Documentary Synopsis – What In The World Are They Spraying?

These lines in the skies have been taking place for quite some time.  But, what are they?

Why are they there?  Ironically enough, some people still think that these lines are ‘contrails’, but such is not the case.

Millions are spent annually in order to flood the skies of Mother Earth with these chemical trails that are laden with Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, and other elements.  And that is only the beginning.

One of the ‘official’ reasons that is stated is to combat man-made global warming.  Interestingly enough, that does not make sense, as man-made global warming does not hold ground as in the largest effort to date to document global warming dissent in the scientific community, 31,486 Americans Scientists with university degrees in science – including 9,029 PhD, 7,157 MS, 2,586 MD and DVM, and 12,714 BS or equivalent – have signed on with the Global Warming Petition Project to state “the human-caused global warming hypothesis is without scientific validity. [1]

I don’t know about you, but my money is with the scientists, and not with the Politicians that brought us man-made global warming.  Ironic isn’t it, that politicians – the people that lie to us for a living – and not scientists, brought us global warming, and now this premise is used to bring forth even more taxes on the people [carbon tax, etc]?  It sure sounds like the perfect way to siphon off more money from the people.  But that is getting side tracked.  Let’s stick to Chemtrails.

First, if such is the case, and global warming is not man-made, then why lie about it?  Is it really for global warming, or is that just a convenient excuse?

Furthermore, the elements in these chemical trails are highly toxic, which leads us to to ask, since chemtrails are pollutants, which are known to cause breathing problems, muscle weakness, fatigue, heart problems, and organ problems, as well as many other health issues, why are they being sprayed on the populace?  Keep in mind, they affect animals and plants as well.

I am only posing the questions.  Because the answers we are given, sure do not make any sense.  Especially with the history paved in lies that the Governments have manifested themselves.

But do not take my word for it.  Do your own due diligence, and find the answers that resonate within you.




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