Posts Tagged Pandemic

Is The CDC Trustworthy? [Part Deux]

November 10, 2014

If the CDC’s [Centers For Disease Control] credibility [or lack thereof] hasn’t been teetering on the brink, then it has surely has fallen of the deep-end.

The CDC’s ineptitude was proven – yet again – with the fact that they are admitting that Ebola can now spread through the air, despite them saying not long ago contradictory statements.

Of course, now that Ebola can spread through the air, 250,000 hazmat suits are to be sent to Dallas, TX.

There have many folks attempting to make this alleged pandemic [in which nigh nobody seems to get sick, and seems mostly composed of smoke and mirrors] seem far larger than it really is. Yet, even if it was real, one death in the amount of time that it’s been here, as well as the level of exposure that has taken place [via incompetence, or worse] makes this seem rather weak considering how many other more notables issues such as diseases/prescription drugs that are killing folks in the thousands monthly.

That goes without saying, with flu season among us, and Ebola displaying ‘flu like symptoms’, it surely is quite convenient for vaccines pushers that Ebola’s symptom’s mirror those of the flu.

With that in mind, Johnson & Johnson has recently announced it plans to have 250,000 experimental Ebola vaccines ready to go soon. In conjunction with that, they will push to have 1,000,000 vaccines prepared by next year.

This entire ordeal seems like the dream scenario for vaccine pushers. There is:

a] an alleged virus that can prompt extreme fear [which debilitates the immune system] based on myriad symptoms;
b] which allows for a greater number of [false] possible victims to be established/quarantined;
c] conveniently taking place at the nascent stages of yet another hyped up virus, which mirrors the very symptoms Ebola is claimed to have;
d] being managed in a way that if it such pandemic really is taking place, the government seems to be doing everything possible not to stop, but to allow this to spread;
e] thus allowing Big Pharma/Big Medica to reap untold profits the longer this continues.

That is exactly the point. By this playing out over the long term this allows for calculated [incremental, perhaps, given Ebola’s nigh non-existent spread rate] control and perhaps medical martial law of the populace, whilst simultaneously allowing those who own the patents for the vaccines to make untold millions.

Sure seems to be running like a script, doesn’t it?

In fact, expect a huge propaganda campaign to be launched around thanksgiving, and also during New Year due to travel and such. Would not be surprising seeing a few more ‘probables’ popping up right before those holidays.

Don’t forget the fact that with flu season among us, the amount of false-positives will also be high because of the flue, and also given the inaccuracies of the PCR test

Dream scenario for the vaccine pushers?

Yes indeed. Only if we allow it to be.

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Weekend Reading Suggestions – November 7, 2014

November 7, 2014

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.”
– Groucho Marx

Earlier this week additional evidence was shared via as to why Kellogg’s Cereals should become part of your complete breakfast be avoided like the plague.

Not only are Kellogg’s cereals subject to antibiotics, but to complete its devilish one-two punch they are also laden with GMO pesticides:

Kellogg’s Cereals: Double Dose of GMO Pesticides & Antibiotics

Continuing with the topic of health, Jon Rappoport covers in this link below on how the comptrollers are kicking in clawing in their attempts to carve out a new scamdemic reality for us:

The Invention Of “Virus Reality”

In the economic realm, Jeff Nielson pens this piece below outlining how the real price of Gold would operate without the chains it maintains from the criminal banking financial complex:

Pricing Gold In The Real World

Also within the precious metals arena, The Doc & Eric Dubin discuss the metals markets with Mr. Ferguson in respect to the US Mint being caught with their pants down having no silver for distribution from the US Mint:

US Mint Caught Totally Off Guard By EPIC Wave Of Silver Demand – Physical Market Screams No Mas!

Onto the environment, we have two seemingly separate but interconnected issues that will increase their detrimental momentum against the populace heading into the upcoming years.

