Posts Tagged News

Vaccination: Defending Your Right to Know and Freedom to Choose

via: Mercola
November 13, 2014

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Is The CDC Trustworthy? [Part Deux]

November 10, 2014

If the CDC’s [Centers For Disease Control] credibility [or lack thereof] hasn’t been teetering on the brink, then it has surely has fallen of the deep-end.

The CDC’s ineptitude was proven – yet again – with the fact that they are admitting that Ebola can now spread through the air, despite them saying not long ago contradictory statements.

Of course, now that Ebola can spread through the air, 250,000 hazmat suits are to be sent to Dallas, TX.

There have many folks attempting to make this alleged pandemic [in which nigh nobody seems to get sick, and seems mostly composed of smoke and mirrors] seem far larger than it really is. Yet, even if it was real, one death in the amount of time that it’s been here, as well as the level of exposure that has taken place [via incompetence, or worse] makes this seem rather weak considering how many other more notables issues such as diseases/prescription drugs that are killing folks in the thousands monthly.

That goes without saying, with flu season among us, and Ebola displaying ‘flu like symptoms’, it surely is quite convenient for vaccines pushers that Ebola’s symptom’s mirror those of the flu.

With that in mind, Johnson & Johnson has recently announced it plans to have 250,000 experimental Ebola vaccines ready to go soon. In conjunction with that, they will push to have 1,000,000 vaccines prepared by next year.

This entire ordeal seems like the dream scenario for vaccine pushers. There is:

a] an alleged virus that can prompt extreme fear [which debilitates the immune system] based on myriad symptoms;
b] which allows for a greater number of [false] possible victims to be established/quarantined;
c] conveniently taking place at the nascent stages of yet another hyped up virus, which mirrors the very symptoms Ebola is claimed to have;
d] being managed in a way that if it such pandemic really is taking place, the government seems to be doing everything possible not to stop, but to allow this to spread;
e] thus allowing Big Pharma/Big Medica to reap untold profits the longer this continues.

That is exactly the point. By this playing out over the long term this allows for calculated [incremental, perhaps, given Ebola’s nigh non-existent spread rate] control and perhaps medical martial law of the populace, whilst simultaneously allowing those who own the patents for the vaccines to make untold millions.

Sure seems to be running like a script, doesn’t it?

In fact, expect a huge propaganda campaign to be launched around thanksgiving, and also during New Year due to travel and such. Would not be surprising seeing a few more ‘probables’ popping up right before those holidays.

Don’t forget the fact that with flu season among us, the amount of false-positives will also be high because of the flue, and also given the inaccuracies of the PCR test

Dream scenario for the vaccine pushers?

Yes indeed. Only if we allow it to be.

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USDA Power Play Threatens the Future of Organic Foods

November 4, 2014

who-owns-organic-2014-smLast week saw an inter-agency power grab. It begins with the weakening of organic standards—and could end with the term “organic” becoming practically meaningless. Action Alert!

In September, the USDA announced changes to its interpretation of the “sunset” provision in the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA), an incredibly important piece of legislation that Congress passed into law in 1990. These changes override the powers of the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) and make it easier for food producers to use synthetics in organic food production.

The “Sunset” Controversy

Previously, any exemptions from organic standards were set to expire, or “sunset,” on a specific date—unless they were reinstated by a “decisive” two-thirds majority vote of the NOSB. Now it’s just the reverse: a synthetic material can be permitted to remain in an organic food indefinitely unless a two-thirds majority votes to remove it from the exempted list.

Thousands of consumer advocates and environmentalists spoke out against this power grab by the USDA—one that satisfies only the vested interests of large-scale producers trying to increase their profits with an “organic” stamp. ANH-USA was there at the meeting so we could speak out on behalf of consumers and voice our concern about the continuing dilution of organic standards.

The board received a tremendous number of comments about the new sunset process, including these:

  • The National Organic Coalition called it a significant reinterpretation of the law, one that redefines the word “sunset” to mean exactly its opposite. The entire concept is now nonsensical, and clearly runs contrary to the intent of the original legislation: “sunset” means that the exemptions “come off,” not “stay on.”
  • The Cornucopia Institute said the NOSB is being stripped of its authority so that the USDA can set its own agenda—a naked power grab.  Cornucopia is looking at legal action over this change in terminology.
  • Consumer Reports says the National Organic Program is becoming less and less discriminatory about sunsets, and doesn’t align with what the law requires, creating a huge gap between what is marketed as organic and what the consumer expects organic to be.

