Posts Tagged Antiprotozoa

The Benefits Of Coconut Oil

November 4, 2014

coconut-oil“Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
– Hippocrates

A large facet of people have heard the axiom: “You are what you eat.” How many people actually take it to heart though?

Americans keep getting sicker and sicker every day, even though spending into the medical structure has vaunted to unheard levels.

By in large, one big reason why there has been an increase in disease is because of their consumption of Trans Fatty Acids within the Standard American Diet, which prompts many issues.

A sinister trick employed by companies is the fact that even though a product can be labelled trans-fat free, corporations can infuse up to 0.5 grams of trans-fats per serving.1 Deceitfulness is everywhere, definitely. One more way in which corrupt corporations pull a bait and switch.

Another fantastic example of this is how companies keep calling foods at the store natural that happen to be genetically modified. In fact, if this food truly were real they would be thus labelled organic and not the former.

The main reason why people should not consume trans-fats are because they are alien to the human body.

If that is not much of an impetus for those unconcerned about their health, trans-fats have also been linked to not only inflammation, but also cell damaging free radicals.2 For those that don’t know, free radicals can lead to cancer.3 That goes without saying, the with increased amounts of trans fats eaten cellular destruction rises there in effectively harming tissues and organs increasing the occurrence of disease.4

Being an unsaturated fats, trans-fats also engage in the suppression in the immune system5, which also leads to onset of disease.

There are a variety of cooking oils, and many of them are healthy. The one at the apex is Coconut Oil though.

Due to its high saturated fat content, coconut oil is “the least vulnerable of all dietary oils to oxidation and free-radical formation and therefor is safest to use in cooking.”6[Fife, Pg. 30]  Another great aspect of coconut oil is its preventative properties in respect to heart disease.

It was found that:

“Pacific Islanders, who live on traditional diets rich in coconut, don’t get heart disease.”7

Due to its differing nature from oils found in common foods, coconut oils are nigh burned immediately as energy and they are not transformed into fat.8

Besides being great for cooking, coconut oil is also a powerful anti-viral, antibacterial, and anti-protozoa.9

Some of the viruses coconut oil has been able to mitigate are HIV, herpes, measles, influenza, various pathogenic bacteria and protozoa such as giardia lamblia.10

There are many other aspects of coconut oil that make it a go-to food in the kitchen.

With such a wide repertoire of benefits, especially when compared to other oils, coconut oil should be considered for implementation as a staple in people’s diets.

It’s just one of the many things people can do to take back their health, and stop diseases in its tracks.

Great health starts with a choice – a first step into a better direction.  It’s as simple as that.


[4] The Coconut Oil Miracle, by By Bruce Fife C.N. Pg. 31.
[5] Ibid. Pg. 30.
[6] Ibid. Pg. 30.
[7] Ibid. Pg. 37.
[8] Ibid. Pg. 43.
[10] Ibid

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