First of these is the fact that there has been an extreme drought in the entire Southwest region of the United States that continues unabated.  Needless to say, the economic/political/societal ramifications of this drought could prompt innumerable issues:

NASA Warns California Drought Could Threaten US Food Supply “There Will Definitely Be Changes”

In tandem with the above drought, rarely discussed by the mainstream media are the ongoing issues of the Fukushima prefecture.  As radiation continues to spew into the northern hemisphere and circling the globe, this issue is only going to exacerbate given the absolute lack of coverage/action it is prompting.  Fukushima radiation is already affecting babies in the west coast.  As time continues, where will this tidal wave stop?:

Radiation Crimes Of Eternity

Now for the MacGyvers out there, below follows a rather creative and useful link for those searching for ways to add to their winter firemaking repertoire:

How To Make Firewood & Woodstove Logs For Free

Hope you all have a great weekend and remember, you only take each step once, so make sure each step is taken in the right direction.

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Government Lied About Pandemic Which Killed 50 Million People … Attempt to “Prevent Panic” Backfired

via: Washington’sBlog
November 4, 2014

Governments Have Suppressed the Dangers of Epidemics Before, Only Making Things Worse

The mainstream American press has agreed – at the request of the government – not to report on suspected Ebola cases.

Let’s provide some context …

The U.S. National Academies of Science noted in 2005 (starting on the bottom of p. 64):

In the United States, national and local government and public health authorities badly mishandled the [1918 “Spanish Flu”] epidemic [which killed up to 50 million people worldwide], offering a useful case study.

The context is important. Every country engaged in World War I tried to control public perception. To avoid hurting morale, even in the nonlethal first wave the press in countries fighting in the war did not mention the outbreak. (But Spain was not at war and its press wrote about it, so the pandemic became known as the Spanish flu).

The United States was no different.  In 1917 California Senator Hiram Johnson made the since-famous observation that “The first casualty when war comes is truth.” The U.S. government passed a law that made it punishable by 20 years in jail to “utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the government of the United States.”

One could go to jail for cursing or criticizing the government, even if what one said was true. A Congressman was jailed. Simultaneously, the government mounted a massive propaganda effort. An architect of that effort said, “Truth and falsehood are arbitrary terms…. There is nothing in experience to tell us that one is always preferable to the other…. The force of an idea lies in its inspirational value. It matters very little if it is true or false” (Vaughn, 1980).

The combination of rigid control and disregard for truth had dangerous consequences. Focusing on the shortest term, local officials almost universally told half-truths or outright lies to avoid damaging morale and the war effort. They were assisted—not challenged—by the press, which although not censored in a technical sense cooperated fully with the government’s propaganda machine.

Routinely, as influenza approached a city or town—one could watch it march from place to place—local officials initially told the public not to worry, that public health officials would prevent the disease from striking them. When influenza first appeared, officials routinely insisted at first it was only ordinary influenza, not the Spanish flu. As the epidemic exploded, officials almost daily assured the public that the worst was over.

This pattern repeated itself again and again. Chicago offers one example: Its public health commissioner said he’d do “nothing to interfere with the morale of the community…. It is our duty to keep the people from fear. Worry kills more people than the epidemic” (Robertson, 1918).

That idea—“Fear kills more than the disease”—became a mantra nationally and in city after city. As Literary Digest, one of the largest circulation periodicals in the country, advised, “Fear is our first enemy” (Van Hartesveldt, 1992).

In Philadelphia, when the public health commissioner closed all schools, houses of worship, theaters, and other public gathering places, one newspaper went so far as to say that this order was “not a public health measure” and reiterated that “there is no cause for panic or alarm.”

But as people heard these reassurances, they could see neighbors, friends, and spouses dying horrible deaths.

In Chicago, the Cook County Hospital mortality rate of all influenza admissions—not just those who developed pneumonia—was 39.8 percent (Keeton and Cusman, 1918). In Philadelphia, bodies remained uncollected in homes for days, until eventually open trucks and even horse-drawn carts were sent down city streets and people were told to bring out the dead. The bodies were stacked without coffins and buried in cemeteries in mass graves dug by steam shovels.