Why the New Sunset Rule Is Dangerous

The shift in power was on clear display at last week’s NOSB meeting when board members voted to allow the continued use of gellan gum, tragacanth gum, sulfurous acid, sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate, and aqueous potassium silicate in organic production. Allowing these synthetic substances in organic production is a clear victory for producers who want to be considered organic without sacrificing their bottom line.

For example, large organic dairy producers such as Stonyfield Organic, Organic Valley, White Wave, and Horizon Organic say gellan gum—a thickening agent—is needed to stop the chocolate flavoring from separating from the milk while the carton sits in grocery stores. Consumer advocate and organic watchdog groups argued that the ingredient simply isn’t necessary and that such synthetic materials should never be allowed in foods that are certified as organic. Board members who advocated removing these items were voted down because of the new interpretation of the “sunset” rule.

At issue is the board’s composition, which has been infiltrated by corporate interests. The make-up of the fifteen-member board is clearly defined by statute, but an executive from Driscoll’s now sits in a seat that should belong to a farmer/grower. Another seat is held by an individual who, when appointed, worked for the country’s largest organic marketing cooperative, CROPP ($928 million in annual revenue).

“We have two members of the current board, both sitting in seats that Congress had designated for someone who must ‘own or operate an organic farming operation’ but who were actually agribusiness employees when appointed to the five-year term on the NOSB,” said Mark A. Kastel, co-director and senior farm policy analyst at Cornucopia.

The voting records of these two agribusiness employees are significantly lower than those of the actual farmer members of the NOSB. In all, of the board’s fifteen members, six are a pro-corporate business voting block, and several others often vote with them. In other words, what we are seeing is a clear case of collusion between USDA and agribusiness.

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Vaccine Awareness Week With Dr. Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher

via: DrMercola
November 9, 2014

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New Documentary “Bought” Exposes the Hidden Story Behind Vaccines, Pharma, and Food

Dr. Mercola
November 9, 2014

BirthOfBigPharma“Your health is now brought to you by Wall Street. If you thought they hurt us with the banks, wait ’til you see what they are doing to our health care.” – Jeff Hays, “Bought”

The new documentary Bought dives deeply into the inner workings of the industries at the core of our food and healthcare system, exploring the truth about how vaccines and drugs are developed and rushed to market and the ongoing secrecy behind the genetic engineering of our food supply.

For a limited time proceeds from renting or purchasing this film will be donated to the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit organization advocating for vaccine safety and informed consent protection in the public health system.

Filmmaker Jeff Hays believes, as I do, that you have a right to the truth so that you can make educated decisions about your health, food, and medicine. Unfortunately, the truth is not easy to come by today.

Like the banks, the food and drug industries have grown more powerful and less transparent over time, and profit has become the primary motive. Hays may be best known for his 2012 documentary “Doctored,” which exposes how the medical and drug industry conspire to control the health care system.

Hays’ new film peels back the layers to show how the drug, vaccine, and chemical technology industries have joined forces as one supervillain, with its “undisclosed location” smack-dab in the middle of the White House.

You can’t effectively address one industry without addressing them all, as they are now inextricably linked. Until enough people raise their voices, nothing is likely to change. According to Hays:1

“From opiates, to statins, to a blizzard of psychotropic medications that do far more harm than good, the film covers how our entire health care system, from education to practice has been Bought… three story lines converge on Wall Street, in a tale of corruption, greed and shocking lack of conscience.”

Federal Vaccine Court: Designed Specifically to Clean Up the Trail of Destruction Left by Vaccines

Vaccines are a $30 billion per year industry. Today, four dominate the world market (Pfizer, Merck, Sanofi Pasteur, and GlaxoSmithKline). Given the furor that erupts when anybody publicly questions vaccine safety, you would assume that the US government considers vaccines completely safe.

But in reality, that’s not the case as evidenced by the establishment of a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) where vaccine injury claims are decided in a Federal Vaccine Court2 to compensate vaccine victims, but in reality protects the vaccine industry from lawsuits. The official line by federal health officials is that vaccines are safe and never cause autism.

