Posts Tagged Employment

Hyper Report 07/21/12 – The Scramble For Gold

via: HyperReport
July 21, 2012

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The Ever-Increasing Age Of Retirement

via: ZeroHedge
by: Tyler Durden
July 11, 2012

Tyler Durden's picture
Americans work harder longer than any European nation aside from Spain. France, on the other hand, does not – with a retirement age five years earlier than the US (and only bested by the island of Malta). Over the long-term, Italy appears to be the worst case at 69 years (but in Italy-work-years this is only 51 years since they vacation three months per year). As the Washington Post points out most of the European nations (including Germany) are set to see their retirement ages raised in “a dramatic rewrite of the continent’s postwar social compact” highlighting that “measures that keep people working longer could prove one of the most significant social legacies of the debt crisis.” But even then they only catch up to the American worker. Of course, the sad reality is that as workers get older, that retirement age will extend further and further away.

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America’s Economic Employment System is Collapsing

via: JohnGaltfla
by: John Galt
July 8, 2012

I realize that maybe 0.0005% of my readers have the time to dig up these obscure statistics and that there are smart asses who think that the masses follow this data but the truth is that is why I provide it. The smart asses proclaim “anyone can read it” yet the truth is the MSM and BSM (Bull S**t media) wants to keep the average American from seeing the truth and that is because the truth hurts.

Thus the question is quite simple:

Actually, it should be “where da jobs at” but Blazing Saddles will do for this discussion and to make everyone snicker.

To break down the data, it takes a moment to dig up some obscure points of information from the BLS reports, and as usual, mine is non-seasonally adjusted so as to reflect current reality, not statistical whimsical nonsense.

I.  Employment v. Population Ratio

Instead of focusing on the total number of people not in the labor force first, let us take a look at the ratio versus total population which is more indicative of  how pathetic this economic expansion has been;

The above chart demonstrates that since the Jimmy Carter era economic collapse has the U.S. economy not been able to increase employment at a rate to offset the decline in the economy overall. In fact it was the “Reagan Recovery” starting in 1983 which sparked historic levels of economic expansion which since have collapsed to 1930′s levels under the malfeasance of the Bush and Obama regimes.

Yet nobody will acknowledge that the chart above is a true indication of the total collapse of the employment creation machine which will sustain America into this century because of an imposition of anti-capitalist policies since late 2008.

II.  Males not in the Labor Force

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The Mancession: 16 Signs That This Economic Decline Is Sucking The Life Out Of The American Male

Via: TheEconomicCollapseBlog
June 19, 2012

This economic decline has been really hard on everyone, but it has been particularly hard on American men.  During the last recession male employment dropped like a rock and it has not recovered much at all since then.  That is why many referred to the last recession as a “mancession”.  Industries where men are disproportionately represented such as construction and manufacturing have really been hit hard in recent years.  In the old days, you could take a high school education down to the local factory and get a job that would enable you to live a middle class lifestyle and support a growing family on just that one income.  Sadly, those days are long gone.  Today, American men live in a world where their labor is not really needed.  Wages are falling because almost any worker can be easily replaced by the vast pool of unemployed American workers that are currently searching for work, and a lot of big companies are shifting labor-intensive jobs overseas where workers only make a small fraction of what they make in the United States.  American workers (especially those without much education) are considered to be expensive liabilities in a world where labor has become a global commodity.  So the percentage of working age American men that have jobs is likely to continue to decline and wages are likely to continue to stagnate as well.

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