This horrific disconnect between reassurances and reality destroyed the credibility of those in authority. People felt they had no one to turn to, no one to rely on, no one to trust.

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Big Pharma Seeks Legal Immunity For Damages From Experimental Ebola Eaccines

Ethan A. Huff
October 29, 2014

The same drug manufacturers that stand to profit immensely from the sale of Ebola vaccines say they require full legal immunity from any potential lawsuits that might arise when people are harmed by various adverse effects from these “emergency” drugs.

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) CEO Andrew Witty told World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Margaret Chan that his corporation, which is currently leading the way in producing Ebola vaccines, shouldn’t have to shoulder any of the burden of responsibility for their safety.

Witty maintains, in other words, that GSK should be allowed full access to the financial benefits associated with selling Ebola vaccines to the public, but with absolutely none of the risk. And his company and others will likely get what they want, since they hold remarkable sway in the political realm.

“I think it is reasonable that there should be some level of indemnification because the vaccine is essentially being used in an emergency situation before we’ve all had the chance to confirm its absolute profile,” Witty told BBC.

“That’s a situation where we would look for some kind of indemnification, either from governments or from multilateral agencies.”

Taxpayers funding development of high-profit drugs for which drug companies will not be held liable

There are currently no approved drugs or vaccines for Ebola, which is why GSK and others have been racing to pump new ones through the pipeline. This process, which normally takes five or six years to complete, is being done in about five or six months, hence concerns over the safety of the final products.

But the shady reality is that governments, not vaccine companies, are actually the ones financing the development of experimental Ebola drugs and vaccines. And they are doing so on the taxpayer dime, which means vaccine companies are not only developing their vaccines for free but also gaining access to unlimited profit potential driven by fear.

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Is The CDC Trustworthy?

October 26, 2014

CDC Protocol

“Trust is the glue of life.  It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication.  It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.”
– Stephen Covey

A lot of citizens are currently concerned about a possible Ebola pandemic scenario. Who could blame them? Most are taught as younglings to believe that government is good while also taught to trust authority. Police, Firemen, Nurses, Teachers, Bankers, are just some of the examples of positions which people surrender authority too without thinking twice.

When was the last time you, or anybody else for that matter, when in a position of emergency actually bothered to check someone’s credentials verifying them with the local Police Station, Hospital, etc.? Absolutely nobody. People just assume the individuals that seem like a person of authority are in fact that.

Usually that happens when the dilemma is a vital one, correct? Except, nobody knows what skeletons any of those individuals might be hiding in their proverbial closets. And in the days where priests – again, another position of authority – can be part of pedophile rings, anything is possible.

Which brings me to my next point: the all-knowing Centers for Disease Control [CDC].

The notorious CDC, which was founded in 1946, claims that it wants its healthcare workers to be ‘safe and prepared’.   Who doesn’t want that? With such rosy words being bandied about by this private organization, once again, many people are quick to trust those in positions of authority.

Simply because someone, or something – such institution for instance – is in position of authority does not mean that they know what they are doing, and it certainly does not mean they are trustworthy.

Surely, there are many great individuals in places of authority, but these points are not about them. It is about the blind trust that is taught to children, who whence turned into adults are unprepared to critically think and evaluate each scenario that arises in their lives with a fine-toothed comb, so to speak.

Now, everyone makes mistakes. We progress and learn from them on a case by case basis. Institutions, corporations and business are no different. But Government entities, business, and corporations should be held by high standards because they have the ability to affect tens of millions of people. With such power should come greater responsibility/accountability.

We are not seeing that with the CDC, however. What we are witnessing are incomprehensible actions that leave you nigh breathless in respect to their slated dictum.

One would figure such an institution would have the public’s well-being at heart. Such is not the case though.

Would a trustworthy institution in a position of authority collude with Big Pharma to conceal data on 3,500 miscarriages that took place from the H1N1?