However, the fact is that for many years, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Justice and the Federal Vaccine Court have been quietly settling cases of brain inflammation and permanent brain damage (encephalopathy) that included symptoms of autism.

These VICP awards have been made to cover treatments related to autism. The VCIP was established in 1986 when Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act,3 which protected vaccine manufacturers, pediatricians and other vaccine providers from nearly all civil liability for injuries and deaths caused by government recommended and mandated vaccines.

If vaccines are so safe, then why has the government set up a federal compensation program specifically to manage the damage they cause? In Bought, families who have won and lost in Vaccine Court share their heartbreaking stories.

These parent and health care professionals speaking out about their experiences are articulate, knowledgeable, and compelling witnesses to the damage that vaccines and one-size-fits-all vaccine policies have done. They are not part of some anti-vaccine campaign—in fact, the reason they were in Vaccine Court is because of what happened when they DID vaccinate their children!

Most Vaccine Reactions Are Never Connected to Vaccines

Proving causation is extremely difficult with vaccine injuries in part because there are huge gaps in vaccine safety science and, also, unless a vaccine reaction is immediate and obvious, parents may not connect their child’s deterioration in health to the shots the child was given.

When parents report their child’s regression into chronic poor health following vaccination to their child’s pediatrician, they are typically told the illness couldn’t possibly be related to the vaccine or vaccinations the child was given.

Sometimes reactions occur within hours or days of vaccination and are dramatic and life threatening and the child is taken to the emergency room and the vaccine reaction symptoms are recorded in the child’s medical record. Usually, only the most clear cut and identifiable vaccine reactions end up in Vaccine Court—the ones where the “dots” are easily connected.

Unfortunately, at that point the damage is done and the child may be left with lifelong chronic illness and disability. The vast majority of vaccine adverse reactions are never reported to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Still, CDC’s VAERS database4 lists 8,000 different adverse vaccine reactions, from localized swelling and anaphylactic shock to autism, coma, and death.5

Because of the factors already discussed, the actual number of reactions is probably much higher than the database reports. As vaccine safety advocate Dawn Loughborough said in “Bought:”

“We used to have this idea we were protecting children from infectious diseases. And we created the National Vaccine program with children in mind, but somewhere in time protecting the program became more important than what’s happening to our children.”

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Weekend Reading Suggestions – November 7, 2014

November 7, 2014

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.”
– Groucho Marx

Earlier this week additional evidence was shared via as to why Kellogg’s Cereals should become part of your complete breakfast be avoided like the plague.

Not only are Kellogg’s cereals subject to antibiotics, but to complete its devilish one-two punch they are also laden with GMO pesticides:

Kellogg’s Cereals: Double Dose of GMO Pesticides & Antibiotics

Continuing with the topic of health, Jon Rappoport covers in this link below on how the comptrollers are kicking in clawing in their attempts to carve out a new scamdemic reality for us:

The Invention Of “Virus Reality”

In the economic realm, Jeff Nielson pens this piece below outlining how the real price of Gold would operate without the chains it maintains from the criminal banking financial complex:

Pricing Gold In The Real World

Also within the precious metals arena, The Doc & Eric Dubin discuss the metals markets with Mr. Ferguson in respect to the US Mint being caught with their pants down having no silver for distribution from the US Mint:

US Mint Caught Totally Off Guard By EPIC Wave Of Silver Demand – Physical Market Screams No Mas!

Onto the environment, we have two seemingly separate but interconnected issues that will increase their detrimental momentum against the populace heading into the upcoming years.

First of these is the fact that there has been an extreme drought in the entire Southwest region of the United States that continues unabated.  Needless to say, the economic/political/societal ramifications of this drought could prompt innumerable issues:

NASA Warns California Drought Could Threaten US Food Supply “There Will Definitely Be Changes”

In tandem with the above drought, rarely discussed by the mainstream media are the ongoing issues of the Fukushima prefecture.  As radiation continues to spew into the northern hemisphere and circling the globe, this issue is only going to exacerbate given the absolute lack of coverage/action it is prompting.  Fukushima radiation is already affecting babies in the west coast.  As time continues, where will this tidal wave stop?:

Radiation Crimes Of Eternity

Now for the MacGyvers out there, below follows a rather creative and useful link for those searching for ways to add to their winter firemaking repertoire:

How To Make Firewood & Woodstove Logs For Free

Hope you all have a great weekend and remember, you only take each step once, so make sure each step is taken in the right direction.

