccines, what is going to give?

Knowing what we know, it’s time that people not only wake up to these series health issues, but also aid in keeping the establishment accountable for allowing such a pervasive and damaging toxin not only in the daily foods we eat, but also in the vaccines millions take blindly.  Only then will we being to ameliorate the tsunami of disease that just keeps getting larger and larger.



[3] Ibid

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Mainstream Media Exposed

October 27, 2014


“Modern means of communications – the power afforded by print, telephone, wireless and so forth, of rapidly putting through directive strategic or technical conceptions to a great number of cooperating centers, of getting quick replies and effective discussion – have opened up a new world of political processes. Ideas and phrases can now be given an effectiveness greater than the effectiveness of any personality and stronger than any sectional interest.”
– H.G. Wells

“All over the place, from the populace culture to the propaganda system, there is a constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that they only role they can have is to ratify decision and consume.”
– Noam Chomsky

From the very moment the printing press came to be, the course of history was instantly altered.

Information, and more importantly ideas, now had the capability to change the breath of the land. This did not go unnoticed by those in power.

Shaping conscious thought – reality – now was possible in ways previous generations could only dream of.

Soon thereafter, propaganda would become an even more effective tool when used in conjunction with the printing press, and its latest extension – mass media.

This is why now, in our time, the CIA has had its tentacles embedded deeply within the mainstream media structure. But this is not a recent event. Since at least the 1950s or so, the CIA had people working on their payroll influencing the American public:

Why is that of importance? Because a press that is run by a separate entity such as the CIA, or a press that has to seek approval due to censorship before publishing stories is not a free press. Censorship is antithetical to the truth. This lack of truth by all mainstream networks should eviscerate any credibility they might have with the population.

An incisive quote by H.G. Wells when he wrote for the New York Times best encapsulates the ramifications of modern media:

“Modern means of communications – the power afforded by print, telephone, wireless and so forth, of rapidly putting through directive strategic or technical conceptions to a great number of cooperating centers, of getting quick replies and effective discussion – have opened up a new world of political processes. Ideas and phrases can now be given an effectiveness greater than the effectiveness of any personality and stronger than any sectional interest.”[1]

Like the kings and rulers of time past, this piercing effectiveness that communications can bring has was quickly put to use by rulers/globalists of our era.

“Like Hitler, who sought to bring individuals alienated by the Industrial Revolution and Depression into a hive-like German Volk, or united people, the globalists who control America’s mass media have attempted to bring citizens into one common worldview by the unremitting dissemination of homogenous news and information. Networks and cable channels routinely accept reports from “pool reporters, which results in many channels presenting the same version of the news.”[2]

The aforementioned statement by author and renown researcher Jim Marrs gravitates to the core of the matter succinctly.

An evolution of social control has taken place via a variety of modalities, spearheaded mainly by modern communications such as the television, the Internet, and to a lesser extent books and magazine et al. This control grid – and its endless propaganda – has locked a large portion of humanity in lockstep with the plans of the ruling powers.

This is a prime example why people must educate themselves and spend the time needed to not only learn how to think critically, but also sift through information carefully – much of it designed to distract you – in order to figure out what is pertinent and what is outright garbage. Being able to do accomplish this will mean the different between knowing the truth or living a lie.

One facet that has simplified this information lockdown has been the monopolization of Corporations that control the media. With only six media giants running the show and exercising unprecedented control, it does not take a genius to see that such a monopoly in information distribution clearly facilitates the shaping of our world.

In a society in which people do not bother to question anything, scripted stories become the daily dish du jour.

Some people seem to be waking up, based on how many people are detaching from networks such as CNBC, who recently had its viewership decline to 8-year lows.

A lot work remains to be done however. The propaganda is relentless, and the mind control and techniques employed by mass media have been ongoing for quite some time.

Only by continuously educating ourselves will we be able to figure out the lies told by the mainstream media such as when the Associated Press was caught lying about water fluoridation or when the media was caught lying [again] about supplements. Keep in mind these are only but a smidgen of the vast and elaborate falsehoods put forth by mainstream.