Would a trustworthy institution in a position of authority misrepresent raw milk data, which has the ability to help tens of thousands of individuals?

Would a trustworthy institution in a position of authority continue the fallacy of antibody theory, which was exposed nigh five decades ago, and keep advocating for vaccinations when there is ample evidence of their extensive dangers?

Would a trustworthy institution in a position of authority opt to patent Ebola? A patent basically not only allows the person/institution that patented the invention to profit from it, but it also grants exclusive rights to them, thus preventing others from exploiting such ventures.

As they say, the plot thickens.

Knowing the above information, should we not be concerned?

Weigh the above carefully in your mind.   Ponder about what the ramifications are, because they are only the tip of the iceberg.  Keep in mind, the above examples are simply but a select few of a much larger collection of ‘mishaps’.

With that in mind, would YOU bet your LIFE and those of whom you love on such an institution?

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THE EBOLA DECEPTION: Vaccine Agenda Fully Exposed – Final Edition [FULL DOCUMENTARY]

By: RedPillRevolution
October 24, 2014

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Are Ebola Tests Reliable?

By: Dr. Sircus
October 24, 2014

Ebola is difficult to diagnose when a person is first infected because the early symptoms, such as fever, are also symptoms of other diseases, such as malaria and typhoid fever and even common influenza. “The symptoms are extremely nonspecific in the beginning — Ebola looks like almost anything,” said Dr. Bruce Hirsch, an infectious-disease specialist at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, New York.

Enhanced Ebola screenings began Saturday at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport as authorities moved to ensure passengers potentially carrying the virus don’t make it into the United States. Anyone traveling from Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone will be singled out by Customs and Border Protection, who will take their temperature with a non-contact thermometer and ask them a series of questions.

The most common test for Ebola is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. Unfortunately this test can be negative during the first three days an infected person has symptoms, said Dr. Sandro Cinti, an infectious-disease specialist at the University of Michigan Hospital System/Ann Arbor VA Health System. “Somebody could be in the hospital for three to five days before a diagnosis [of Ebola] is confirmed,” Cinti told Live Science. “The important thing is keeping the patient isolated until you can get to a diagnosis.”

We have already seen an entire cruise ship denied port because of one woman with the flu who ended up being negative for Ebola when tested. What are health and medical officials going to do when the flu season starts in earnest?

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Why the medical establishment will never find a cause or cure for autism

Friday, February 24, 2012
By: Jonathan Benson

[NaturalNews] No matter how you look at it, autism research is big business. Just like the Susan G. Komen Foundation’s “Race for the Cure” for breast cancer, the autism industry pretends to be looking for the causes of autism and how to cure it, when in reality it is on a never-ending hunt for money to fund so-called research into the bodily changes associated with autism in order to push more profit-generating screenings and drug therapies on the public.

The worldwide propaganda campaign that continues to repeat the lie that vaccines are in no way related to autism is one great example of the medical establishment covering up one of the most obvious causes of autism. Rather than actually investigate how the body responds to vaccines, and how these responses are clearly associated with the neurological damage that is part and parcel of autism symptoms, researchers continue to churn out studies that completely avoid any investigation of this or any other likely cause of autism.

Instead, the vast majority of autism studies, which happen to be funded mostly by the pharmaceutical industry, focus solely on the physical, genetic, and chemical changes that accompany the disease, and ignore trying to identify thecausesthat lead to these changes in the first place. This approach is deliberate, of course, because it facilitates the development of an endless cycle of drug and behavioral therapies for autism that never get to the root of the problem, which means they will forever generate a continuous stream of new profits.

“To find a disease cause and solution to prevent disease isn’t profitable,” says a recent article inGaia Healththat addresses this important issue. “However, to find even the most miniscule physical, genetic, or chemical change in someone with an existing disease means that even more money can be squeezed out of the research funders like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), agencies funded by taxpayers. Anything that leads away from causes and focuses on the physiochemical effects of autism always leads to more questions and more research funds.”