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Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Dementia Confirmed

Dr. Mercola

Vitamin D has been shown to improve a number of brain disorders, including dementia and its most severe form, Alzheimer’s disease,1 the latter of which now affects an estimated 5.2 million Americans.2

The latest mortality statistics places Alzheimer’s in the top three killer diseases in the US, right behind heart disease and cancer.3 Vitamin D deficiency is also rampant. Researchers estimate that half of the general population is at risk of vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency.

Among seniors, that estimate reaches as high as 95 percent. While certainly not the sole cause of dementia, evidence suggests vitamin D may be a very important factor for successful prevention.

A wide variety of brain tissue contains vitamin D receptors, and when they’re activated by vitamin D, it facilitates nerve growth in your brain. Researchers also believe that optimal vitamin D levels boosts levels of important brain chemicals, and protect brain cells by increasing the effectiveness of glial cells in nursing damaged neurons back to health.

Vitamin D may also exert some of its beneficial effects on your brain through its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, which are well established.

‘Most Robust Study of Its Kind’ Confirms Link Between Low Vitamin D and Dementia

The link between low vitamin D and dementia has again been confirmed with the publication of a robust six-year long study4 conducted by an international team of researchers. As reported by Science Daily:5

“[S]tudy participants who were severely vitamin D deficient were more than twice as likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer’s disease…

[A]dults in the study who were moderately deficient in vitamin D had a 53 percent increased risk of developing dementia of any kind, and the risk increased to 125 percent in those who were severely deficient.

Similar results were recorded for Alzheimer’s disease, with the moderately deficient group 69 percent more likely to develop this type of dementia, jumping to a 122 percent increased risk for those severely deficient.”

The authors concluded that: “Our results confirm that vitamin D deficiency is associated with a substantially increased risk of all-cause dementia and Alzheimer disease. This adds to the ongoing debate about the role of vitamin D in nonskeletal conditions.”

The findings also suggest there’s a threshold level of circulating vitamin D, below which your risk for dementia increases. This threshold was found to be right around 50 nmol/L, or 20 ng/ml. Higher levels were associated with good brain health.

Based on previous research, I believe 20 ng/ml is still too low, and potentially dangerously so… When it comes to vitamin D, you really want to be in the optimal or clinically relevant range, and as the years have gone by, researchers have progressively moved that target range upward.

At present, based on the evaluation of healthy populations that get plenty of natural sun exposure, the optimal range for general health appears to be somewhere between 50 and 70 ng/ml, or 125-175 nmol/L—a far cry from the threshold suggested in this study.

vitamin d levels
References for target ranges

Sun Exposure Is the Ideal Way to Optimize Your Vitamin D Level

I believe sensible sun exposure is the ideal way to optimize your vitamin D levels. As a general rule, you’ll want to expose large amounts of bare skin to the sun until it turns the lightest shade of pink, if you’re light-skinned.

This typically occurs in about half the time it would normally take you to burn. So if you know you tend to get sunburned after 30 minutes, you’d want to stay in the sun for about 15 minutes.

Those with darker skin may need to pay closer attention to notice when this slight reddening occurs. It’s really impossible to give any firm recommendations for how long you need to stay in the sun to optimize vitamin D production, as it varies greatly depending on a number of factors, such as:

Antioxidant levels and diet in general Age
Skin color and/or current tan level Use of sunscreen
Latitude and altitude (elevation) Cloud cover and pollution
Ozone layer Surface reflection
Season Time of day
Weight Altitude

Other Alternatives: UVB emitting lights or Supplements

Your second-best option would be to use lights that emit UVB.

If your circumstances prevent either of these strategies, then you’re left with taking a vitamin D supplement. GrassrootsHealth has a helpful chart showing the average adult dose required to reach healthy vitamin D levels based upon your measured starting point. Many experts agree that 35 IUs of vitamin D per pound of body weight could be used as an estimate for your ideal dose.

Be sure to take vitamin D3—not synthetic D2—and take vitamin K2 in conjunction with it. The biological role of vitamin K2 is to help move calcium into the proper areas in your body, and without sufficient amounts, calcium may build up in areas such as your arteries and soft tissues.

