Is The CDC Trustworthy?

October 26, 2014

CDC Protocol

“Trust is the glue of life.  It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication.  It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.”
– Stephen Covey

A lot of citizens are currently concerned about a possible Ebola pandemic scenario. Who could blame them? Most are taught as younglings to believe that government is good while also taught to trust authority. Police, Firemen, Nurses, Teachers, Bankers, are just some of the examples of positions which people surrender authority too without thinking twice.

When was the last time you, or anybody else for that matter, when in a position of emergency actually bothered to check someone’s credentials verifying them with the local Police Station, Hospital, etc.? Absolutely nobody. People just assume the individuals that seem like a person of authority are in fact that.

Usually that happens when the dilemma is a vital one, correct? Except, nobody knows what skeletons any of those individuals might be hiding in their proverbial closets. And in the days where priests – again, another position of authority – can be part of pedophile rings, anything is possible.

Which brings me to my next point: the all-knowing Centers for Disease Control [CDC].

The notorious CDC, which was founded in 1946, claims that it wants its healthcare workers to be ‘safe and prepared’.   Who doesn’t want that? With such rosy words being bandied about by this private organization, once again, many people are quick to trust those in positions of authority.

Simply because someone, or something – such institution for instance – is in position of authority does not mean that they know what they are doing, and it certainly does not mean they are trustworthy.

Surely, there are many great individuals in places of authority, but these points are not about them. It is about the blind trust that is taught to children, who whence turned into adults are unprepared to critically think and evaluate each scenario that arises in their lives with a fine-toothed comb, so to speak.

Now, everyone makes mistakes. We progress and learn from them on a case by case basis. Institutions, corporations and business are no different. But Government entities, business, and corporations should be held by high standards because they have the ability to affect tens of millions of people. With such power should come greater responsibility/accountability.

We are not seeing that with the CDC, however. What we are witnessing are incomprehensible actions that leave you nigh breathless in respect to their slated dictum.

One would figure such an institution would have the public’s well-being at heart. Such is not the case though.

Would a trustworthy institution in a position of authority collude with Big Pharma to conceal data on 3,500 miscarriages that took place from the H1N1?

Would a trustworthy institution in a position of authority misrepresent raw milk data, which has the ability to help tens of thousands of individuals?

Would a trustworthy institution in a position of authority continue the fallacy of antibody theory, which was exposed nigh five decades ago, and keep advocating for vaccinations when there is ample evidence of their extensive dangers?

Would a trustworthy institution in a position of authority opt to patent Ebola? A patent basically not only allows the person/institution that patented the invention to profit from it, but it also grants exclusive rights to them, thus preventing others from exploiting such ventures.

As they say, the plot thickens.

Knowing the above information, should we not be concerned?

Weigh the above carefully in your mind.   Ponder about what the ramifications are, because they are only the tip of the iceberg.  Keep in mind, the above examples are simply but a select few of a much larger collection of ‘mishaps’.

With that in mind, would YOU bet your LIFE and those of whom you love on such an institution?

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  1. Blind Trust Of Authority | The Red Pill Guide
  2. The Oppresive FDA Exposed – [Part2] | The Red Pill Guide

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