The medical establishment seeks to destroy the lives, careers of researchers who actually try to identify causes of, and cures for, disease

On the rare occasion that an honest researcher comes along and tries to actually conduct legitimate research into the causes of autism, he or she is eventually cut off from the funding chain, and sometimes even maligned and slandered in the public eye by the medical and media establishment. This is precisely what has happened to Dr. Andrew Wakefield, whose honest research into one cause of autism led to an ongoing barrage of character and career assassination that continues to this very day (

Be sure to take a look at the sample studies on autism analyzed byGaia Healththat show a clear disinterest by the medical establishment in actually finding causes of, or cures for, autism. These studies are clearly aimed at discovering and promoting new drug and vaccine protocols for treating autism symptoms, rather than actually trying to prevent it from developing in the first place:


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Vaccines for everything: Researchers now on brink of developing salmonella jab

Friday, February 24, 2012
By: Ethan A. Huff

[NaturalNews] The vaccine industry is currently hard at work trying to churn out a vaccine for salmonella, a typically food borne pathogen that thrives on factory farms and in other unsanitary settings. CBS 13 News in Sacramento reports that researchers from the University of California, Davis, have been tasked with developing a vaccine that supposedly prevents salmonella, which these researchers say they are on the verge of completing in the very near future.

Rather than attempt to address the root causes of salmonella, which include filthy animal living conditions on industrial farms and the overuse of synthetic antibiotics in conventional livestock, just to name a few, mainstream science is busy concocting new ways to jab people with toxic chemical cocktails that could permanently injure them.

Funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health, Stephen McSorley and his team of international researchers believe that by closely studying the immune response to infection in mice, they will be able to arrive at a solid vaccine protocol for “curing” salmonella. And their findings thus far, which were recently published in the journalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, seem to indicate that the project is moving forward as planned.

Not surprisingly, Big Pharma is behind this ludicrous endeavor to develop a vaccine for an illness that is largely preventable through improved hygiene, small-scale agriculture, and naturally-boosted human immunity. Drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and the Novartis Vaccines Institute for Global Health are both collaborators on the project, which is expected to soon move into human clinical trials (

The development of this new salmonella vaccine appears to also align directly with the vision of a group of researchers in the U.K. who last summer called for the development of 20 new vaccines in the next decade. Their paper, which was published in the journalLancet, seeks funding for the development of vaccines “beyond classic infections,” including for things like diabetes, degenerative diseases, and even cancer (

So by the looks of it, there could soon be vaccines for virtually everything — a headache, an upset stomach, a paper cut, you name it. Anything mainstream medicine can identify that is aconsequenceof a underlying condition rather than acauseof it is open game for vaccine development because there is a whole lot of money to be made utilizing this approach to so-called medicine.


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9 Questions That Stump Every Pro-Vaccine Advocate and Their Claims

Via: PreventDisease
By: Dave Mihalovic – A Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.

Since the flu pandemic was declared, there have been several so-called “vaccine experts” coming out of the wood work attempting to justify the effectiveness of vaccines. All of them parrot the same ridiculous historical and pseudoscientific perspectives of vaccinations which are easily squelched with the following 9 questions.

Claim: The study of vaccines, their historical record of achievements, effectiveness, safety and mechanism in humans are well understood and proven in scientific and medical circles.

Fact: The claim is completely false. 

1. What to ask: Could you please provide one double-blind, placebo-controlled study that can prove the safety and effectiveness of vaccines?

2. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific evidence on ANY study which can confirm the long-term safety and effectiveness of vaccines?

3. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific evidence which can prove that disease reduction in any part of the world, at any point in history was attributable to inoculation of populations?

4. What to ask: Could you please explain how the safety and mechanism of vaccines in the human body are scientifically proven if their pharmacokinetics (the study of bodily absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of ingredients) are never examined
or analyzed in any vaccine study?