This can cause calcification that can lead to hardening of your arteries—a side effect previously thought to be caused by vitamin D toxicity. We now know that inappropriate calcification is actually due more to lack of K2 than simply too much vitamin D.

Magnesium Is Also Important for Vitamin D Activity

Magnesium is another important player—both for the proper function of calcium, and for the activity of vitamin D, as it converts vitamin D into its active form. Magnesium also activates enzyme activity that helps your body use the vitamin D. In fact, all enzymes that metabolize vitamin D require magnesium to work. Magnesium also appears to play a role in vitamin D’s immune-boosting effects. As noted by magnesium expert Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND:6

“The effectiveness and benefits of vitamin D are greatly undermined in the absence of adequate levels of magnesium in the body. Magnesium acts with and is essential to the activity of vitamin D, and yet most Americans do not get their recommended daily allowance (RDA) of this important mineral.”

As with vitamin D and K2, magnesium deficiency is also common, and if you’re lacking in magnesium and take supplemental calcium, you may exacerbate the situation. Vitamin K2, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin D all work in tandem with each other, which is why it’s important to pay attention to their ratios. Vitamin A, zinc, and boron are other important cofactors that interact with vitamin D, and indeed, zinc deficiency has also been identified as a contributing factor to Alzheimer’s disease.

When taking supplements, it can be easy to create lopsided ratios, so getting these nutrients from an organic whole food diet and sensible sun exposure is generally your best bet. Dietary sources of magnesium include sea vegetables, such as kelp, dulse, and nori. Vegetables can also be a good source. As for supplements, magnesium citrate and magnesium threonate are among the best.

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Where There Is Deficiency There Is Disease [Part1] – Selenium

November 5, 2014

Despite many folks hearing that ‘you are what you eat’, what many do not realize is that even if you do have foods and vegetables that might seem healthy [i.e. it’s a vegetable, thus it must be healthy], they might still be lacking proper nutrient content due to pesticides, herbicides, GMOs and the like.

This is why as concerned individuals we should do our best to put our health in a position not only to prevent disease efficiently with proper nutrients, but to actively flourish moving forward in our lives. This can only be accomplished by making sure our bodies have the requirements they need with proper nutrients.

Enter selenium.

Selenium is an extremely powerful yet oft underreported essential trace mineral.

This mineral has been known to have prevailing antioxidant properties in many instances. The lack of selenium in your nutrition can lead to grave consequences.

Deficiencies in selenium have been linked to an assortment of diseases. Some of these include miscarriage, thyroid disease, arthritis as well as viral infections.1 Other diseases that can take place when individuals lack selenium are a variety of cancers whilst also increasing heart disease.2

Worry not though, as nature always knows a way. When selenium is taken in conjunction with Vitamin E and Vitamin C, it has been shown to mitigate free-radicals known to cause cancer and heart disease.

Other health issues and diseases that Selenium may benefit are cataracts, macular degeneration, cognitive decline, HIV, cold sores, shingles and osteoarthritis.4

With the amount of people getting disease in the world growing by the day, it’s imperative individuals take their health into their own hands. Most do not know how nutrient deficient the Standard American Diet is.

Not only is the average diet laden with genetically modified organisms, which causes many health disturbances simply by itself, but by lacking nutrients as well, people are being exposed to an insidious one-two punch – never mind the fact that people are also exposed to nocuous aspartame, fluoride, fukushima radiation, chemtrails [containing barium, aluminum & strontium, etc.], and more.

This is why the importance of a nutrient-dense diet is vital. Besides selenium supplementation, a few ways people can get selenium in their diets is by eating eggs, sunflower seeds, mustards seeds, button mushrooms and shitake mushrooms, and brazil nuts.5

Although selenium is only one of the many vitamins and minerals the body needs, by only lacking one mineral – selenium in this instance – the body is subjected to unnecessary physical hardship.

A proper nutrient balance is key, but knowing where the holes in your body’s defenses are – lacking nutrients – and how to effectively seal them will help not only prevent the onset of disease, but aid in greater health.


[5] Ibid

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Bitter Pill – The Dangerous Side Effects of Fluoridated Antibiotics

by: Dr. Mercola
November 1, 2014

Fluoroquinolones are among the most dangerous drugs on the market and should be avoided unless your life depends on it. Despite their dangers, they’re the most commonly prescribed class of antibiotics in the United States… In 2010, Bayer’s top two fluoroquinolones (Cipro and Avalox) brought in $1 billion in sales.

