Where There Is Deficiency There Is Disease [Part1] – Selenium

November 5, 2014

Despite many folks hearing that ‘you are what you eat’, what many do not realize is that even if you do have foods and vegetables that might seem healthy [i.e. it’s a vegetable, thus it must be healthy], they might still be lacking proper nutrient content due to pesticides, herbicides, GMOs and the like.

This is why as concerned individuals we should do our best to put our health in a position not only to prevent disease efficiently with proper nutrients, but to actively flourish moving forward in our lives. This can only be accomplished by making sure our bodies have the requirements they need with proper nutrients.

Enter selenium.

Selenium is an extremely powerful yet oft underreported essential trace mineral.

This mineral has been known to have prevailing antioxidant properties in many instances. The lack of selenium in your nutrition can lead to grave consequences.

Deficiencies in selenium have been linked to an assortment of diseases. Some of these include miscarriage, thyroid disease, arthritis as well as viral infections.1 Other diseases that can take place when individuals lack selenium are a variety of cancers whilst also increasing heart disease.2

Worry not though, as nature always knows a way. When selenium is taken in conjunction with Vitamin E and Vitamin C, it has been shown to mitigate free-radicals known to cause cancer and heart disease.

Other health issues and diseases that Selenium may benefit are cataracts, macular degeneration, cognitive decline, HIV, cold sores, shingles and osteoarthritis.4

With the amount of people getting disease in the world growing by the day, it’s imperative individuals take their health into their own hands. Most do not know how nutrient deficient the Standard American Diet is.

Not only is the average diet laden with genetically modified organisms, which causes many health disturbances simply by itself, but by lacking nutrients as well, people are being exposed to an insidious one-two punch – never mind the fact that people are also exposed to nocuous aspartame, fluoride, fukushima radiation, chemtrails [containing barium, aluminum & strontium, etc.], and more.

This is why the importance of a nutrient-dense diet is vital. Besides selenium supplementation, a few ways people can get selenium in their diets is by eating eggs, sunflower seeds, mustards seeds, button mushrooms and shitake mushrooms, and brazil nuts.5

Although selenium is only one of the many vitamins and minerals the body needs, by only lacking one mineral – selenium in this instance – the body is subjected to unnecessary physical hardship.

A proper nutrient balance is key, but knowing where the holes in your body’s defenses are – lacking nutrients – and how to effectively seal them will help not only prevent the onset of disease, but aid in greater health.


[1] http://www.naturalnews.com/026376_selenium_cancer_thyroid.html
[2] http://www.naturalnews.com/032052_selenium_deficiency.html
[3] http://www.naturalnews.com/042926_seleniu_trace_mineral_brain_function.html
[4] http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/09/17/increasing-selenium-intake-decreases-bladder-cancer-risk.aspx
[5] Ibid

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