One of the most critical elements which defines the toxicity potential of any vaccine are its pharmacokinetic properties. Drug companies and health agencies refuse to consider the study, analysis or evaluation of the pharmacokinetic properties of any vaccine.

There is not one double-blind, placebo-controlled study in the history of vaccine development that has ever proven their safety, effectiveness or achievements (unless those achievements have underlined their damage to human health).

There are also no controlled studies completed in any country which have objectively proven that vaccines have had any direct or consequential effect on the reduction of any type of disease in any
part of the world.

Every single study that has ever attempted to validate the safety and effectiveness of vaccines has conclusively established carcinogenic, mutagenic, neurotoxic or fertility impairments, but they won’t address those.


Claim: Preservatives and chemical additives used in the manufacture of vaccines are safe and no studies have been linked or proven them unsafe for use in humans.

Fact: The claim is completely false. 

5. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific justification as to how injecting a human being with a confirmed neurotoxin is beneficial to human health and prevents disease?

6. What to ask: Can you provide a risk/benefit profile on how the benefits of injecting a known neurotoxin exceeds its risks to human health for the intended goal of preventing disease?

This issue is no longer even open to debate. It is a scientifically established fact in literally hundreds of studies that the preservatives and chemical additives in vaccines damage cells. Neurotoxicity, immune suppression, immune-mediated chronic inflammation and carcinogenic proliferation are just a few of several effects that have been observed on the human body.See a list of chemicals in vaccines

Fortunately, the drug companies still tell us the damage vaccines have on the human body. People just don’t read them. All you have to do is look at the insert for any vaccine, and it will detail the exact ingredients, alerts and potentially lethal effects.

See my latest analysis of the Arepanrix H1N1 vaccine for an example.

Any medical professional who believes that it is justified to inject any type of neurotoxin into any person to prevent any disease is completely misguided, misinformed, deluded and ignorant of any logic regarding human health.


Claim: Once an individual is injected with the foreign antigen in the vaccine, that individual becomes immune to future infections.

Fact: The claim is completely false. 

7. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific justification on how bypassing the respiratory tract (or mucous membrane) is advantageous and how directly injecting viruses into the bloodstream enhances immune functioning and prevents future infections?

8. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific justification on how a vaccine would prevent viruses from mutating?

9. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific justification as to how a vaccination can target a virus in an infected individual who does not have the exact viral configuration or strain the vaccine was developed for?

All promoters of vaccination fail to realize that the respiratory tract of humans (actually all mammals) contains antibodies which initiates natural immune responses within the respiratory tract mucosa. Bypassing this mucosal aspect of the immune system by directly injecting viruses into the bloodstream leads to a corruption in the immune system itself. As a result, the pathogenic viruses or bacteria cannot be eliminated by the immune system and remain in the body, where they will further grow and/or mutate as the individual is exposed to ever more antigens and toxins in the environment which continue to assault the immune system.

Despite the injection of any type of vaccine, viruses continue circulating through the body, mutating and transforming into other organisms. The ability of a vaccine manufacturer to target the exact viral strain without knowing its mutagenic properties is equivalent to shooting a gun at a fixed target that has already been moved from its location. You would be shooting at what was, not what is!

Flu viruses, may mutate, change or adapt several times over a period of one flu season, making the seasonal influenza vaccine 100% redundant and ineffective every single flu season. Ironically, the natural immune defenses of the human body can target these changes but the vaccines cannot.

I have never encountered one pro-vaccine advocate, whether medically or scientifically qualified, who could answer even 1 let alone all 9 of these questions. One or all of the following will happen when debating any of the above questions:

– They will concede defeat and admit they are stumped

– They will attempt to discredit unrelated issues that do not pertain to the question.

– They will formulate their response and rebuttal based on historical arguments and scientific studies which have been disproved over and over again.

Not one pro-vaccine advocate will ever directly address these questions in an open mainstream venue.


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