That same year, Johnson & Johnson sold $1.3 billion-worth of its drug, Levaquin. All antibiotics carry a risk of side effects, but fluoroquinolones are in a class by themselves when it comes to potential health risks.

No other antibiotic carries as high a potential to cause serious, permanent injuries and even death, as the fluoroquinolones do. Despite their higher than normal risks, doctors frequently prescribe them as a first line of treatment even for mild infections. Always ask your doctor if there is a safer alternative.

And, adding insult to injury, most victims claim they were never warned that there are dire adverse effects associated with these antibiotics. I strongly advise you to educate yourself about the risks of fluoroquinolones, and refuse any prescription for these drugs unless absolutely necessary.

What Makes Fluoroquinolones So Dangerous?

Fluoroquinolones have fluoride as a central part of the drug.  Fluoride is a known neurotoxin, and drugs with an attached fluoride molecule are able to penetrate into very sensitive tissues, including your brain.

The ability to cross the blood-brain barrier is what makes fluoride such a potent neurotoxin. Fluoride also disrupts collagen synthesis, and can damage your immune system by depleting energy reserves and inhibiting antibody formation in your blood.

According to Todd R. Plumb, M.D.1–a physician and fluoroquinolone victim—fluoroquinolone toxicity appears to be functional, not structural, as structural abnormalities are not typically seen on the radiological studies of patients with fluoroquinolone toxicity. Based on the available research, he cites the following four possible mechanisms of harm by fluoroquinolones:

  • Inhibition or disruption of the central nervous system GABA receptors
  • Depletion of magnesium and disruption of cellular enzyme function
  • Disruption of mitochondrial function and energy production
  • Oxidative injury and cellular death

Bitter Pill features three victims whose lives have been shattered by the long-term health effects of fluoroquinolones. Placing the blame squarely on the drug maker, one of them says: “[These side effects are] not something they’re just finding out now. These people are criminals. They belong in prison for the rest of their lives.”

Dr. Terence Young, MD, also featured in this video, lost his 15-year old daughter to a lethal drug effect in 2000.

Channeling his grief into finding out how that could happen, he says he discovered “corrupt practices that prevented doctors and patients learning what the true risks of prescription drugs were. And the reason that’s happened is because of this incredible marketing power of the pharmaceutical industry.”

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Weekend Reading Suggestions – RedPills For The Inquiring Mind – October 31, 2014

October 31, 2014

Books“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one”
– George R.R. Martin, A Dance With Dragons

There were a variety of pieces on the newstream this week.

For starters, we find Dr. Mercola covering the ever-present issue of antibiotics in large-scale agriculture.

This issues is not only extremely under-reported by the rigged mainstream media, but its also important because of the effects that antibiotics are having on our foods.  Past studies have even eluded to there being a 50% chance of you purchasing meat that contains drug-resistant bacteria.

American Meat Production Uses More Antibiotics Than Ever, Despite Growing Antibiotic-Resistant Disease In Consumers

Something families can do if they are worried about the above, is eating organically grass-fed beef, eat/juice fresh fruits and vegetables, while also making sure you are filtering your local water making sure to get rid of the toxin fluoride and other chemicals.

With that in mind, the piece below by Mrs. Sarich showcases more evidence as to why organic foods are superior to genetically modified foods.

Scientists Prove Organic Food More Nutritionally Rich Than Conventional, GMO Crops

A disturbing pattern we have seen is Big Pharma dodging responsibility and engaging in their corrupt ways. Below, Ethan A. Huff details the current attempt of Big Pharma to skirt responsibility regarding Ebola.

Big Pharma seeks legal immunity for damages from experimental Ebola vaccines

Continuing our focus on those undermining common sense, the article below covers the current push by the Susan G. Komen Foundation to promote carcinogen-laden chemicals in a duplicitous way.

Susan G. Komen Partners With Fracking Industry To ‘Pink Wash’ Cancer-Causing Chemicals Pumped Into The Ground

Financial issues affect everyone in a variety of ways. The overly systemic issues are covered quite thoroughly by Nomi Prins in her latest article.

Why The Financial & Political System Failed & Why Stability Matters

That’s it for now.

Make sure you to have a great weekend and spend time with family/friends. Take care.

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