To finalize:

“One of our best-kept secrets is the degree to which a handful of huge corporations control the flow of information in the United States. Whether it is television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, or the Internet, a few giant conglomerates are determining what we see, hear, and read. And the situation is likely to become much worse as a result of radical deregulation efforts by the Bush administration and some horrendous court decisions,” warned Congressman Bernie Sanders, adding, “This is an issue that Congress can no longer ignore.”[3]

Such an ominous warning should be taken to heart, because our very livelihoods – and those of future generations – depend on it.

What steps will YOU take to educate yourself and others?

The choice is yours.


[1] Propaganda, by Edward Bernays.  Pg. 40
[2] The Rise Of The Fourth Reich, by Jim Marrs. Pg. 353
[3] Ibid. Pg. 365

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Is The CDC Trustworthy?

October 26, 2014

CDC Protocol

“Trust is the glue of life.  It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication.  It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.”
– Stephen Covey

A lot of citizens are currently concerned about a possible Ebola pandemic scenario. Who could blame them? Most are taught as younglings to believe that government is good while also taught to trust authority. Police, Firemen, Nurses, Teachers, Bankers, are just some of the examples of positions which people surrender authority too without thinking twice.

When was the last time you, or anybody else for that matter, when in a position of emergency actually bothered to check someone’s credentials verifying them with the local Police Station, Hospital, etc.? Absolutely nobody. People just assume the individuals that seem like a person of authority are in fact that.

Usually that happens when the dilemma is a vital one, correct? Except, nobody knows what skeletons any of those individuals might be hiding in their proverbial closets. And in the days where priests – again, another position of authority – can be part of pedophile rings, anything is possible.

Which brings me to my next point: the all-knowing Centers for Disease Control [CDC].

The notorious CDC, which was founded in 1946, claims that it wants its healthcare workers to be ‘safe and prepared’.   Who doesn’t want that? With such rosy words being bandied about by this private organization, once again, many people are quick to trust those in positions of authority.

Simply because someone, or something – such institution for instance – is in position of authority does not mean that they know what they are doing, and it certainly does not mean they are trustworthy.

Surely, there are many great individuals in places of authority, but these points are not about them. It is about the blind trust that is taught to children, who whence turned into adults are unprepared to critically think and evaluate each scenario that arises in their lives with a fine-toothed comb, so to speak.

Now, everyone makes mistakes. We progress and learn from them on a case by case basis. Institutions, corporations and business are no different. But Government entities, business, and corporations should be held by high standards because they have the ability to affect tens of millions of people. With such power should come greater responsibility/accountability.

We are not seeing that with the CDC, however. What we are witnessing are incomprehensible actions that leave you nigh breathless in respect to their slated dictum.

One would figure such an institution would have the public’s well-being at heart. Such is not the case though.

Would a trustworthy institution in a position of authority collude with Big Pharma to conceal data on 3,500 miscarriages that took place from the H1N1?

Would a trustworthy institution in a position of authority misrepresent raw milk data, which has the ability to help tens of thousands of individuals?

Would a trustworthy institution in a position of authority continue the fallacy of antibody theory, which was exposed nigh five decades ago, and keep advocating for vaccinations when there is ample evidence of their extensive dangers?

Would a trustworthy institution in a position of authority opt to patent Ebola? A patent basically not only allows the person/institution that patented the invention to profit from it, but it also grants exclusive rights to them, thus preventing others from exploiting such ventures.

As they say, the plot thickens.

Knowing the above information, should we not be concerned?

Weigh the above carefully in your mind.   Ponder about what the ramifications are, because they are only the tip of the iceberg.  Keep in mind, the above examples are simply but a select few of a much larger collection of ‘mishaps’.

With that in mind, would YOU bet your LIFE and those of whom you love on such an institution?

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The unconscious conscious…

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Quote Of The Day

November 13, 2014


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Vaccination: Defending Your Right to Know and Freedom to Choose

via: Mercola
November 13, 2014

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